Chapter XLV: Land of Fire

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"Wake up Drayk," Roku's voice echoes in his mind, "Waaaaake uuuuup!"

Drayk groans as he rubs the top of his head. His eyes are still closed, but he can feel Roku's presence close to him. Pain runs through him and he carefully opens his eyes.

"Ro...ku..." Drayk forces himself to speak.

"Lay back down, you're not healed enough to get up yet," Roku orders as she helps him gently lay back down, "I just wanted to make sure you are still alive. You drained so much power. I thought it was going to kill you."

"I.... couldn't let.... that psycho hur... hurt you any.. more," Drayk coughs and shows her a smile.

Roku places her hands on his chest. One hand slightly above his heart, the other on his sternum. Her hands glow a golden color and Drayk is enveloped with a greenish yellow light. His body is restoring lost energy, as well as healing his aching muscles.

The Ultimate Magic she possessed was unlike his own. His power leaned more toward destruction. The power Roku possessed was incredible to him in so many ways. If White Magic could heal as effectively as her Ultimate Magic, hundreds of thousands of soldiers would never have lost their lives in combat. Every ache he felt, all of his fatigue and even his strength has been restored.

"How long was I out?" Drayk asks as he jumps to his feet, "I feel like I was out for hours."

"Just a few seconds actually," Roku smiles real big.

"Parts of my life flashed before my eyes.... some moments seemed to last for hours," Drayk ponders out loud.

"Nope. Promise ya it was just a few seconds!" Roku says, then sticks her tongue out at him.

Drayk's eyes wander to the other side of the gaping river. The currents moving the water along very rapidly. These rapids roar, making it impossible to be silent anywhere near it. The heat from the Land of Fire evaporates the surface of the water, but the coolness of the Ice Country freeze it right back onto the river. Underneath the cloudy precipitation, the actual water itself cannot be seen. Even this part of the mighty river suffers from the ongoing plight between Fire and Ice.

Drayk kicks up a wind beneath himself and glides to the other side of the river. Roku closely follows behind him, not wanting him to get too far from her. She felt especially close to him after what he had told her moments ago. To her, it was very nice to know she had someone who would look out for her. Someone that would even give their life just to save hers. No one but Crito had cared so much for her. The years she spent wandering the streets, were the loneliest years she had ever know. As long as she never loses Drayk, she'll never alone.

The Bringers of Hope land on the other side. Instantly they begin sweating from the heat. The ground is so dry that the dirt is cracked open. Not a thing can live here, not even cacti. The Fire Mages made this desert unbearable so many years ago, to ward off any outsiders. The Fire Clan always considered themselves to be superior. Now, this land is home of Elite Soldiers, and many of them. Now, that same relentless heat prevents most Resistance Soldiers from making any kind of advancement. This is the strongest part of the Elite Forces, other than those residing in Red Mage Country.

"It's so hot here," Roku pants.

"Indeed. This is the first time I have ever been here, but mother had told me many stories before she died," Drayk explained.

"You think there will be a welcome wagon?"

"I'm sure the Elites will send one once Xivaac discovers we're here, if he doesn't already that is."

"Know a way to keep us cool?"

Drayk shakes his head and looks at the desert sands, "Nope."

The smile on Roku's face turns into a straight look. This heat has already overwhelmed her. She had never seen a place so hot, nor did she imagine such a place existed. Even when the sun goes down, the planet radiates enough heat to keep the temperatures raised till the morning sun. Roku wipes her forehead with her sleeve. The heat is unbearable, especially in the black clothing they are wearing. Besides that, the clothing is long sleeved. Removing any armor or clothing would only leave them vulnerable to enemy attack.

Drayk is running through all the spells and alchemy he knows in his head. He is desperately trying to think of a spell that can at least take the edge off. Rain wouldn't last very long, and neither would any Ice spell. There is no moisture in the air at all to work with. All Wind Magic would do is move the hot air around. Even with his vast knowledge of alchemy, Drayk cannot think of anything that would be of any help in this particular situation.

"As long as we don't sleep here, we will be fine," Drayk says to her, "If you can heal us and replenish our strength... we'll be fine."

"You don't sound very confident Drayk," Roku teases.

"Hopefully we won't get ambushed along the valley, we'll be fine in combat. Once we get to a town or city we'll be much better off for a fight."

"Did Joseff ever say where in Fire Country Lady Yarr lives?"

"He doesn't know where she calls home here in these lands, but she is a High Priestess. We'll most likely be able to find her in the capital city."

A few hours later ~

The sight of a small town, encased under a dome, can be seen a few miles ahead. The town is much too small to be the capital, but it's a good place to start. It appears to be only a few miles out of their way, and they could really use a break from this heat.

"What town is that Drayk?" Roku inquires with a smile.

"It's not as old as the maps I've seen," Drayk pauses for a moment, "So I have no idea."

Roku is about to say something, but she stops herself. Her smile lightens to a mere smirk and she puts her ear to the winds. She closes her eyes to help her listen more efficiently. Drayk sits by in amazement that she can hear what's being carried in the winds. Being trained under Master Crito, she'd almost have to of had learned that ability.

"Elites," Roku simply states.

"You hear them?" Drayk asks.

"From the city up ahead, yes."

"Any civilians."

"Yes. I can only hear two soldiers. They are yelling at the townsfolk."

"Sounds like th-"

"Umm.... Drayk?"


"That town is in cahoots with the Resistance, Drayk! The soldiers are calling them out on it!"

"Shit! We'd better get over there!"

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