Chapter 19 - Completely

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Within the depths of the Paris Opera House, Constance found herself in a lip lock with someone she never thought would find her appealing. Erik, the Opera Ghost, the Phantom of the Opera, the Angel of Music; a man with so many aliases still unknown to her, was firmly pressing his trembling lips upon her own to claim her heart. Her anger instantly melted away by the feelings of his soft lips pressed against her own, his hands forcibly grabbing at her hips and pulling her petite frame closer to his. She let her hormones take over for her, her arms gently wrapping themselves around his neck as her tongue grazed his lower lip, pausing as she felt his mask shift slightly. Erik seemed to not notice as he forced her mouth open, his tongue demanding entrance into hers where she was readily waiting. Their tongues fought for dominance as a soft groan emitted from her person, her hands reaching up to comb the fineness of his wig. Constance did not care, nor did it truly matter, for she knew she was finally in the embrace of the man she loved.

Time seemed to come to a halt as Erik pulled away from her, his eyes searching her expression for any sort of answer to her resentment. Did she hate him still or had she forgiven him for his stupidity? However Constance remained dumbfounded, her eyes wide with surprise as her feet slowly became planted to the stone ground, her height shortening by only a few inches. Erik continued searching for any sort of clue as to her thoughts while she remained frozen before him, her strands wild from his hands roaming her soft locks. Her lips were also slightly swollen from the passion of the moment, her body appearing to glow against the white nightgown before him. A true angel of light, an angel that could rip him out of the darkness of the catacombs and onto a normal life.

"You.... kissed me," Constance whispered, her hand reaching for her lips while in her amazement.

Erik immediately worried over her reaction, his hands reaching out to her, "I am so sorry Constance. I could not control myself any longer. I.... I wanted to prove to you I did care about you" he replied, his hand stopping before he pulled her to him once again.

Constance lowered her hand as she stepped back out of habit, her eyes not as wide as she placed her hand on her hip, "You truly do? Me, a prima ballerina? If I am even still entitled to be labeled as such-"

Erik ignored her comment about her job title as he interrupted, "Yes you. It's been you this whole time."

"And what about Christine?" Constance asked, the harshness of her former inquiry vanished.

"What about her?" Erik replied, taking one step closer to her.

For once she did reciprocate, "Do you not love her, too?"

Erik sighed as he placed his hand on her chin, forcing her to look into his eyes as he spoke, "I believe at one point I did care for her. But love....," he continued, his eyes piercing into her own, "love was something unknown to me until I thought I lost you."

"Wh-what?" Constance asked, tears forming in her eyes as she gently placed her hand over his, "You didn't lose me Erik I-"

"When Joseph fell on top of you I cursed myself," Erik began, his eyes closing from the memory, "and then they said you were unconscious, lucky to be alive from the weight of the dead man. I watched you for hours relentlessly, even when Madame Giry gave me the death glare."

"She knew it was you?" Constance asked.

"What else would you expect?" Erik replied as his eyes opened to look at her, a slight tingle of humor dancing on his speech.

Constance nodded in agreement, knowing Madame was the one who knew of everything that went on in the Opera House, unlike the managers who claimed to run it. A slight tear escaped her cheek as she found Erik's hand wiping it from her face, "Oh Erik, poor unhappy Erik. What am I to do?"

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