Chapter 12 - He's Not My Suitor

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The rehearsal continued running along as planed without any other incidents from the managers, Carlotta, or the Phantom. It seemed as if everyone was at peace and all were excited for Il Muto to finally be performed, especially Constance. Though the managers had refused to listen to the Phantom's warning about his casting choices, they did however listen to his other suggestions and some roles were reversed, some were even fired, but it was mainly the dancers. Constance seemed to be the only one in control of her career and that eased her mind greatly. As the managers dismissed the cast, she ran towards her room for she was eager to change out of her dancing clothes and more importantly, to read the letter from her parents. After reading it, she would write her reply and then see what Christine and Meg were up to.

Quickly she ran to her room and sprinted past those leaning against the walls, making it to her room just in time before she shut the door behind her and locked it secure. A small smile came to her lips as she then threw off her dancing attire and placed it in the dirty clothes basket beside the bathroom, making sure not to miss the basket entirely by her rushing around. Then she sprinted to her wardrobe to put on a slip and a casual black day dress with little ruffles that hung on the sleeves overtop of it, letting it fall down naturally over her petite frame. After untying her hair from the top of her head, her wavy straight hair cascaded down her back and she was at last relaxed from the long day.

Her mind was running faster then her legs previously were with questions surrounding her, Christine and the Phantom. He was finally keeping his end of the bargain and beginning to aid her in her dancing career, but did he actually hurt her chances of becoming the number one ballerina on the cast? I can't go on without knowing further details from Erik, I shall have to visit him. She then slowly walked over to her door and unlocked it, in case Christine needed to come in for whatever reason, and decided reading the letter from her parents would distract her mind since she knew she could not visit him yet.

Constance then went over to her bedside and picked up the parchment sitting on her nightstand. The letter had no odor and no indication that it was from her parents other then the return address on the upper left hand corner. She knew it was from there due to the fact it was her home address. Smiling, she carefully opened the letter with her fingers and unfolded the parchment, which was only one page long. The handwriting was from none other then her mother and she smiled faintly at the writing.

My Dearest Constance,

How proud I am to hear that you made it into the dancing ensemble at the Opera Populaire. I have made it my duty to tell the entire town of your success and I can tell they are encouraging and envious of your success; everyone is very happy for you. I am looking forward to watching your first performance, so please let us know of the date and your father and I will buy tickets to come watch you perform. He will be very proud of you, I know of it.

L'Opera de Nice has also hard of your great success and they are saddened that this is the reason you chose to leave their company, but they understand you are young and want to further your career. If you should ever need your old dancing position though, contact your old ballet instructor Madame Bellard and she will make room for you. Of course, you are welcome to return back home too if need be, we already miss you dearly.

Oh and do tell me my dear if you have met any potential suitors! I know men were the last things on your mind when you departed, but you are becoming a woman and Paris is full of successful men your age. Just remember to act like a lady.

We miss you and love you tons,

Your Mother, Marie Desjardins

She sighed as she folded the letter back up and placed it back on her nightstand. How could she tell her mother about her current situation and how she was acting anything but a lady? Her secret spying on the former prima donna, surely if she were to be found out she would need that offer back in Nice; her falling in love with a man whose alias was the Opera Ghost, a man who wore a mask and concealed his true identity from the world; her mother would shun her, her father would disown her. In truth she had been eager to write back to her parents but now that she finally read the letter, she had no idea what she wanted to say.

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