Chapter 10 - Where Art Thou?

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"You are an amazing human being and any girl would be lucky to have your heart."

Erik smiled at the thought, once again surrounded by his own possessions as he stumbled towards his desk. Reaching out his hand, he grasped the side of his organ as he sat down on the organ bench, stunned and utterly speechless that Constance had just complimented him. No one had complimented him before, no one. It was a unique feeling creeping up within his chest, forcing his face to contort to a foreign expression.

Before he could analyze his expression, he sensed someone approaching his beloved home and only a select few knew of his whereabouts. However he did not have time to prepare for he spotted a short dark skinned man heading towards his seat, a man whom he new very well. This caused Erik to relax his stance only slightly as he shook his head, annoyed at the sudden intrusion.

"Did I just witness you smile, Erik?" the foreign man inquired, walking closer to Erik as he observed his reaction.

"Oh pray tell Daroga, when is the last time I had ever done such a thing?" Erik retorted, turning his body around so that he was facing his beloved instrument and not the direction of his Persian friend. He refused to admit if he had indeed been smiling, that he did.

"Just a few moments ago it seems," Nadir muttered, standing behind Erik for he knew the consequences of the Phantom's rage if he stepped to far over his boundaries.

Unknown to Nadir, Erik rolled his eyes for he did indeed hear his reply, "What is it you inquire of me today?"

Nadir chuckled softly as he shrugged his shoulders, "To make sure you are keeping to your word about that chorus girl you seem so attached to-"

"What do you mean making sure I am keeping to my word?" Erik interrupted, clenching onto the organ keys, "Did I not state that I would when you and Antoinette found me but a few months ago, wondering around the opera house since I had just upset my angel?"

"Of course Erik," he simply stated, trying not to let the Phantom's anger upset him, "As I stated before, I just came to see if you were keeping to your word."

"I do not need a babysitter Daroga," he growled in response.

"Of course you do not," Nadir retorted, sighing softly after a moment, "I shall be on my way. I can see my visit has been a waste, I do wish you well." He then swiftly walked toward the door, not wanting to bring any attention to himself.

Once the Persian had left, Erik sighed and decided staying in the lair and doing nothing but thinking would not benefit him in the slightest. He relaxed his fingers and began playing some notes, trying to let the music flow through him as it has so many times before. He thought about his angel, of his Christine and her beauty. The way she sang as how she forced his soul to arise to new heights and took him to the place that would always be forbidden to him, the way she twirled and let her chocolate ringlets flow freely without any care in the world, the way she smiled when Raoul had professed his love to her-

He awoke from his daydream by his own hands slamming down on the organ, causing a horrid sound to erupt to his eardrums. The Phantom threw his hands to his ears, shaking his head from the horrible notes it played as he kicked some random sheet music towards the other side of the room. He calmed himself down immediately, telling himself he had made the mistake happen.

I shall visit Christine and get some new inspiration he decided, getting himself prepared to venture and to find out where his muse exactly was. After preparing himself in case he decided to show himself, he walked through one of the tunnels that did not involve getting wet, making sure he did not fall into one of his own traps along the way. At first, he checked the stage to see if any rehearsals were going on for Il Muto, but then he remembered Constance had just come from rehearsals herself and then knew it was too late to observe them.

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