Chapter One

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It was Monday morning; our second time waking up in the presence of Washington, DC.  I and my husband of six years, Channing, had no choice but to move from New York because of the many opportunities thrown at us. I was accepted as an intern to the largest match making business known to mankind. It wasn't exactly what I was aiming for, but it was paying the bills.

I had just graduated from Harvard University two years ago with a major in psychology.  I've been chasing my long term dream to be a marriage counselor; my parents divorced when I was five, and ever since, I had the personal desire to help those who've wed during their hardest times. 

My charming Channing, however, decided to take the medical road. He was estatic that he saved up enough money to purchase a nearby store corner, not too far from my job. He cherished it, and opened a drug store.

Not much has changed since we've moved; our condo was small and we weren't sporting the best vehicles. But all that mattered, was that we had each other. Nineteen years after we've met.

"Morning, baby," I smiled widely as Channing walked into the kitchen in nothing but his evening shorts. He leaned over and left a wet kiss on my cheek.

"Morning, sir. Coffee's in the brewer. As you know, I'm off to work," I stood to my feet as he walked over and helped himself to coffee.

"Today's the day, huh?"

"Yes. I'm officially moving into my office. It's not as drastic, I'm just happy the snobby rich people haven't asked for my services yet, I don't think I'm prepared,"I grabbed my purse.

"You are, Rob. Just use your smarts and your lovely charm... I'm guaranteed they'll treat you right." I leaned in and kissed Channing's bare chest since that was the only thing I could reach with my lips without standing on my tippy toes.

"I love you," I smiled.

"Forever and ever," he returned the gesture.

"Have a great day!" He spoke as I walked out. I shouted out a you too before going off to work in my red Volkswagen.


"And here is the office that you will do all of your wonderful matchmaking,"Madame Rose, the CEO of Rose Match Making Enterprises herself presented to me in her French accent. I tried my best keeping up with her fast tongue throughout the building-wide tour. I barely succeeded.

"Oof, honey, I forgot to introduce you to your assistant. This is Ava, huh? She's a handful but she does the job," Madame Rose admired as I took a glimpse of Ava as she walked toward us. She wore a tight nude dress that stopped to her mid thigh, four inch nude heels and her hair perfectly curled. Her figure was slightly thick, her waist was small, but her hips were very visible.

"Ava," Ava introduced shaking my hand.

"Robyn", I smiled. Once we got out of the handshake, Madame Rose spoke.

"Get well acquainted with each other. Ava, I want Ms. Robyn here to know of her first big assignment by the time she's off to home, eh?" Ava nodded as Madame Rose walked away.

"After you," I dimly smiled going into the office. Once the office doors were closed behind us, I looked at Ava and she walked closer to me.

"Robyn, is it? Do you usually wear loose clothing like this? I wonder what type of body you have underneath here," she examined my physique. I had on a woman suit: gray in color, with a loose, tucked in blouse.

"Are you at least wearing a push up bra?" She tried peeking into my shirt but I held my loose fitted white button up between my fingers, stopping her.

"Um.. very confidential?" I snickered nervously at her curiosity. Ava sighed, sitting her Starbucks drink on my desk, taking a seat in the chair next to it.

"Well, I guess Madame Rose didn't give you the 411 around here. We as match makers for Madame Rose have to dress the part. We deal with top of the notch celebrities who need a significant other, but can't seem to find one on their own," she shrugged standing to her feet again.

"Is there anything else I need to know for the job other than the supposed dress code? I thought I dressed nicely. After all, we wouldn't want clients falling for us, right?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk," Ava shook her head looking at me up and down.

"Well, since I am your assistant, we can become the best of friends. Anything you'd like to drink in the morning, just leave a little sticky in my mailbox or leave it on your desk before you leave for the day. Anything you need, I need, and what I need, I always get, so Ava is all yours," she walked around the office as she spoke. I took that time to observe the beige and burgundy color scheme.

"Um, thank you, Ava. What's with this big assignment?" I raised an eyebrow as I took a seat in front of my desk. There were about three chairs in the office in a small put together circle.

"Surprising Madame Rose didn't tell you. The heartthrob of the celebrity eye. The man no one seems to keep for more than one night. The youngest, most successful pioneer of the business world, Christopher Brown, will be your first client. He's the whole package and more, so I hope you are ready," she mumbled the last part, peeking through the blinds of the floor-to-ceiling window that complimented the entire office.

"I believe I've heard of him. He's the founder of that streetwear clothing line, Black Pyramid, correct?"

"You know exactly who I'm talking about. You meet him first thing in the morning, his services are needed to be tended to as soon as possible, he said. I'll introduce you two before you get down to business. Meeting a well known man like him can be overwhelming," she warned.

"Any more questions?" She asked, walking towards the door.

"Uh-mm, that'll be it for now."

"I'll be in my office, alright? Dial 9 if you need me!" She chimed, exiting. Once the doors were closed behind her, I sighed hitting my head.

Just began and already I have a huge and pressured assignment. This day cannot get anymore immense. 


Slipping off my three inch heels at the door of my condo, I sighed in relief feeling the hardwood touch my aching feet. I wasn't hungry because I ate a huge Cesar salad for lunch, so I walked sluggishly toward the bedroom. The lights were once I walked in, but I spotted Channing's sleeping body on his side of our King sized bed in the midst of the shining moonlight that showed through our window.

"Babe, guess how work was?" I asked, stripping off my clothing.

"Hmm?" He asked still half asleep.

"I have this huge assignment with Christopher Brown, that millionaire businessman. And guess what else? I have a very inquisitive assistant- Channing, babe, are you listening?" I peeked over his shoulder and heard him slightly snoring.

I took a deep breath before laying beside him in the thick comforter, drifting off to sleep. Moments later, I felt Channing's muscular arms coat my body as we both let the cool night take over.


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