Chapter 37 - Your Duty

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For weeks the Opera Populaire was in a full panic. They dared to not repeat the same mistake as before in thinking that the Opera Ghost was no longer haunting the grounds they lived upon. As the managers scrambled with getting everything they needed for the Phantom's opera, whispers of Christine's affair with the Phantom all but left the prior rumor of Constance into myth. No one dared to accuse her of such relations regardless of their worth and yet no one seemed to dare to be around her any more. Constance found herself alone in her chambers for most of her evenings, apart from the occasional visit from Meg and Madame Giry. Even the Vicomte seemed to be ignoring her presence, as if he didn't have enough problems of his own. Despite these upsetting circumstances, the managers informed her she did have a minor singing role on top of her dancing role, which not only astounded herself but it astounded everyone around her. She had yet to sing in any production, not even during rehearsals when she would occasionally get a melody stuck in her head, and she had somehow managed this minor role? Madame Giry assured her that this was Erik's doing and not the Phantom's but apart from this tiny glimmer of hope, Constance was starting to doubt her love to be returned.

"Are you sure you're all right?" Meg asked her sweetly while questioning her with her gaze.

Constance was laying down in her bed with a quilted blanket draped over her while Meg was sitting in a chair to her right side. They both had been gossiping about random stories from their youth after eating lunch in the cafeteria. It had been a nice distraction while it lasted.

" I'm not sure of anything any more," Constance answered truthfully, turning her gaze from her friend to look out her window.

It had just begun snowing; the soft glow from the sun reflecting the snow flakes cascading from the sky onto her windowsill and down to the Parisian streets below, made it seem as if her problems were a thousand miles away instead of forcing her to act upon her suspicions.

She could hear Meg sigh behind her, " I know this has been difficult for you Constance. Perhaps you should tell Monsieur Andre that you wish to be re-casted for the role. Carlotta has been dying for a singing role, I am sure they would be willing to let her-"

"I don't want to hear her sing despite my inexperience," Constance interrupted, turning her gaze back to her friend, "and the Phantom specifically gave me the role. Even though I am not the subject of his fascination, "she stated, trying to bite down her bitter disappointment from the fact, "I do not want to anger him further."

"I still would talk to the managers. You either need to be re-casted or given lessons," Meg stated firmly.

Constance knew she was telling the truth, she had yet to be given any vocal training for her role and the concert was in just a few weeks, "You're right. I guess I can make time to talk to them this afternoon."

"I wouldn't wait any longer," Meg replied honestly, "I believe they have rehearsals later anyway. Now they should be less preoccupied."

Constance nodded again, seeing sense from Meg's judgment, "Thank you Meg. I think I will go now and settle the confusion."

Meg smiled triumphantly and rose from her chair, waiting for Constance to do the same. Once she stood, the two girls hugged tightly before Meg let go and began walking out of her chambers.

"Meg?" Constance called softly, waiting for Meg to turn around.

Meg did so immediately, giving her a confused expression, "Yes?"

"How is she?" Constance asked timidly.

Meg frowned and shook her head, "About the same."

Meg then turned back around and closed the door behind her, leaving Constance alone to collect her thoughts. She changed into a soft pink day dress and made her way towards the manager's office. Once she arrived, she heard various voiced yelling from the other side of the door, some of whom she recognized and some she did not. Despite her instincts telling her to wait for her say, she walked into the office and was surprised by what she witnessed.

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