Chapter Five

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Curling my last straight piece of hair, I let it drop to my face.

It's been two weeks since my first meeting with Mr. Brown and I can say, all is well. He is still the most flirtatious he can be, but I remember Channing is at home waiting on me, so I don't have any worries.

Today was my six year anniversary with my husband. I had to go into work early, so I was preparing myself while Channing was still asleep. I created a huge breakfast consisting of pancakes, sausage, eggs, bacon, fresh fruit, and squeezed orange juice.

"Good morning, babe." I looked to my right and saw Channing walk into the bathroom with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Good morning, baby. Today is such a beautiful day, isn't it?" I grinned facing him, his arms wrapped around my waist as my arms draped his neck.

"You're right," he replied in a raspy tone.

"Today is the one month anniversary of the drug store opening, Rob. This is definitely heart warming. I've put so much thought into this store and it's a success....." He rambled on as he dropped his towel and got into the shower.

My excitement dropped as I turned around facing the mirror once again.

"Honey, aren't you happy? This is great for us!" He spoke in the shower as I stared at myself in the mirror hoping he'd remember.

"Y-yeah, baby, it's great," I answered.

Did he really forget?


"Expresso, Ms. Robyn. Extra lemon and sugar, French roasted," Ava recited placing my order of coffee on my desk as usual.

"Thanks, Ava," I smiled taking a sip of it, looking over Chris's paperwork. I instructed him to write a short report on why his last relationship failed. I learned a lot about him just from it.

"You look great today," I complimented her.

"Thank you. As for you? I see you have tried. Maybe a better flatiron, it looks rushed and bland. Your clothing is, um..... upgraded." Ava bit her bottom lip examining me. I figured she was hallucinating: I actually tried with my outfit. I wore a dark blue bodycon dress from Forever 21 with a skinny belt I tied around my waist.


"Does your husband accept this?" She asked.

"My husband thinks nothing is wrong with the way I dress, in fact, he enjoys it."

"Surprising-" we were cut off by Chris walking into the office silently.

"I'll be leaving." Ava lifted her chin up and waltzed out. I just shook my head at her standing to my feet, taking the seat in front of Chris.

"Morning," Chris cleared his throat eyeing my body as I sat down with his paper on my lap.

"Good morning, Chris." I smiled, skimming his paper with my eyes.

"You have a very attractive body, Robyn. Why don't you present it the way you are today?"

"I've always thought the work place was a place of professionalism. There's no need to expose my body when I'm here to do my job-"

"But what I signified is that your body is amazing. And there is no need on earth to keep it hidden. You see, I've always desired for my women to show off a little something, showing another man what he cannot have is very entertaining." Chris chuckled a bit.

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