Chapter Twelve

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"Robyn Rihanna Fenty." I spoke eyeing Robyn's gorgeous physique. I spotted her mind blowing body as she replied. Her curves were showing in all the right ways and her ass was sitting in her shorts perfectly as usual.

"Chris, were you listening?" Robyn snapped her fingers in my face causing me to leave my trance.

"Um yeah, I was," I lied.

"Oh. But anyways, I haven't worked out in a while so I just came here because I needed it." She explained looking around. It was amazing how it was so difficult for her to maintain contact with me after I touched her in the office.

"I understand. That's how I felt today. Got a little treadmill action in thenI saw your beautiful face." I flashed her a smile. She smiled back looking away to avoid the eye contact.

"Well I think I'll start. I may run two today-"

"Wait, two miles?" I asked very amused and in disbelief.

"Yes, two miles. What else would I be talking about?"

"I don't think a pretty woman like yourself could do such a thing. Stick to one, alright? We don't want you getting hurt," I snickered waving her off.

"You think I can't run two miles? Are you kidding?"

"No I'm actually serious." My laughing eased.

"Want to bet?" She asked raising an eyebrow. My expression turned into a full blown smirk as I looked her body up and down.

"You sure about that?" I questioned.

"Two miles isn't anything to me. I'll prove to you I'm as good as I say I am."

"I'd like to get clarification of how good you are in other things but I guess that'll have to wait, won't it?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Well no time should be wasted. I'll be back over here in about ten minutes. I need to warm up with some stretches in the cool down area."

"No, no. I'd rather come. Just to make sure you aren't doing anything you aren't supposed to." I winked at her causing her to blush. 

She turned away from me walking over to a smaller room where I followed her. I took a look at her flawless form as I walked behind her. My eyes immediately stared at her perfect sized ass in her tight pants. It was moving the right way and I couldn't wait until I got my hands on it.

I sat in a nearby chair watching as she rolled out her orange yoga mat. She looked up at me and smiled, I grinned back at her as she sat down beginning to hit her stretches.

After a couple of stretches she began to go into her butterfly stretch and I took it as my chance to touch her like I wanted to.

"Aye, Robyn, you're doing that wrong," I interfered, getting on the mat behind where she sat.

"H-how?" She stuttered as my breath touched her skin. I took a deep breath placing my hands on her inner thighs.

"For this stretch, you need to be careful you don't pull this muscle," I slowly massaged her warm inner thighs.

"This muscle is very fragile yet important, alright?" I noticed how Robyn's breathing had gotten slower as my hands continued to soothe her inner thighs. There weren't any words said, I continued to feel her.

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