Chapter 21

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Sadie's POV
" You guys have a huge assignment coming up! " Mr.Silva said enthusiastically. Everyone groaned.

" BUT this is a fun project! " he added.

" Mr.Silva I don't think you can put fun and project beside each other in a sentence it just doesn't work " Sophie said smugly.

" Trust me this project is extremely fun! " he exclaimed. Sophie simply raised an eyebrow.

" You all have to write a song " Mr.Silva said.

Wait wait wait what?! A song?! We. Have. To. Write. A. Song? Did I hear right?!

There were whispers from excited, confused, and annoyed student. I just sat quietly and stared at the teacher.

" Yes you all heard me right! You all have to write a song......INDIVITUALLY. AND it must be school apropreate ya understand that?! " the teacher said sternly. We all slowly nodded.

" Now stop staring at me like that and get to work! " he exclaimed.

Leo sat infront of me which really sucked. I always tried to look some where else but the teacher would ALWAYS stand infront of Leo. I'm still really upset about the break up. I still love Leo......he would always make me feel happy even when he was with Amara just seeing him smile and laugh made me happy. Well thankfully Leo never turned around. If he did I would probably end up crying considering my eyes are already watery. No one asked about the break up because everyone already knows that we broke up. Leo and I were the most " famous " couple in school along side Percy and Sophie.

What should I write about? I never really tried to write a song before so I have no ideas. I raised my hand.

" Mr.Silva I don't know what to write about " I said flatly.

" Sadie you can't rush song writing. Think of something deep and meaningful to you. Then write about it " Mr.Silva explained.

" Gee thanks " I muttered.

I looked around the classroom as I thought of what to write. Nothing. Then I thought about stuff important to me. Friends? Nah. Life? A sappy love song? Nah. A sing thats dissing someone? Nah. UGH WHY IS THIS SO HARD?!

I let out a loud frusterated sigh and then put my head down on the desk. And I thought this project was going to be fun. Hey maybe I should write about my favourite day of the week! Friday!........Wait there is already a song like that.

" Ughhhhh! " just then the bell rang. I collected my books and headed to gym with Sophie. I saw a couple kissing in the halls and cursed under my breath. Sophie sighed.

" Sadie you can't get pissed everytime you see a couple showing affection ya know " Sophie said.

" Yes I can " I replied.

" Okaaayyyyyyyy "

At the end of the day I was walking towards the exit gate and stopped when I saw Leo and Amara hugging. I clenched my fist and went behind the bushes. I wanted to hear what they were talking about. I was a few meters away and was able to hear some what clearly. They pulled away from the hug.

" Time to do the dare or pay up " Amara said with a smirk.

" I'm broke though! " Leo complained.

" Then do the dare. You know Charrolette will kill BOTH of us if we don't do it "

" Fine fine " Leo said then kissed Amara on the cheeck.

It felt like I just got stabbed in the heart. My vision became blurry as tears filled my eyes. I furiously whiped them away. It hasn't even been a week since we broke up and he kissed another girl?! I don't care if it was a " dare " he could have backed out! What's wrong with him! Amara left happily as Leo just stood there with his head hung low. I was about to leave when a voice stopped me.

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