Chapter 4 - Empathy

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The singing lessons with Christine went quite lovely, she had hit almost every note flawlessly and with a little encouragement, her voice captured his heart even more than before. After a few hours, he could sense Christine getting a bit tired, so he took her hand with her reluctantly following behind and led her back to the dining area. As they passed the library it was still silent and he wondered if Constance was still asleep or just being quiet. Regardless he was thankful.

"Angel?" Christine asked softly, causing Erik to return to looking at her.

"Yes my dear?" he asked gingerly.

She looked down before speaking, "I was just wondering why you keep looking at the library door...."

Erik blinked back his confusion; he had been careful not to look while in Christine's presence but she had noticed anyway. She was more clever then he gave her credit for and now he would have to come up with another lie, a lie to keep his new secret hidden. The poor girl that hid inside, what would Christine think if she found out another girl was down here too? And even worse, not being treated as nicely as he was treating her? Surely he could use Constance as an example to show Christine what would happen if she misbehaved but he didn't want to scare her anymore then he already was.

"I'm sorry..." she whispered, "please ignore my question if you do not wish to answer it."

Erik shook his head, "My dear, it is merely nothing. I tend to overthink and then my mind begins to wander."

Christine seemed satisfied with this answer and smiled slightly, nodding to his statement. Erik smiled once more, looking at Christine's direction, "Come my dear, it is time to get dinner ready. Would you mind washing some of the dishes while I get food to make?"

Christine nodded in response but did not look at him, moving quickly to wherever the dishes were while leaving Erik to himself. He sighed, making sure he heard Christine washing the dishes as he moved over to the library, opening the door. As soon as he did, Constance ran out of the room, sprinting towards the lake as fast as her legs could take her.

"Damn you!" Erik yelled, running after the younger woman as he realized she was trying to escape. Surely he told her he would let her go later today, and that was in a few hours when Christine was to be asleep. But no, Constance made a run for it. Foolish girl.

Christine dropped whatever she was doing and ran out of the room, focusing her gaze on Erik running after another girl who was desperately swimming towards the gate. Her eyes widened in fear for the girl as she sprinted to the edge of the shore. She knew it was hopeless to escape, for she tried many times herself when he first captured her too.

"Constance!" Erik yelled, grabbing the girl by the hair as she tried to swim away.

Christine blinked at the girl's name; she had never heard of the girl before. Perhaps she was new and arrived after she was kidnapped, "Erik stop this!"

Erik's eyes grew wide, maintaining his grip on the girl's hair as Christine glared at him coldly. He turned to face her, his eyes saddened with shame.

Finding new strength within herself, she raised her head high, "Erik, release her to me at once."

"Christine," he said coolly, tugging on Constance's hair as she was forced to be whipped around to face the woman, "You do not remember whom you are talking to-"

"I know perfectly well whom I am talking to," she replied, her eyes filling with hatred. It had been one thing to keep her prisoner, but for someone else to be locked inside a room all day in the dark was another, " let her go."

Erik was taken back by her sudden boldness but didn't let it phase him, letting go of Constance's hair as he made his way back to the home. Constance gripped her hair, her crying becoming worse as she looked away, trying to swim away.

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