Chapter 13 - Secretly

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Constance made her way through the tunnel carefully, knowing perfectly well that the traps were not working so that they could not end her current suffering. To have falling in love with the man haunting the opera house; that surely was not part of her plan. She grunted angrily, opening the mirror quickly as she stepped inside and closed it swiftly behind her. Her room was left untouched, seemingly even by her roommate. She wanted to leave, Constance no longer cared about furthering her career at the Paris opera house. She could do so in Nice with her friends and family supporting her.

The tears slowly came to her face as she screamed in frustration, slamming one of Christine's pictures down on the ground, causing it to shatter into several pieces against the wooden surface. Erik would always love Christine and now Christine will love Erik, just as Constance had predicted in the very beginning of their friendship. How could she have been so blind and so foolish, she clearly knew he loved another. Her stupid heart had led her down this path regardless of her knowledge, which only caused her to cry harder then she had before.

It was some time before the tears had finally run out of operation, her now sitting on the edge of the bed as she decided getting dressed and going to sleep were the right thing to do. She slipped off her outfit in place of her nightgown, careful not to step onto the broken glass, and blew out her candle, descending her own self into the darkness of her mind, letting her dreams play out better then her life.


Erik thought about running after her as he gazed into her eyes, clueless as to what he should do. Should he follow his initial instincts and run towards the sound of his angel or should he wait and drag Constance back to the lair? Erik wanted to plead for her to understand, Christine was his entire being for so long; ever since she was a little girl and she believed him to be an angel that her deceased father sent to her. This had been ten years in the making and she was here, after him begging the heavens to send her to him for so long, desperate for some companion other then the Daroga and Madame Giry. Too many days plotting for his lessens to strengthen her voice and too many nights laying awake to daydream about his angel in his arms as his wife, a living bride; it had finally came true!

But Constance, she had stirred emotions deep inside of him that Christine had never had the chance of doing. Constance had stayed by his side through numerous temper tantrums, demands, blackmail, greed, and whatever else was escaping his mind at the moment; she too had suffered just as much. He hardly knew the girl, so similar to his angel and yet so different in spirit. Constance calmed the beast within him, she had calmed the Phantom and yet what had Christine done? The exact opposite. Christine stirred his angel of darkness to compose throughout days, weeks even, just so he could hear her angelic voice; a voice in which he helped blossom to the elixir it was today. He closed his eyes at the memory of her singing in Hannibal, how she hit the perfect notes as the audience realized what a treasure she was.

Slowly he reopened his eyes and came to see Constance was no longer in front of him, her disappointed gaze no longer bearing into his soul. He had been too late to make a choice and she chose to move on from this moment, his feelings left unsaid.

"Angel I know you're there," Christine called from the other side of the lake, breaking the spell Constance had put on him in an instant.

His thoughts turned towards his Angel of Music, the creature beckoning him and not her pretend lover. A smile came to his face as he turned his body towards her, walking to the shore of the lake in an instant to retrieve the ore for rowing. He gently picked up the wooden ore and stepped inside the boat, moving the ore so he was gently getting the vessel off shore and into the lake. The gate automatically rose before him, both of his hand gripping the ore to row gently behind him and then up to row once more.

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