Chapter 7 - Instructions

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A/N: Yes, yes I suck I know. I do have much desire to write I just do not have much time. In November I shall be back to my original writing schedule. Thank you so much for your patience!

She gazed down at the bone thin hand outstretched before her, waiting for her to either flee from the rooftop for her newfound friendship to the prima donna or to take it and shake, making an agreement between her and a man she thought to be an angel but yet a demon. Constance pondered over her choices for only a moment, considering what she had to lose and what she had to gain. Her friendship with Christine was new and it was not as if she would get caught, after all she was not working for some insolent boy but the Phantom himself and yet if she were to obtain information for him, she would be promoted by the Phantom.

Constance sighed once more, noticing her breath take on a visible façade as her gaze turned from in front of her to the man before her. His eyes screamed at her to make a decision while his demeanor remained calm and in control. It seemed as if her mind was made up. Slowly she reached out her hand and shook it, taking his thin palm in hers as she shook it. His stance changed as she shook his hand, not fully realizing the consequences of such a pact.

"A wise choice ballet rat," he stated, removing his gloved hand from her nearly frozen one.

Constance immediately lowered her gaze, returning her hands to her upper arms as she rubbed herself for some sort of warmth. The short time they had been up on the rooftop the temperature had dropped a significant amount, the sun no longer blessing the city with its warmth and light. Suddenly she felt the man before her move closer but didn't dare to look at his movements as he placed something around her shoulders, causing her shaking frame to halt and feel warmth. She looked around her arms to where a cloak laid, providing the newfound warmth she was questioning moments ago. She then took a silent breath and looked before her once more, noticing the man before her was now without a cloak and she put together that he had given her his. She wondered why, but couldn't get the opportunity to ask.

"I cannot have you catching a cold Constance," he stated simply, his body not yet affected by the cold.

"Thank you Erik..." she whispered in response, holding onto the cloak to wrap it tighter around her.

"How do you know my name?" he asked her calmly.

She blinked for a moment to try and remember how exactly she knew. Then she remembered down in his lair when he was trying to hold her captive after she fled, Christine had called out his name to protect her. That was only a day or two ago but it felt as if an eternity had passed.

"The lair..." she responded softly, looking up into the eyes of the man before her.

He seemed to understand, for Erik only nodded in response to her answer as he folded his hands together, "Ah yes, I feel as if I should apologize to you about that."

Constance looked up at him and tilted her head to the side slightly, curious as to what exactly he was apologizing for.

Erik shook his head, "Come with me back to my home-"

"No, no, I am quite all right being on the roof Erik," she stated again, shaking even more as the wind ruffled her hair over her face. Constance did not want to be held captive once more, especially after she just learned the routine for the new production. Surely the Phantom would understand and want his production to be a success, would he not?

Erik sighed, shaking his head at her stubbornness, "Ah but Constance, you will catch your death and neither shall get what we want if you are deceased."

Constance blinked back in confusion, utterly shocked at his words, "You speak of death as if I am disposable at your whim-"

"Ah but you are," he interrupted, walking towards her as he took her hand in his, "for my dear Constance, we all but return to the ground one day sooner or later."

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