Chapter 9 - Tea Time

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A/N: Hello my loves! This next scene might be a bit confusing to those who have never read the book by Leroux. I like to use as much history from the original novel as I can, including Kay's novel, but this scene in particular is referencing Leroux's novel. As was the last chapter if you did not remember their pretend engagement that the 2004 movie and the musical took out and just let it become a "secret engagement". I just wanted to enlighten some who might be confused. Please leave any questions below :]

Slowly her petite frame drew in a breath and began recalling the conversation Raoul and Christine began having while Constance was listening on the other side, wording her phrases very carefully for she did not know how Erik would react to such news. Erik seemed very invested with her tale, as she at the very least expected him to be, and did not interrupt her until she was finished talking. Upon finishing her phrasing, she bit her lip for she was nervous of his words.

Upon receiving all the information, Erik ran his fingers through his hair, looking down on the ground as his free hand formed a tight fist, tight enough to where his arm veins were quite visible but then suddenly he began to chuckle, his fist opening and remaining relaxed, "If that is how she wishes to use her time, there is no harm in playing pretend."

Constance was utterly shocked by his words, but happy that he did not yell at the messenger. He then looked up from the floor, his face not at all amused as his chuckle just seconds ago had made him appear to be, "Tell me Constance, it is just pretend is it not? She still wears the ring I gave her?"

She once again bit her lip and nodded to his answer, "Yes, it is still on her finger though she often wears dress gloves to conceal it..."

"Ah," he replied, "but it is still there. That is refreshing news indeed" he sighed, looking at Constance to see if she needed to say anything more. Erik had been referencing to when they both were in the lair. He had given Christine a ring and had made her swear to always wear it, something that happened without Constance's prior knowledge when she was trapped in his study.

"I am glad that you think so," Constance replied, flattening her skirts so she would have something to do with her hands. She knew their time was coming to an end with him and she hated that was all they ever talked about. Neither of them spoke another word as she sighed and then began to rise to take her leave. He looked up at her and she smiled softly, nodding as she turned her body towards the exit.

After taking a few steps towards the boat, his voice interrupted her thoughts, "Would you like some tea?"

She blinked back in confusion as she slowly turned back to where Erik was sitting before, "You're offering me tea?"

"Do not make me regret it by your rudeness," he replied, standing in front of the piano bench.

"I am just taken back by the offer Phantom," she stated, walking back over to where she was sitting before, "I would very much like some, thank you."

Erik nodded as he disappeared behind one of the curtains, leaving her alone to wait as she fiddled with her skirts once more. After what seemed like a few minutes, he came back with a petite cup of tea, the heat evaporating into soft flame like gas before her. She smiled as he handed it to her, almost forgetting the company who she was with.

She then smelled the aroma of the cup and blushed softly, thinking back to where her parents had given her the exact blend before her departure; it was her favorite, "how did you ever know my absolute favorite tea blend?"

Erik seemed utterly confused to her question, "Chamomile and lemon with a hint of honey? That's the way I have always had it."

"Really?" Constance asked, now interested as she lowered her cup a little bit to study Erik's face more intently, "me too."

Erik smiled at her response as she continued to sip on her tea, giving into the tiredness she felt from the harshness of the ballet lesson as well as witnessing such a stressing event in the prima donna's dressing room, "May I ask a question of you?"

Erik nodded to her question, "You may ask if you desire to."

She finished sipping her tea as she held onto her cup, "Why do you lock yourself up in the catacombs under the Opera Garnier Erik? Surely someone with your talent would be accepted by the world would they not?"

He sighed very loudly, taking the small cup from her as he walked into the other room to put it away for washing, "Surely you could have guessed by now as to why that is not possible."

"I am afraid you give me too much credit," she replied, watching as Erik made his way back to the piano bench. She wondered why he always assumed much better of her then she thought of herself.

He sat down abruptly, facing her with the same seriousness as when she entered, "Have you not heard of the stories of my face Constance? This blasted curse that haunts my very soul?"

She was taken back by his question; surely his deformity was not as bad as he liked to tell others it was, "It cannot possibly be as distorted as you claim it to be-"

"Oh but it is," he interrupted, his calm demeanor changing back to the sinister sarcastic entity that she knew as the Phantom that had threatened the opera's very lives, "if you were to look at my face as Christine had, you would run away and scream, feeding the very lives of those who currently torment me. I cannot, and will not, have that fate again. It was too much to bare with Christine."

All too suddenly she felt pain and sympathy for him as she stared into his twisted facial expression. She could only imagine that he did not want her pity, but that he wanted love and acceptance just like everyone else in the world. It suddenly clicked inside her brain as to why he was getting information from Christine; he thought she would be able to love and accept him and then he would be able to live a normal life. Oh how that was simply not the case. How could Christine be so cruel and heartless?

Slowly she reached out to Erik and placed her hand on his shoulder, causing him to jump as his saddened eyes looked up into hers, "I did not mean to startle you Erik."

He had simply ignored or had not heard her statement, "Do you think she will ever love me completely?" he asked her softly, hope in his expression all but gone as he looked into the depths of her soul.

Constance bit her lip once more as she nodded slowly, "it is possible Erik. She just needs time."

Oh how she lied, not wanting to hurt his feelings any longer. Though she had a feeling her lying to him would not be the right choice either, but what choice did she truly have? Truly Christine was a lost cause and deep down inside, he had to have known that. She could only hope she wouldn't destroy his soul any more then it already was.

"I think it is time for you to go," he said abruptly, no longer sad but hidden as he usually composed himself to be.

She nodded and removed her hand from his shoulder, walking towards the boat without another word. Constance did not want to upset him any further then she already had and she did not intend on doing so. She just came to do her job to further her career, not to become the Phantom's next kill. Upon entering the boat to return back to her room, she looked back at him, "Erik!"

He looked up at her, his expression still cold and closed off as he acknowledged her calling to him.

"You are an amazing human being and any girl would be lucky to have your heart," she said and then turned back around to row her way out of his lair.

Unknown to her, she was leaving the lair while his mouth was hanging open, completely in shock from what she had just said.

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