Chapter I: Yellow eyes

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The sun slowly begins to rise over the mountain ridge. Birds start to chirp as light fills the valley. A cool crisp breeze disturbs the still grass, and everything comes to life once more. A small peaceful village nestled between some hills starts to light up. Smoke begins pouring from chimneys as its villagers begin to awaken.

A young man opens his eyes, yellow in color, and sits up in bed. He looks around his room, seeing all his belongings scattered about. Books of alchemy stacked on his desk are the only things neat in the room. Clothes lie about, no floor can be seen. The young man rubs the back of his head to feel a massive bump. His fingers running through his short blond hair.

"Drayk!" A familiar voice echoes from down the hall, getting loader and closer, "Drayk!"

The bedroom door flings open. A teenage girl looks at him. A smile spreads wide across her face, "Drayk! You've finally woken up! It's been three days! Lazy bum!"

Drayk shakes his head at the girl. He chuckles softly, "forgive me being knocked unconscious dear sister. You act like I was sleeping Sammi!"

Sammi huffs at his remark and walks over to him. She sits on the bed next to him. Her blonde hair dancing as she does. She looks into his eyes with her big ocean blue eyes, "Your eyes have changed. How hard did you get hit?"

"No harder than I have before Sammi. What do you mean they're different?" Drayk asked, "How could they be different?"

Without giving his sister time to respond, Drayk bolts out of bed and runs down the hall to the lavatory. He gazes into the mirror at his own reflection. Drayk stares at himself quite puzzled. He soon sees Sammi's reflection show up behind him.

"My eyes.... they're.... yellow?" Drayk thinks to himself.

Sammi has a genuine look of concern on her face which catches Drayk's attention. He turns to face her, still with the look of confusion in his eyes.

"The White Mage that brought you home said you took a pretty nasty blow to the back of the head," Sammi explained, "I don't understand why you had to join The Resistance Drayk.... just because father-"

"Our father dying has nothing to do with why I enlisted...." Drayk paused for a moment, "I joined the fight to help put an end to war."

Drayk, knowing Sammi would never understand started to walk away. He shut the door on his sister as he re-entered his bedroom. Drayk locked the chain lock and sits down at his desk. He starts to skim through his alchemy books.

Suddenly, the sound of a large crash shakes the entire house. The earth rumbles beneath his feet, and the sound of screams can be heard from outside. Drayk closes the book and reaches for his sword. He hops out the window, blade drawn for a fight. For a brief moment, all he can see is smoke and dust. As it begins to clear, Drayk sees Elite soldiers marching into the village.

He sheathes his sword and yells out, "Xivaac's army has found us! Everyone gather together!"

Drayk charges at the soldiers, his hands open. Fire appears in his palms and he starts to throw explosive fireballs at the soldiers. The blank masks concealing their faces, and any fear they may have. One by one, soldiers begin to explode at Drayk's mercy. He moves his hands around the top of his head. Clouds begin to blow in above, spiralling into dark thunder clouds. Drayk casts his right hand down and a thunderbolt strikes the center of the soldiers. All of the Elites scatter from the clash of lightning.

Drayk calms down to take a breath, the clouds overhead dispersing. He pants as if he had just run for hours non-stop. He looks down at his palms, they're still sparking with electricity.

"How the Hell did I do that?!" Drayk thought To himself, "I've only ever had control over Fire Magic before..."

He looked around seeing all of the soldiers laying around, their blood stained into the soil. Drayk falls to his knees, completely winded. He looks up to the top of the hill, and he can't quite make out what he sees. The dirt settles from his lightning bolts and he starts to recognize the figures. They are Black Mages, from the Elite Forces. Their black robes swaying back and forth. Even they wore blank masks so they couldn't be individually identified. They wore the traditional wizard hats, dark purple that came to a point, but sagged down behind. They all carried wooden staves, carved with symbols of the Dark Lord.

The Blake Mages formed a wall, standing side by side. They lifted up their staves. The sky began to turn black as if it were nighttime again. Streams of fire pour into the village, burning everything they touched. Villagers running around, screaming in vain, building starting to crumble down.

Drayk can only watch in horror since he is too exhausted to move. His home burning reflects in his eyes.

"Sammi!" Drayk calls out to his sister, "I can't lose you too!"

Tears form, running down his face. He cannot believe that this is happening. He looks back up at the Black Mages. They hadn't struck him down yet. He couldn't help but wonder why. Right before Drayk loses consciousness, he sees a white light blast the Black Mages to oblivion, leaving no trace of them whatsoever. The sound of his villages cries echoing in his head as it all goes black.


A young woman spare with her Master. Her short and fiery red hair swaying as she clashes swords with him. Sparks fly as the blades collide again and again. She jumps back from him, her eyes locked on target.

"Very good Roku," says the man.

"Thank you Master Crito," Roku says to him.

She lowers her sword and bows to her Master. Roku pierces the ground with her sword, making in stand upright from the dirt. She brushes off her brown robes of dust. Master Crito walks over to her.

"There is nothing left for me to teach you young one. You have become my equal in swordsmanship, as well as over Wind Magic," Master Crito smiles.

Roku pants a little, trying to catch her breath. She looks up into her Master's solid white eyes. Him being blind and being able to fight the way he does still amazes her. Her Master uses the very air to see, his power of the Wind Element always him to.

"Master, I feel like I am about to pass out," Roku says to him as she hits the dirt face first.

Master Crito grabs Roku and carries her into his home. His grey robes blowing in the mountainous breeze. He wonders why she lost consciousness, this has never happened before.

Master Crito lays Roku onto her bed and walks out into the kitchen to brew some tea. It's been sometime since he wasn't sure as to what has happened. He can hear the screams echoing in the wind from a great distance. A tear runs down his cheek knowing another village had been taken by the Elites.

Master Crito may be blind, but he has an odd sense of sight. He knew that Roku's eyes had changed color. He is not sure how or when they did. Must have been during the sparring session, before she grew weak.

Master Crito begins to speak softly, "Lady Parocaav, I do believe Roku is truly one of the Bringers. I think so now more than ever. I will find a way to let Leon know she is here."

Legend of Parocaav: The Quest for Redemption (First Draft)Where stories live. Discover now