Chapter 30 - Showtime

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Two weeks had passed without so much as a word from Erik, leaving Constance in a darker place as she tried to focus on her dancing. Opening night was now later this evening as she stood before the seamstress, watching as she continued sewing the finishing touches of her costume for her re-debut performance. She was the Odette, the white swan of the play and as Madame Giry had informed them all, Constance knew her part forwards and backwards. Meg had ended up obtaining the role of the black swan herself, leaving all of her time spent with the Girys. Though her heart ached to be with Erik, she knew he must be busy. Often times the sounds of his organ would slowly slither their way into her chambers, lulling her to sleep. This was the only way she knew he was alive and well; this was the only way she knew he was not with her.

Ever since her return, Christine has been absent from her presence. The woman even went as far as to sleep with Meg in her chambers instead of sharing a room anymore, not even leaving a note but to be informed by another ballerina. Whispers of Christine's hatred and jealousy rang through the wooden walls of the theater, whispers of Constance's true whereabouts or perhaps her affair with the Phantom himself were rumored to have taken place though Constance denied them all. These rumors would not dismay Constance's dancing; it seemed almost as if nothing could deter her from proving herself to all of France. This was her dream for Heaven's sake, it was time for her to take it!

"What do you think?" the seamstress beckoned of Constance, moving away from her view of herself in the mirror.

Shaking the thoughts of the last two weeks from her mind she looked at herself carefully. She appeared to be completely innocent in the white swan costume, her hair partially down with half of her hair pulled into a braid behind her. Her chocolate strands were in gentle waves around her shoulders with some blush and bright blue eye shadow across her eyelids. Upon her lips was a new shade of pink and upon her outfit were faux pearls that glistened in the spotlight. The ensemble was perfect; she looked perfect.

"Perfect," Constance whispered, turning to the seamstress, "I shall be careful with this ensemble once I remove it."

"I know you will Connie," the seamstress replied in return and then offered her best wishes as she collected her materials and headed out of her chambers.

The door shut behind her as she felt a sudden chill in the air, causing her head to whip around to the direction of the mirror. It did not appear to be open as she had hoped, it had been two weeks since they had returned from London and she had not heard a word from him. Constance truly missed him dearly; did he not miss her whatsoever? She had hoped, and expected, at least a visit from her lover before her performance tonight, especially after all the trouble he had caused her on her previous one. The mirror however did not move, so she decided to wait for a few moments before Madame Giry came to retrieve her.

Sighing to herself, she sat down on her bed, contemplating her dance moves to herself as she waited for her lover. Would he bring her a single red rose? Would he kiss her passionately? Oh she sure hoped he would! After spending so much time together in London, it felt unfamiliar to sleep by herself now. The feeling of the last kiss they shared before she entered this very room through the exact mirror she was standing in front of still lingered on her freshly painted lips, wanting desperately to smear the shade across his face and neck. Constance continued to day dream as she waited for him to show, or at least to offer a note of well wishes. She knew not of the time and noticed that the sun was beginning to set as a gentle knock came to her door. Slowly her head turned as Madame Giry came inside, much to her disappointment.

Antoinette gave a look of sympathy to the girl as she stood before her, "Constance my dear, I-"

"He isn't coming to wish me luck, is he?" Constance whispered, looking down at the ground before her as she feigned tears of disappointment.

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