Chapter 31 - Fragile

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A/N: Hello! So, this chapter is dedicated to the amazing @dreamersleep101 because she made us a BOOK TRAILER! It is so good you guys! Please check it out via the link above and thank you for making it. Ugh, you guys are the best. I swell with pride every time I read your comments <3 Thank you! Thank you!

Slowly Constance turned to face Nadir, giving him a questioning gaze as her thoughts began to cloud her judgment. Her sentence merely a whisper as she muttered, "What did you just say?"

Nadir sighed softly, nodding his head to her hand that was still secure on the closed doorknob. Constance turned her head once more to the knob, noticing she was still holding it, and removed her hand from it. She then reached up and locked the door before her, making sure it was secure before facing Nadir once more.

"It appears we do have a situation at hand," Constance confirmed, letting go of the doorknob as she slowly walked away from it.

Timidly her fragile frame moved over to the loveseat adjacent to the full-length mirror, sitting carefully down as she moved her hand to gesture Nadir to do the same on the couch before her. Nadir nodded in reply, sighing to himself as he did so.

Nadir was the first to speak, "What situation are you referring to?"

Constance scoffed slightly in memory of what had just occurred, "Nothing but the princess herself demanding me to give up on Erik's heart so that she may have him for her own."

Nadir blinked in surprise, truly astonished to learn this piece of information. Constance watched his reaction with great interest as she got up to retrieve refreshment from her nightstand. After a few moments with neither of them saying a word, Constance returned with a glass of water in hand, sipping it as she resumed her seat.

"I take it by your lack of confirmation that you had not heard of Christine's desires prior?" Constance asked innocently, placing the glass down beside her.

Nadir shook his head, "I am but beside myself to hear such actions Constance, I am truly sorry."

Constance flicked her hand as if to say it was no trouble, "She will not win Erik's love now that I have it. Nothing she can do nor say will ruin the bond we share."

Nadir bit back on his lip while she spoke to him. Such faithful words coming from someone who did not know he had broken that trust already was starting to eat him alive. Nadir was going to keep the secret to himself, but after hearing about Constance's faithfulness and Christine becoming just as reckless as Erik, he decided she needed to know.

"What I am about to say," Nadir began, folding his hands before him, "will require great strength from you my dear. I do hope that you understand I only have your best interest at heart-"

"Speak then Monsieur Khan, as I am sure you are aware I cannot miss my cue," Constance interrupted, her face being stern as she spoke while her eyes were twinkled with curiosity.

Nadir sighed once more, nodding as he looked intently into her iris', his hands holding onto the other as he spoke calmly, "It has come to my intention that Erik has not been himself recently," he began again, trying to think of the proper way to tell her the dreadful news, "surely you have noticed his absence?"

"Indeed," she said sadly, trying to hide the emotion plaguing her eyes.

Nadir frowned at her answer but continued on, "I believe Erik is no longer the Erik you fell for."

Constance's eyes spread wide from the accusation, her hands holding onto the loveseat as she fought from standing at the offense, "What makes you say that?"

Nadir sighed once more, "I can tell you are beginning to get upset. I want to tell you, I really do, but you must remain calm."

Constance took a few breaths and nodded in response, too emotional to voice her agreement.

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