Chapter Fourteen

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"Nice look, Robyn!" A fellow coworker complimented me as I walked into my office. I thanked them turning toward them flashing a smile before completely walking into my office to see Chris in his seat and Ava sitting my coffee in the usual spot on my desk.

Chris turned towards me in a normal expression until he spotted my appearance.

"Damn," he mumbled rubbing his hands together as I walked past him over to my desk.

"Good morning you two." I spoke smiling trying to hide the awkwardness I had already inside of me for Chris.

"Good morning," Ava walked up to me.

"I'm loving the look, Robyn. I see you have finally taken my advice?" She asked as she walked to the door.

"No." I chimed smiling sarcastically as I put my things down.

"Have a pleasant session today," Ava sent me a smirk before closing my office doors behind herself. Chris cleared his throat looking down at the floor. I awkwardly sat in front of him.

There was a streak of silence until Chris finally broke it.

"So this is how we're gonna do things?" Chris chuckled a bit before looking serious again. I frowned in confusion, shifting in my seat, before Chris spoke again.

"In other words, you're gonna ignore me after I gave you the best dick you've ever had in your life?" Chris shot back. I chocked on my own spit, surprised by his question.

"Mr. Brown-"

"I thought we got passed that phase. Why are you acting as if what we did in that shower wasn't the best time of your life?"

"This isn't an appropriate place to discuss this Chris you are way out of line." I spoke sternly looking into his dark brown orbs.

"This isn't an appropriate place my ass. You used me didn't you?"

"N-no, I didn't." I hurried to my feet and closed the shutters of all my windows. I sat back down taking a deep breath.

"How was I?" Chris spoke in a tame voice looking into my eyes. I hesitated to answer him.

"You were- amazing." I sighed telling the truth. I couldn't keep it in much longer.

"I-it wasn't the place or the time that made me feel rebellious, it was just.... you."

"How did I make you feel?" Chris relaxed his eyebrows sitting back in his seat.

"You made me feel vivacious, y-you made me feel new." I breathed heavily a few times feeling ashamed.

"Does he make you feel like that?" Chris questioned.

"No," I looked down.

I didn't know what I was doing but my legs spoke for themselves and they moved, meeting Chris halfway until our chests were touching. I felt the coolness of his breath hit my forehead. I looked up into his eyes and his addicting lips met with mine.

Although I tried fighting this feeling of spark and liveliness that I felt when Chris kissed me, I longed for it. I couldn't stay away from it.

Within seconds of our kiss, Chris walked us over to the wall where he pushed me on, and made the kissing stronger and more aggressive.

I moaned in his mouth as he picked me up by my butt and wrapped my legs around his waist never ending the kiss. Excitement drilled through my body.

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