Chapter 11 - Demands

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A/N: Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who celebrates it! I myself am going to enjoy a 4 day weekend off from work and though my family ditched me for the holiday, my fabulous boyfriend did not. Anyhow, I do hope you stuff yourself up with some yummy food and have a wonderful day. But remember, tell your family you love them now, since you never know when it will be your last. Much love <3

"What has gotten into you Erik?" she asked him teasingly, hiding her smile as it grew with his actions that he was displaying before her.

The Phantom had begun a serious of odd impersonations of those who frequented the opera house, and thought he was quite good, Constance could not deny that it was out of his character to do so. Mocking them perhaps not, but to impersonate them to try and make others laugh was another thing entirely. His laughter filled the depths of his underground home, a rich and full hearted laugh that he had not done in years, if ever at all. It was nothing but contagious as she too began to laugh with him, enjoying this different side of his persona.

"I am afraid I must confess my intentions," he stated, making his way over from the organ to where Constance stood, taking her face in his hands as he cupped it, rubbing his thumb in circles over her rosy cheeks.

"Oh? Do tell" she replied, smiling like a mad woman as her arms wrapped around his waist resulting in her pulling him closer to her petite frame.

"I do enjoy making you laugh mon espion" he said, kissing her forehead gingerly for a little before pulling back to look into her eyes. His eyes were no longer yellow but a softer shade of hazel, the sadness and sorrow that had once consumed them had all but vanished with amusement and adoration for the woman before him.

"I must state that your laugh is far more pleasing to the ear then mine," she said softly, the smile slowly fading from her face as she realized she meant what she had said.

"Constance......" he whispered, lowering his head to kiss her lips tenderly before her spoke once more, "I love you my dear, do not ever put yourself into such troubling thoughts."

"I normally do not have these ideas monsieur, you seem to erase any sort of demon within me," she whispered, kissing him more intensely then he had done prior. Her hands roamed up his backside until she pulled his shirt over his head, breaking their kiss to remove the clothing.

"Oh Constance," Erik whispered, continuing to kiss her wildly as he began undressing her as well, "Constance..... Constance....."

"Constance!" a voice yelled beside her as she startled awake from her dream. She sat upright as she turned to her right, gazing down at a familiar soprano eyeing her suspiciously, "Constance finally! You were tossing and turning in your sleep. Were you having a nightmare?"

Not exactly she thought to herself as she shook her head, "No just an interesting dream."

"A dream you say?" Christine asked, removing herself from the side of Constance's bed to walk towards the mirror, "Care to share it?"

"Not particularly, it would be quite boring to retell it," she said truthfully, partially because she knew Christine would worry if she knew how much time she was spending with Erik, let alone beginning to have feelings for him. Was she crazy to think so? Perhaps, but only time will tell if this hypothesis is correct.

"If you insist," Christine answered, gazing at her reflection as she began finger combing her chocolate curls.

Constance sighed to herself as she shifted slightly in her nightgown and realized she was quite aroused. Mentally she slapped her own forehead and quickly went past Christine and into the shared bathroom. Closing the door as quickly and as unsuspicious as she could, she cleaned herself up from her body betraying her. If her mind kept up with these forbidden fantasies, she would surely give herself away. If only she had a friend to confide in, but no one would be able to keep a secret such as this, not even her friends back at home. Once she was finished, she fixed her nightgown and went back to the wardrobe to find Christine looking for a dress as well.

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