Chapter L: The Vision

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The room is dark, only being illuminated by a flickering candle. The walls are constructed of bricks, and there are open windows on all four walls of the room. Hidden in one of the corners is an old wooden door without a doorknob of any kind. Instead, an old rope hangs mid levels where the knob should be. Inside the room, there is hardly any furniture. Only a bed and a desk with a chair is the small room. Outside of the windows, in all directions that can be seen, is empty space and stars. It is almost as if the room is floating in the cosmos themselves.

A cloaked person is at the desk, reading some leather bound books on alchemy. This person is completely cloaked and is not showing their face. The only picture in the room is just above the desk, lit up by the candlelight. It is a picture of Lord Xivaac's castle from afar, showing the entire valley it lies in. The cloaked person stands up and slams a book up against a wall with rage. The door in the corner of the room opens suddenly, making the figure turn to see who has opened it. Although space can be seen out of the windows, once the door is opened, it appears to lead out into a hallway. A short, blank masked man walks into the room, shutting the door behind him. He is wearing the uniform of an Elite Soldier, although the insignia on his shoulders do not match that of the God of Darkness. Instead, they are crests that have only been seen in history books. The crest of Gaia, is what is seen. This crest has a star in the center and it is enclosed by all of the symbols of each and every one of the Mage Clans in the world.

The masked man begins to speak softly, "M'lady. It is as you predicted. The Bringers of Hope have successfully vanquished all who has opposed them to redeem the fallen Goddess of Life."

"Excellent news. What of the girl?" The cloaked woman inquires in a tranquil, yet intimidating voice.

"She has been plunged into darkness at the whim of the Dark Lord Ma'am."

"Everything is falling into place nicely thus far."

"Yes M'lady."

"You are dismissed."

"Thank you M'lady."

The man walks out of the room and shuts the old wooden door as he leaves. The cloaked woman walks over to the door and opens it up. All that can be seen when she does is stars in a never-ending view.

"Soon. Soon I will be freed of this place and I will be able to take rule of this world. My powers will be unlocked, and not even the Bringers will be able to stop me," the woman says to herself as she closes the door.

She walks over to the desk and sits down in the chair. A book drops from a stack of books and lands open in the middle of the desk. It is a history book titled:'Forbidden Magic of Gaia.' The woman begins to read out loud quietly.

~ Long before the existence of life, even before the planet itself existed. A woman known as Gaia traveled the cosmos, learning and understanding the working universe. Once she completed her search for knowledge, she allowed her body to form a living planet settled amongst the stars. This planet was later named after this woman, giving birth to the planet's true origin, Gaia.

The Goddess of Life descended onto the newly formed world, and set life into motion. Clans were created and the infancy of life had begun. The magic that allowed for Gaia to give herself to the cosmos is known as the Forbidden Magic.

This magic is even more powerful than the Ultimate Magics possessed by the Goddess of Life. The Forbidden Magic is considered to be the true Ultimate Magic.

The power that Forbidden Magic can unleash can be devastating beyond a small area. This magic has the strength to obliterate everything on the planet, including the planet itself. It's power is not limited to anything. Not even the natural order set forth by the Goddess of Life. The power has been sought by men, women, even the deities themselves, but none can obtain the Forbidden Magic.~

The woman stops reading and walks over to one of the windows. She gazes out into the celestial skies, letting out a faint giggle. She grabs a mug from off of her window sill and drinks from it. Once she finishes, she sets it back down in the same spot she had lifted it from. Her direction changes to look at her desk, which has a mess of books scattered about. With the flick of her wrist, the books stack neatly in the back right corner. The only book remaining is the one she had just read from. The palm of her hand glows with a white aura and the book slams closed.

"That power will be mine. Then no one will be able to stop me," the woman says under her breath as she lays down on the bed.

The flickering of the candlelight slowly fades away, leaving the room in almost pure darkness. Only small amounts of light pour into the room from the stars outside of the four windows. All is quiet, not a sound coming from anywhere. The woman rolls over to face the wall, leaving her back to the room. It seems as though she has been imprisoned here for far too long. Anger is building up inside her, as she waits for her chance to make her move.


Sammi jumps up in her bed. A look of terror is embedded in her face. Her futuresight has shown her confirmation of what Leon had told her. There really is a greater threat than Lord Xivaac. This mysterious woman from her dream is after a magic that has been believed to be no more than a myth for centuries. Only ever discussed in ancient history texts, now almost seeming all too real. Who is this woman? What is she truck after?

Worry sinks into Sammi's mind, even with her recently acquired dark gift from Xivaac. Her fight with him showed how powerful he really is. Doubt begins fill her thoughts. This world is in serious peril, and no one seems to be aware of the real threat to this planet.

"Redemption of the fallen Goddess is no longer the only a priority," Sammi mutters to herself as she tries to go back to sleep.

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