Chapter Two

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I turned over in my king sized bed, moving my hand around the bed trying to find Channing, not wanting to open my tired eyes. The beeping off my alarm clock started, I groaned in frustration. It can't be time to get ready. I forced my tired eyes open, squinting at the sun light shining through the curtains. Just as I thought, Channing wasn't in bed. The beeping kept repeatedly going, giving me a morning headache. I rolled back over and pressed my hand onto of the clock, the noise finally stopped. I did a morning stretch and a yawn before I finally got out of bed.

I did my morning routine, showering and just doing my usual hygiene stuff. Thinking back to yesterday when Ava said about that dress code. Just looking at my wardrobe, I figured I didn't have any clothing like that. I sighed and just threw on a white loosely tucked in blouse and black pants with a couple sets of jewelry, and small black heels to go. After all that was done I walked out the bedroom and into the kitchen, that's when I saw Channing sitting at the island table eating his toast as he held the newspaper in his other hand.

"Hey baby." I smiled, kissing his cheek afterwards.

"Morning." He replied as he carried on focusing on the newspaper.

"Another day at work, finding hopeless old men love." I rambled as I made myself a coffee to go.

"Mhm. Luckily I don't have to go out and find love anymore." He spoke, finally looking up at me.

I smiled to him as I finished up my coffee. I looked at my wrist watch to see I need to get going now before I became late. I walked over to Channing, giving him a sweet kiss on the lips.

"I love you." He spoke as our lips disconnected.

"Forever and ever." I replied with the usual words.


"Mr Brown is coming today, you should have took my advice yesterday on those clothes, today is a big day." My assistant Ava spoke as she walked with me to my office. I mentally rolled my eyes, sighing.

All this talk about Christopher is making me slightly nervous because I'm used to ordinary people. I can't mess this up.

"I know, I know. This is what I wear, and I'm proud of it. Besides I'm here to find him a  compatible woman, he won't be focusing on me." I replied, as I opened up my office doors.

I walked into my office, taking a glance outside to see the beautiful morning sky. I took a seat in my swirly chair, looking up I saw Ava looking at me.

"Yes?" I asked in confusion.

"You don't seem too excited. You're about to meet a very sexy rich man." Ava smirked.

"I'm married." I spoke bluntly.

"Oh, honey, that was before you made it to the DMV. With Chris on your schedule, you wouldn't be able to just keep your eyes on Charter, is it?"

"Channing." I corrected. She went to say something but the knocks on the door stopped her. She smiled hugely before walking to the door.

"So nice to meet you Mr Brown." Ava politely spoke.

My eyes grew wide as I fixed up the accessories on my desk so I didn't appear messy.

I couldn't see Christopher as Ava was standing in the way and the space between the door and door frame wasn't wide enough.

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