Chapter 2 - The Opera Ghost

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Constance had listened to every note, detail, and word Meg gave while giving her a tour of the opera house. By the end of the tour, she knew where to avoid, where to go to obtain necessities, where to have some down time, and where she was to dwell when it was time to rest. Finding it easy to remember these directions, Meg seemed pleased to not having to repeat herself. The tour ended with Meg leading Constance to the dormitories where several girls were in a room, beds all over the place, wardrobes, costumes, and ballet shoes scattered about causing the scene to be a big mess. Meg lured Constance over to the bed, which happened to be located next to another empty bed by a window that over looked the city. The fact that she was so close to a view caused  her to smile.

"As you can see," Meg continued, "You have a little night stand next to your bed, you and another ballerina will be sharing a lamp, but this night stand is to store some belongings."

Constance nodded as she continued.

"And over there," Meg pointed forward, "Is a wardrobe where you may store some of your dresses and ballet attire. That you share with.... Christine."

The room that was once full of chatty girls grew silent over the name. Apparently everyone had wanted to know the whereabouts of the missing girl. Though Constance would have thought that she had her own room, apparently that wasn't the case.

"And under your bed is extra storage!" Meg exclaimed, changing the subject that was bothering her, "Where you can store your shoes or other items as you desire!"

Constance nodded once more, looking under the twin sized bed to see her storage space. She didn't bring much with her, a few dresses, ballet outfits, and some necessities that she thought she needed. If she truly needed more clothing from her home, she would write to her mother and she would send some her way.

"The sheets are washed once a week by the maids and the room is swept twice a month. There are restrooms over there, "Meg pointed again to a hallway that was past the wardrobes, leading to what she saw to be white tile that broke apart the wooden floors, "Use them as much as you need to, just be mindful of others. Other then that, you are welcome to explore. We have lights off around 10pm, but as long as we're in our dorm room, no one bothers us."

Constance nodded once more, walking over to the wardrobe she was to be sharing with the missing leading lady. She held in a breathe, opening the wardrobe to find several dresses already hung, not of a high quality fabric but beautiful nevertheless. One of them she saw instantly was a blue gown with white lace trimmings in the modern fashion, from what she heard of the prima donna, this one would be stunning on her. She closed the doors and turned to the empty bed beside her, that must be hers as well.

The other ballet girls began talking again, beginning to cast a circle of bodies around the beds and chairs as they were about to begin telling spooky stories. Constance smiled softly; sitting at the edge of her newly discovered bed as she began listening to the tale a shorter brunette began telling.

"As Christine was about to tell Raoul she would love to be escorted to dinner, Raoul was swept from the room and locked out of its doors!" The brunette exclaimed, causing the other girls to gasp apart from Meg, who rolled her eyes. Apparently this story was made up, "The door would not budge, no matter how hard the Vicomte tried! He called, crying for Christine to answer but upon morning, she vanished!"

The other girls looked worried, and worried they should be. If what Meg said was true, she was in the arms of the Phantom himself. But if everyone seemed to know who kidnapped her, why did they not go retrieve her from this person? Surely it was not as hard as the girls made it out to be.

"And do you know who kidnapped her?" the brunette continued, looking around the group of girls to try and get an answer. After most of them shook her heads, the ballerina continued, "The Opera Ghost himself! To be his bride and to be his slave. Her virtue surely diminished! Poor Christine, forever doomed to be the Phantom's whore-"

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