Chapter 5 - Always Running

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A/N: muwahahha I wrote this while at work -wiggles eyebrows; I promise I had nothing else to do. Enjoy!

Before her was the lake once again, the mist swirling up towards her in a vibrant glow that made her turn her head. She was sitting down at the lair, right by the shore to where it merged with the haunting lake. Constance sighed and tried to stand up but her legs wouldn't move. Frozen in place, she wondered if she had truly been freed by Mme. Giry and Christine or if she was still locked in the make shift library of the Phantom.

A dark melody began to play, piano notes tickling her ears as she closed her eyes. Without even looking she knew who the owner of those haunting notes were.

"I am the angel of music, come to me, angel of music."

Constance gulped, shaking her head 'no' knowing who was beckoning her to turn her head. The angelic voice laughed softly, teasing her fear as if she had nothing to be scared of.


Slowly she opened her eyes, her legs still frozen on the ground as she turned her upper body slowly to the voice. A tear escaped to her right cheek, trailing down slowly towards the ground as she began trembling. The man before her was the Phantom indeed, but something was different about him then when he kept her prisoner. His demeanor had not changed for he stood with authority and determination but his eyes were pleading. Those sincere eyes that both threaten and adore pierced her soul and gave her legs a new founded strength.

His hand reached out to her as she arose, her trying to portray bravery instead of a weak and timid ballerina. His hand was still outreached to her and she stared at it, debating upon taking it or trying to run. Constance knew better though, that she can not escape unless he allowed her to. Christine told her that.


Her gaze shifted from his hand to his eyes, staring at his face in a mesmerized state. Slowly her hand reached out to his, taking it gingerly as he smiled at her.

"Love me, that's all I ask of you..." Erik sang, pulling Constance away from her position at the edge of the lake, forcing his mouth onto hers. She blinked in confusion but tried to yell no. He was too powerful for the ballerina.

"Constance..." called a distant voice, a feminine one that sounded slightly familiar.

She tried to respond to it but was still trapped by the Phantom's embrace, turning her arms every which way she could but to no avail.

"Constance!" yelled the female voice, causing her to sit up in her bed and catch her breath.

Constance was not in the lair, she was back in the room that Mme. Giry told her to rest at when she freed her from down below. She began gasping for air, shaking her head as she looked around to find Christine staring at her with wide eyes.

"Shhh shh, whatever was haunting your dreams is no longer there," Christine cooed, pulling the other brunette closer to her in a comforting embrace, "I am here. Just you and me. There there."

It took a little while for Constance to actually realize she was not trapped by the Phantom but safe inside the room. Though Erik did haunt the whole opera house, he would only go after Christine, surely Constance was safe. Gently, she shoved Christine away from her as she got out of the bed, walking to the wardrobe to realize she had no day dresses to change into, apart from the one Christine lent her the night before. Sighing she looked at Christine for permission to which Christine nodded, already in the dress she wore yesterday herself. After walking to the bathroom, she changed and made herself look presentable. The dress was much prettier in the daytime then it was the night, to which she was pleased. After examining herself in the mirror some more, she walked back out and saw Christine was brushing her hair.

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