Chapter 17 - He Promised

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It did not take long for Erik to make it back to his home as he stalked past the couples and shadows through the streets of Paris. He slipped through a secret entrance to his home and quickly made his way down to the catacombs to his house on the lake. After a few minutes of walking silently, he found his home and hurtingly walked towards the room Constance had last been seen in. He entered inside with a halt, seeing Constance still unconscious lying down underneath the mountain of blankets he had placed on top of her. The candles gave her an angelic like glow as they reflected the fire off of her porcelain skin. He slowly walked over to her, kneeling by her bedside as he placed the back of his hand against her forehead, feeling it to be just slightly warmer then it was when he left her. Erik had only been gone for an hour's time but he had expected her to be much warmer. Sighing he removed his cloak and placed it on the chair leaning against the doorframe as he removed the two vials of herbs he obtained from Nadir. He placed the reddish-brown one on the bedside as he did not need to use it right then. Taking the green vile in his hand he stood and walked towards his kitchen so that he may attempt to help her as he had failed to do so many times before.

He had to mix the herb with a liquid in order for her to be able to swallow it in her unconscious state. Normally when one was awake, they could eat it as he had it but since she was not and utterly a prisoner within her own mind, this would have to do. He obtained some water and placed it into a glass, keeping it on the counter as he took a small portion of the herb he had and placed it inside a herb mixer. Twisting and turning the dial, he made it into a fine powder, pouring it into the glass of water as he stirred the two together. Once the spoon had swished the liquid enough times, the herb was almost invisible to the untrained eye. Erik nodded to no one but himself as he took the glass of water and turned back around, determined to make her drink it one way or another.

Carefully he carried the glass towards the room, keeping steady as he was nervously shaking in fear of what would happen after she swallowed the herb. Would she awake immediately or would it take some time? Erik hoped she would wake up within minutes of giving her the herb but he knew this result was unlikely. Still he had hope, an odd feeling for the Opera Ghost to experience. Sighing he then observed her unconscious form, refusing to let his emotions keep himself at bay as he kneeled once more beside her, brushing some stray hairs from her face as he looked at her. He gently placed the glass down on the bedside as he lifted up her frame and positioned it so various pillows would be supporting her since she could not do so herself. After making sure she was sitting up, he picked up the glass and touched her bottom lip, opening her mouth just so. The glass then tilted by his command, spurring out the cool liquid into her mouth as he leaned her head back so she had to swallow. He was worried for an instant she would choke on the drink from this method of force feeding but to his astonished relief, her immediate reflexes kicked in; she swallowed the glass whole.

Gently he placed her back against the pillows, waiting for any sort of sign or signal that she was awake and out of this coma. He prayed to whomever would listen inside of his head, hoping that someone was going to abide by his request just by his choice of words. He truly did not mean for Joseph to fall on her, he wanted her to achieve her dreams of being the best dancer at the opera house of her dreams but she did not have the chance to showcase her talents and possibly would never be able to again. What if she were to wake up with amnesia and forget her dancing methods? Or worse, what if she forgot all about him and questioned why she was down here and not in her parent's home down in Nice? Erik would not be able to live with himself if he destroyed her life or hated him for doing so, though he could not blame her if she were to develop these feelings. If she even awakes that is, for she could forever be locked away from society in the depths of her mind. A single tear shed itself onto his uncovered cheek, going down to the tips of his structured chin as he looked down from where she lay.

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