Chapter Twenty Four

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"How come you're up already, babe?" I tiredly asked Chris as I turned off my alarm clock.

I watched as he placed his top over his head, fitting it onto his body so he was completely changed. He was looking good, as usual.

"I got some business to sort out, I'll be home later, baby." He informed me.

"Oh, okay. But are you sure you feel well enough to do stuff today?" I asked in a concerned manner.

"Yeah, I'm feeling good today, I told you it was just a cold." He replied as he walked over to me.

He sat on the edge of the bed, leaning down he left a kiss on my forehead, then placed one more on my lips. I let out a toothless smile because I didn't want to horrify him with my morning breath. He smelt beautiful, though.

"I'll see you later, I love you." He gave me one more kiss before he got up from the bed.

Then I remembered I never told him about yesterday, when Channing came to my job begging for us to rekindle our marriage. I'm not about to keep any secrets from Chris because I don't want anything to go wrong between us two.

"Oh, wait!" I stopped him before he left the room.

"I need to speak to you."

"Can it wait until later? I need to go before I'm late." He responded.

I sighed.

"Sure, I'll tell you later... have a good day, I love you."

"You too, I love you more. You better get up as well, you need to get ready for work." He reminded.

I wasn't feeling work today, I'd rather lay in bed all day, it would be even better if Chris was here to lay with me.

Once I heard Chris leave through the front door, I finally got up from bed and started to get ready for the day ahead.


"Brittany is waiting for you inside your office." Ava informed me.

I looked at my watch on my wrist to see that she was five minutes early, It was a relief as I thought I was late.

"Okay, could you make sure no one comes barging into my office this time, please. Especially not, Channing." I stressed.

"Yes, Ms. Fenty, I tried to stop him-"

"Just make sure you try harder this time then please." I said nicely.

I walked into my office, closing my door afterwards. I took a seat in my chair and greeted Brittany.

"I'm so sorry about yesterday, Ms. Peters, that was very unprofessional." I began.

"That's okay, I understand."

That was so embarrassing yesterday that that happened in front of a client. I'm supposed to be helping her find love, how is she supposed to believe I can find her good love when my ex shows up like that? I was lucky Brittany was a sweet girl and didn't complain about me to Madame Rose.

"Lets start again and forget yesterday happened. I am, Robyn Fenty." I introduced myself.

She smiled.

"Nice to meet you, Robyn, I'm Brittany Peters."

"Nice to meet you. Let's start off with your past relationship history. Have you ever been in a committed relationship or ever been in love?" I asked her, getting out my notepad to take down her answers.

"I have never found someone I really like before or if I do like them it only lasts a couple of weeks then the feelings just go..." She explained.

I hope my feelings don't ever go with Chris. I used to be head over heels in love with Channing, he was everything I ever wanted, I always thought I would only ever love him. However, things changed and so did my feelings. I know things can't stay the same forever, you just need to make sure you're still happy with the changes. I don't hate or dislike Channing, how could I? I'm just sad things didn't go the way we expected them to. However, I'm happy with being with Chris and happy with the new confident person I am becoming too.

"You can't force yourself to like or love someone, your feelings just come naturally. We need to set you up with a mixture of people to see which type of person you like... So, let's talk about you. What hobbies do you have?"

After some questions and answers, I got enough information for today. We spent nearly two hours just talking about her. So, I stopped for today but planned another meeting with her for next week by then hopefully I might have some dates for her.

As I had a twenty minute break until my next client, I took that time to check my phone. I had some business emails that I replied to and some Instagram likes but surprisingly no message from Chris. I know it has only been less than three hours ago that I saw him but I usually get random messages from him, I wasn't mad though. I was intrigued by what business he was doing today though, maybe he would tell me when I saw him later on.

After finding some dates for Brittany, I then did some paperwork so I was ahead of my work. Also, I planned out some of my other meetings with new clients. Once all my work was done I was able to leave work on time, I decided to stop at the shop and get some of Chris' favorite snacks, and some sweets for me too. I was just feeling in a greedy mood.

When I walked into the house, all the lights were off, after checking the whole house there was no sign of Chris, he must still be working, I thought. I rang him a couple of times, as I haven't heard from him since he left this morning. Sadly there was no answer.

"Hey, babe. It's just me, I was going to put dinner on, just wondering what time you're going to be home? Ring me when you can, bye, I love you." I left him a voicemail as he wasn't answering his phone.

As I waited for him I decided to make myself a bath, playing some of my music in the background, I kept my phone on loud just in case he rang back. After my bath, I just placed on some of my newer body cream. Then I dried my hair, just placing it into a messy bun afterwards. I checked my phone to see no answer back, it's been over a hour since I rang him. I started to make dinner, it's going to take a hour to cook so hopefully his back by then.

40 Minutes Later...

My phone started ringing next to me as I was chilling on the sofa, I looked at my phone to see it was Chris calling me, I quickly pressed answer.

"Chris!" I happily answered the call.

"Hey, baby. Sorry, I've been so busy today." He apologised.

I let out a smile, it felt so good to hear his voice after a long day.

"It's okay, are you on your way home? Dinner is nearly ready." I told him.

"Yeah, just starting up my car now. I'll be there in ten minutes." He informed me.

"Great, see you in a bit!"

"Bye, babe, I love you too by the way." He cooed.

I bit my bottom lip to hold back my smile. Once we said our goodbyes, I hung up and started preparing the dinner table. I can't wait for him to get home.

- Kim.
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