Chapter Three

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Phone Conversation

"How's the work going, sweetie?" I asked as I held my work phone between my ear and shoulder, fiddling with a pen I had on my desk.

"Great, it's moving smoothly. How about you?"

"Everything's going fine. My first client of the morning will be in shortly. Her name is Meghan and she's eighteen. I might find her a Justin Bieber look alike." We both chuckled on the phone.

"I'm happy everything's going the way I thought it would, Robyn."

"Yeah, I'm just here until I get to where I need to be I guess." I shrugged.

"Honey, trust me. You have to be someone's employee before you are your own boss. This is what you needed."

"I guess you're right -" my head shot up as the double doors to my office busted open, in walking Ava with two Starbucks cups in her hands. In she came with a black and white bodycon dress, black stilletos complimented her appearance.

"Off the phone." She directed.

"Honey?" Channing questioned.

"I'll call you on my break, alright? I love you." I abruptly hung up on Channing, looking concerned at Ava.

End of Conversation

"May you tell me what's happening?" I giggled a bit at her urgency as she placed a napkin on the desk before sitting my expresso on top of it.

"I'm taking on Meghan." She sighed. I frowned up in confusion.

"U-um, I am."

"No, no. Mr. Brown asked if you could be his only client. He even put up $10,000 so you'd be his only client without any questioning. I conjecture he's enjoying your services already." She winked sipping from her cup.

It seemed just like Mr. Brown from the impression he gave me yesterday to want me to be free of helping with anyone else's services. I drank from my cup as Ava observed my dressing once again.

"You have a great grain of hair... if only you knew how to do it." She shook her head touching one of my loose curls.

"If only I could add a curling wand to this..." She mumbled looking as if she was thinking.

I opened my mouth to speak but a knock arose startling the both of us. Ava pulled her dress down with a smile before walking over to the doors, opening them widely.

"She's all yours." She had a hint of amusement in her voice before walking past Christopher, I assumed.

"Good morning, take a seat." I stood up sitting in the chair right in front of his usual seat.

I cleared my throat adjusting my notepad as Chris sat down, a great aroma followed behind him. I looked at him, spotting his button up white shirt that was loosely tucked into navy blue pants with black loafers. Because his shirt sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, I was welcomed to more tattoos which seemed like artwork on his forearms. I was dying to know what else was up his sleeves, everything looked perfect on his arms.

"Liking my tattoos, hmm?" I looked into Chris's eyes and saw a hint of hilarity.

"They are stunning. I was expecting convoluted tattoos similar to the ones of rappers or imprisoned men."

"Would you ever want another tattoo imprinted on your beautiful skin? I see you have a couple. One in particular on her hand. And the hand jewelry makes it look even better." I snickered lightly, nodding.

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