Chapter 40 - Amoureux

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*Cough. You've been warned*

"Do you think Nadir will find anything?" Erik asked aloud but softly, turning his frame away from the organ before him to look at Constance in the dim light.

"You know the land better than I ever could," she answered honestly, placing her cup of tea down beside her as she went over to where Erik sat.

He closed his eyes as he felt her hands come in contact with his face, his mask set aside on the organ bench while her hands massaged his temples, "Indeed and yet you still hold hope that there is more to this madness than I do."

"When one loses their hope, what do they have left?" she asked him gently, placing a kiss on his forehead as he opened his eyes.

"Mon Espion, so wise and yet so fragile," he bemused, turning once more so that he was facing her completely.

She watched as his arms wrapped around her small frame, her arms lowering themselves to his skinny stature while looking down at him. She smiled slightly, lowering herself to sit on his lap while holding onto him tighter, "Is this how you attempt to flatter me Phantom?"

"Depends," he jested, rubbing her back gently as he spoke, "is it working?"

"I am afraid not," she jested in return, giggling in her response as Erik laughed, "Though I can't fathom why you still call me your spy when that position ended long ago."

"It has turned to an endearment," he answered honestly, "just as this has."

Erik leaned into her gently, letting his lips gently craze hers in an attempt to tease her. Though it worked, he still did not kiss her fully. Instead, he continued roaming his hands on her back, tracing small circles with the tips of his fingers that caused the dancer to shiver in response. Before long, she kissed him deeply, pulling his frame closer to hers as a moan escaped his mouth. There was so much to discuss and yet all he wanted to do was to prolong this moment; this time with her before the disaster his other self created came to be.

Constance broke her lips from his as she began kissing the sides of his face and began going down to his neck, all the while causing Erik to lose his thoughts about anything pure, "My dear, if you continue being wicked I am afraid we will lose focus."

"My concentration has been shifted to other matters," she answered quickly, lowering her mouth to begin kissing the top of his chest, working on lowering herself as she undid the buttons of his blouse.

He groaned in response to her actions, forcing her to lift up back to him as he kissed her even more passionately than before, his mouth claiming dominance to hers as his hands roamed past her lower back. This caused the young dancer to sigh in content, her hands scratching the very top of his trousers that she was sitting against. His mind was beginning to cloud and become foggy as he found he could only concentrate on her lips, her hands and more importantly, the contents of what was hiding underneath her fabrics.

"Constance," he sighed softly, watching as her hands were now lifting her dress slowly up her legs so that he may get a better view of her frame.

He knew now that no matter what he said, her head was now drifted elsewhere and he was about to take her to wherever she wanted to go, the moon or the stars, her wish was his command. He continued watching as her dress now exposed her lack of knickers, causing his member to instantly become excited from the view. His right hand left her behind to cup her sex, forcing his fingers to tease her so that she began moving against him.

Before long, he was teasing her, shifting the roles of being seduced to the seducer, though Constance did not seem to mind. She closed her eyes, her slightly swollen lips opening in bliss as his fingers found the certain folds he was looking for. She continued moving against his fingers, waiting for him to just enter her but it did not come nearly quick enough for her. Before long she was panting and sighing his name, ready to force himself into her when he finally obliged her longing. She moaned again for him, softly riding his fingers while remaining in her simple day dress. Her hands shifted from his hips to her own dress, lowering the front of it before him so her breasts were on display for him. Erik groaned in delight, forcing one of them into his mouth as he began flicking his tongue over her rosy bud. All that could be heard around his home on the lake was her moans and the sound of naughty activity being done for quite some time.

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