Chapter 41 - Oh, Christine

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Phillip looked at his younger brother with a worried expression planted on his features, "Now dear brother, please try to calm yourself down. You have a reputation to uphold within this household, do you not?"

Since Raoul found out that Christine had stepped outside of their engagement, Raoul spent days locked away within his work. Signing bills his brother passed on to him when Phillip was too busy or even inspecting the maid's daily work to make sure there wasn't a single smudge left over from their cleaning; it didn't matter to the young Vicomte what he was doing, as long as his mind was busy, his heart would no longer hurt.

However on this day, Raoul had found himself with nothing to distract himself. Not even his childhood friends were able to come visit him in his hour of need, much to his dismay. Raoul had began to throw things around in his room spitefully, frustrated with not only the situation he was forced to be in but with himself as well. How he had been so blind to love Christine and not to believe Constance's constant warnings? Yet in his dismay, he had to admit he was just as confused about his feelings for Constance too. Her relationship with the monster, actually both of their relationships, was something he could just not wrap his fragile mind around. Raoul was so consumed with his thoughts that he did not hear the gentle steps or gasp of someone discovering the state of his chambers. His maid had come to his room and found it in disarray, quickly fetching the Comte so that he may calm his younger brother.

"My reputation matters not," Raoul replied calmly, sitting down on his unmade bed as the room began to settle.

Phillip sighed, walking over to Raoul while sitting beside him," Now you've gone and hid yourself in my work for some days now. It may not very well matter about our reputation but tell me, my brother," he urged, "what is troubling you so much? Have things gone sour with the dancer?"

Raoul grimaced at the word dancer, though he knew his brother was right in his name. Regardless of Christine having been able to sing for La Carlotta, it was only but one solo in her career. However Raoul still thought more of her than just a dancer, that was for sure, "Christine is her name."

"Ah yes, Christine Daae," Phillip recalled, standing up from the bed as he moved in front of his brother, his hand resting under his chin to contemplate, "How are things with your betrothed?"

"Dreadful at the moment," Raoul mumbled, turning his gaze to look at Phillip for the first time this discussion, " She is a breath of fresh air at times and yet now it feels as if I no longer know her anymore. My memories of her from when we were children have been tainted by the torture this situation puts me through. She is so hypnotizing, so fragile and yet so strong willed though she will hide it for propriety. Yet I know not if I can go on with this new knowledge of her devious ways."

Phillip nodded in agreement to his stance, "Women, such enchanting creatures aren't they? Sometimes I wish they would remain as innocent as they are in their youth."

Raoul nodded in agreement in return, "Through the betrayal, I still love her. Surely that can't be natural?"

"It is," Phillip answered honestly, "but it depends on if you can forgive the betrayal."

Raoul raised an eyebrow to his brother, "You're not going to ask what occurred that put me in this foul predicament?"

"Nay," Phillip replied, "Doesn't matter. Regardless if I tell you to do one thing or another, you will follow your own judgment before my words. Remember what father and mother said when I told them I was courting La Sorelli?"

Raoul remembered faintly about Phillip's romance with the dancer, who now happened to be his sister-in-law. Yes, his parents were less than thrilled to find out he was dating a dancer from the Opera Populaire, much less so that they found out with the wedding invitation. His parents were less than thrilled when they found out Raoul was courting Christine of course, saying that both of these women were below their class. Sorelli was a fiery spirit and often argued with mother over silly things. Christine however, remained calm when they had briefly met and charming, to which she earned just a bit of favor.

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