Chapter VII: Cross Magic

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The sun rises once again on the small clearing in the Forgotten Forest. Drayk is laying in the flower bed when Roku joins him. Her now long enough to reach passed her shoulders. He skips over to Drayk with a silly smile on her face.

"G'mornin' Drayk!" She shouts excitedly.

Drayk yawns, "Morning Roku. You are rather chipper this morning as usual."

"I can't believe we have been here for two months already! Seems like just yesterday we were making fools out of ourselves."

"That hasn't stopped since you showed up," Leon laughed as he approached them, "You have learned a lot since you've got here. It's time to take the elements you've learned and cross them."

"Cross them?" Roku asked.

Leon smiled and raised his left hand. A flame began to dance in the palm of his hand. The fire began to form a ball in front of him as he raised his other arm. The winds started to blow, catching the fire. Soon, a flaming tornado was twirling in front of him. Leon moved around both arms, controlling the twister. It moved along through the flowers, burning them and pulling others into it. He lowered his arms and the flaming twister dissipated.

"Controlling two Magics at the same time," Leon finally explained, "Allowing you to create a number of unimaginable spells."

Drayk and Roku stood there in awe at what they had just seen. They had never seen anything like it before. Red Magic had been lost, the Red Mages have been extinct for hundreds of years. It's magic only seen in history books. This was the first time true Red Magic had been used in centuries. Drayk grinned at the endless possibilities of what they could do.

"I want you both to choose any two of the elemental magic, and wield them both," Leon commanded.

"Yes Master," Drayk and Roku said at the same time.

Roku, using her left hand calls forth a gust of wind. She rotates her left arm above her head, causing the wind to circle her. She then lifted her right hand to chest level. The earth beneath her feet began to shake, loosening the dirt. The wind catches it. She pushes both arms straight out in front of her, making a wall of sand blast towards Leon. Leon shields his eyes as he is bombarded by dust.

"Interesting choice Roku," Leon joked, "Excellent job nonetheless."

Roku smiled and lowered her arms back down, the sandstorm slowly died down. Drayk then puts both hands straight up into the air. A huge chunk of rock rips out of the ground and floats up above him. Flames engulf it while it rises further up. Drayk swiftly brings his hands straight down. The flaming chunk of earth shoots down like a small meteor and crashes into the ground, causing the entire realm to shake vigorously.

"Very impressive Drayk. Not very practical in a fight, but a good show indeed!" Leon excitedly told him.

"Leon, I know we may have been chosen as the Bringers of Hope, but how is it even possible wield different elements, especially at the same time?" Roku asks.

"Well Roku, magic is but a force controlled by the magic weilder, or mage. Red Magic is a lost form in this world. Other than myself, and now the two of you, Red Mages have not existed for centuries now. They were slaughtered out of fear. A fear of the great power they could control. Ya see, Red Magic is the unlocking of the full magic potential, and allowing that mage to weild all forms of magic. Magic is the very essence, and a gift from the Goddess of Life herself. She bestowed the power to the various clans for numerous uses. Defense, hunting, whatever they chose to use it for. How it's possible to use them all is simple. The elements are embedded in every soul, all life, and everything found throughout the universe. A Red Mage looks passed normal limitations and seeks control. Even if you weren't chosen by Lady Parocaav as the Bringers, the potential was always there. The Mage Clans focused on but one single element, narrowing their vision of the truth. Clouding their judgement. And worse of all, segregating themselves from one another," Leon explained to them, a tears forming in his eyes, "Knowing what I have taught you, I feel like the Red Mages will never die off."

"Leon, I couldn't imagine being the last of a Clan, but Drayk and I will honor the Red Mage," Roku smiled, trying to hold back tears of her own.

"I promise that after this war is all said and done, I will spread your teachings Leon," Drayk says in a sincere tone.

"You are both very wholehearted young people. I can see why you were chosen by Lady Parocaav. She never makes mistakes... except for have trusting Grimm so much," Leon states, "There's nothing left for me to teach the two of you. The next couple weeks will be spent honing in on your abilities. I think you may be ready to find the meadow hidden in the realm."

Leon starts to walk back up towards the cottage. After a brief moment, Roku follows him. Drayk stays behind, looking down at the crater his spell left in the ground. All this time he had spent here, he didn't let his mind wander. He drops to his knees, the conversation with Leon playing over and over again. The last of his Clan. Drayk's mind begins to wander to his family. His father has been MIA for the last several months, his mother dying shortly after giving birth to his kid sister. His sister. Sammi. The subject he had been trying to avoid thinking about. Now that has, he can't rid the thoughts from his mind. His sister was still just a teenager before the attack on his village. His house burning to the ground, still reflecting in his eyes.

"Sammi..." Drayk sighs as he finally starts to head towards the cottage. He dries his tears before going inside to join Leon and Roku for the day's end cup of tea.

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