Chapter Nineteen

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I rolled over, crawling back into Chris' arms. A light smile instantly appeared onto my face when I felt his arms wrap around me, he started stretching a bit as he let out a little yawn. It felt good waking up next to him, being able to cuddle with him in mornings.

"Morning." I lowly spoke, kissing his chest afterwards.

"Mhmm, morning." He tiredly replied.

He has one sexy morning voice. I couldn't enjoy his embrace for long as I heard my phone start ringing. I groaned in annoyance as I rolled off Chris and got my phone from the side. It was Channing ringing me again, here comes the guilt all over again. His been ringing and texting me so many times asking where I am. I texted him back saying I would be home soon, just so he knows I'm alright.

I went to get out of the bed but I felt a hand wrap around my arm and gently pull me back. Chris wrapped his arms back around me, pulling me closer to his body.

"You ain't leaving me." He murmured against my ear.

"I have to Chris, it's Channing..." I drifted off.

I don't want to leave, I want to be here with Chris. I felt so powerful and alive last night. No one can makes me feel as good as Chris does.

"Yesterday you said you needed me, you showed me too, I didn't know you had that type of skills in you, I don't know where that came from last night..." Chris' mind travelled off, he was speaking as if he was remembering last night. "Shit, back to what I was saying, you need me and I need you. I want you so bad, if you feel the same why you keep going back to him?"

Chris was more than right. I want, need, crave, everything my heart is feeling is Chris. However, my mind keeps saying that staying with Channing is what's best for me.

"It's not that easy, Chris. I'm married to him, we promised to share our future together, forever." I spoke back in defense.

"You can have a new future with me. Not the boring same old shit with him-

Chris was cut off by my phone ringing again, I didn't even need to look I already knew it was Channing.

"I'll ring you tonight." I promised Chris.

I can't keep sneaking behind Channing's back, I feel so guilty and bad for doing him wrong. And for Chris, I can't keep playing with his feelings. I seriously need to choose.

"Tonight. No more playing around." Chris firmly spoke.

I sat there looking down at Chris, we shared an intense stare until I finally got up. I had a quick shower, then got dressed and ready to go back home to Channing.

"You want breakfast?" Chris asked me as I walked into the kitchen.

"No, I better get back." I told him.

I embraced him into a hug, giving him a few kisses before grabbing my keys of the side.

"Tonight." Chris reminded me, even though he didn't need to as it's already stuck in my mind.

I sighed. "I know."

With that I left his house and finally headed home, probably to a pissed of Channing.


I walked into the house, hearing the television from the living room. I wanted to hide away but I knew I had to face him at one point, so I walked straight into the living room. For once Channing noticed me straight away.

"Where have you been?!" Channing shouted as he got up from the sofa.

I was so taken back by this. Channing never gets like this, he usually don't care or is too lazy to argue.

"I was at a my friend's." I replied plainly.

For once it's me who don't have the energy to argue because honestly I couldn't care. I don't even know what we fighting for anymore, our marriage is already too far down under.

"A friend? For the whole night, without telling me? I was waiting for you, I set up a romantic evening for us." Channing stressed.

Of course I felt guilty, but I just didn't know what to say or do anymore. I had to be real with myself, my heart is with Chris. I need to stop hurting them both. I have to let one go, I just hope I make the right decision. This is a huge risk.

"I'm sorry, Channing, I really am..." I took a deep breath before I spoke again. "I just think we should spend some time apart."

He didn't say anything for a while. He just looked at me with a plain expression.

He let out a dark chuckle. "What? Why?"

"The marriage is dead, we both know it but we are just too afraid to admit it." I truthfully spoke.

"But we are married, we live together, we have a future together, we can't just separate." Channing expressed.

"We need to be apart for some time to think. We both want and need different things. I just don't think the love is there anymore. When I was younger you was all I wanted but things have changed..." I admitted, feeling emotional thinking about how feelings changed over the years.

"All I have done is tried to make you happy! You can't leave me! This is marriage, every marriage is like this!" Channing shouted back.

The stereotype of marriages are that it starts of great then things get boring and the couple are just always arguing. Me and Channing became the stereotype. However, I know marriages can be different than that, I want a marriage different than that. I want to look back at my life and feel happy and proud of it. I don't want to regret anything. I think if I let Chris go, It would be a big mistake.

"We aren't happy anymore!" I fought back. "I'm sorry, Channing, but it's the truth. Thank you for the memories, we started of perfect but it's not the same anymore... I'm going to stay with a friend for a bit, you can stay here."

He didn't say anything, just looked at me with tears in his eyes. My heart breaks with him but I know this decision is for the best. I want him to be happy too, and what we have right now is making us both unhappy.

I went into my room, packing up all my most important stuff, I will come back later on for more. Channing didn't bother me while I packed, I think he is slowly starting to realise the truth. Once I was done I walked back into the living room to see Channing back on the sofa.

"I'm going now." I awkwardly spoke. "I'm sorry, bye..."

If only he knew the other reasons I was saying sorry for. I didn't want to tell him I was cheating on him and moving on to someone else, because that will just break his heart more. I will tell him later on, when his strong enough for that.

Channing didn't reply so I took that time to leave. Pulling along my suitcase, until I made it to my car. I chucked it in the back, then speeded to Chris'. At least I know he will be more than happy about this.

I knocked on Chris' door, he shortly answered, looking the same as he did when I left him. Still topless, just wearing his basketball shorts.

"What ha- Suitcase?" Chris said the last bit with joy.

"I left him... I meant what I said. I want and need you." I spoke passionately.

I watched as Chris mouth curled up into a wide smile, his smile made me smile along with him.

"Damn. I never thought I would actually be able to call you mine." Chris grinned.

"Well, technically I'm still married..." I joked.

Chris gave me a plain expression.

"I don't want to hear that sentence again." Chris firmly spoke. "You're mine mow and I'm yours."

I smiled as he pulled me into a hug, we shared a loving long kiss on his doorstep. I'm pretty sure I made the right decision.

- Kim.

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