Chapter Sixteen

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Sitting on the sofa, I watched my normal episodes of Jeopardy. It was hardly ever that I got a chance to catch the episodes at the times that they aired due to my busy schedule.

Robyn was supposed to get off around this time but I was so caught up in the television I didn't realize she was calling my name.

"Channing Matthew Tatum!" Robyn raised her voice.

"Um, yes honey." I turned towards her and then looked back at the television screen.

"Well while you were ignoring me, I've been saying that I picked up dinner for us. But it looks like the tv is more interesting and important than your own wife." Robyn ranted storming into the bedroom.

I turned towards her and stood, frowning in confusion. Robyn has never acted toward me this way so I figured she had gotten into a word of disagreement with a client.

"Robyn, I apologize- w-what are you wearing?" I looked at Robyn as she stood in the middle of the bedroom in a curve-revealing tight dress that stopped midthigh. 

"I'm wearing a dress, what does it look like, Channing?" She scoffed.

"But doesn't it-"

"Make me look like a woman? Yeah, I thought so too." She retorted.

"Robyn, that dress is far too attention grabbing, and very tight. It's not appropriate for work."

"What, are you afraid that someone would be interested in me?" She raised an eyebrow. "Channing, I applaud you for being interested in what I'm wearing, but have you ever cared about it? About our anniversary? What have you cared about in our relationship, ever?"

"Robyn, you know I always have cared. I've been very busy, you said you forgive me, it was a simple mistake."

"So our marriage was one too, huh?" Robyn questioned slipping off her heels.

"It wasn't- Robyn, where is all of this coming from?" I had grown saddened by the way Robyn was talking to me.

"It all came from a place that has been hiding it for our entire marriage. I should not ask you to look at me, I shouldn't ask for sex and I shouldn't ask for attention. All of those things should come naturally. And I don't know if they do, but it seems like they don't and it really has been bothering me lately."

"Robyn, I-"

"Enough of the excuses. It's starting to seem like you have been reciting the same ones and they aren't even convincing anymore, they've gotten annoying. So annoying to the point where when I hear them, I automatically get turned off and out of the mood. So. Channing, stop," Robyn shrugged her shoulders. I was clueless at what to say at that point.

"Robyn, is it that we need counseling? I want us to be on the same level we were on right after we had gotten married. We were so happy. I just want to make you happy and see you smile like you did back then."

"Before this pharmacy job you had gotten, I had a little more attention than the non-existing attention I get now. This job has changed you, Channing and I hate it-"

"Baby, just let me fix it. I'll take off more from the pharmacy so we could have more personal time and so we can mend our relationship-" Robyn stopped me shaking her head as she laughed to herself then got serious.

"Attention doesn't always mean taking off," she sighed.

"I want you to notice me. Last night I walked out of the bedroom with new lingerie and I stood there waiting for a compliment and you told me to put clothes on. You don't see what I try to do in this relationship so it could be better. I need you to try, Channing!"

"Robyn, I apologize you feel this way, but our relationship is fine to me, a traditional, and normal marriage has always been what I wanted and since we have that, I don't want it to change." Robyn put her hand up and shook her head.

She tried walking out but I gently grabbed her arm pulling her back.

"Robyn, please let me fix this-" she snatched her arm away from me.

"There's nothing to fix, Channing, we're how you want, in a boring and traditional marriage." She stormed out of the bedroom putting back on her heels.

"Robyn!" I shouted as she left the house completely. I sighed deeply looking down.


I drove over quickly to Chris's house. Channing pissed me off and I needed to see Chris immediately, I had been missing him as long as we parted ways.

I knocked on the door promptly as Chris opened it in a Black Pyramid shirt and basketball shorts. Chris rolled his eyes in annoyance as I looked up at him.

"What are you doing at my house, I gave you a week, Robyn."

"Channing and I got into an argument earlier, and I wanted to talk to you."

"What did you two argue about?" He questioned.

"I've seen it myself, he isn't caring, he doesn't care about me like you do." I sighed closing my eyes.

"What does that have to do with me?" Chris asked.

"Because I know you care about me, Chris, I care about you," I confessed.

"Robyn, I'm nobody's second choice. If you want me, say you want me because I already want you." Chris stared into my eyes.

"I want you Chris, I -" Chris cut me off by pulling me by my neck gently, passionately kissing me. I was hesitant for a second before I kissed back. I dreadfully craved for our lips to connect again, and because they did, I was on cloud nine.

Chris caressed my cheek before letting go of our intimate kiss.

"Say you missed me, Robyn, now." He demanded whispering in my ear. My eyes slowly closed as goosebumps made their way on my skin.

"I missed you, Chris." The words flowed out of my mouth like a river.

"You miss my hands on you, you miss the way I made you scream to the hilltops that I'm the best you've ever had, don't you? You want me to fuck you like you've been bad? You know I'll do it." I slowly nodded my head.

"Divorce him." I opened my eyes and looked into Chris's.

"I can't, Chris, I-I can't do that." I shook my head.

"Why?" He clenched his jaw.

"Because I-I-" In one swift motion, Chris slammed the door in my face. I caught my breath as tears rolled down my face.

"Chris, please I need you!" I banged on the door as the lights of his house turned off.


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