Chapter XVIII: Locked Away

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Roku groans in pain, her muscles still recovering from earlier. Stone brick walls and iron bars are the first things she sees when opening her eyes. Roku tries to bring her hands over to face so she can rub her eyes, but she cannot. Her arms are latched into place by iron plates over her wrists. She can't even move her fingers. They are folded into the palm of her hands and a brown leather bag held it closed tight. Drayk appears to be the same. Both of them are crucified to a cell wall, their feet aren't even touching the ground. Suspended above the jail floor, they are helpless.

"Drayk.... Drayk wake up," Roku coughs with pain in her tone.

She doesn't have enough strength and in way too much pain to speak any louder.

"Drayk!" Roku tries her best to be loud.

It appears to have worked. Drayk yawns and opens his eyes. He looks over at Roku and sees she bound to wall. Then it dawns on him that he is in the same boat. He finds himself unable to move his arms or fingers. There is no way to use magic or alchemy.

Roku looks down her body to discover she is no longer in her clothes. She is wearing what appears to be hemp bags made into a poor excuse for clothing. Drayk is dressed the same. His forehead covered in dirt from where he hit the ground. Where we're their clothes and weapons? A better question remained. Where in the world were they?

"Are you hurt?" Drayk asks in a sort tone.

"Just extremely sore from that entrapment spell Karleigh put me in to. Otherwise, peachy," Roku replies in a painful whisper, trying her best to smile.

"Where the Hell are we?"

"I have no clue.... I'm not even sure why we were spared. I couldn't move and she was toying with you."

"Maybe it's because she didn't see us as a threat to her or Xivaac and decided to spare our lives?"

The sound of a metal door slamming echoes loudly through the jail. Footsteps getting louder and louder. Ringing of keys on a ring jingle right before a cloaked figure shows up. Its face cannot be seen under the hood, it is shrouded in darkness. A mumble comes the person, sounds male. The cloak is black in color and has long thin silver chains wrapped around his torso forming an 'X'. The man even wears black gloves with silver spikes rising from the knuckles.

"I am Sota," the man said in a crackly deep voice, "In case you've never heard of me, I-"

"You're the Mysterious General. You assisted Kraag in creating the Elite Forces," Drayk interrupted, "You are infamous where I come from to be a twisted murderer."

"Is that what you've heard, have ya?" Rota bellows, "I do have that sort of reputation I suppose. You slaughter a few dozen towns singlehandedly and you get labeled as a twisted murderer. No respect I tell ya."

"You like to watch life leave the body when it dies!" Daryl shouts.

Sota rushes over to Drayk, placing his left hand over his mouth. With his right, he punches Drayk in the ribcage. The spikes on Sota's glove draw blood. The blood drips down Drayk's side and he screams out in pain.

"Now now Bringer of Hope. Watch your mouth with me. I don't want to have to make you bleed to death so soon," Sota whispers into Drayk's left ear.

Grunting in pain, Drayk attempts to speak. His side hurting too much, and feeling a little winded. Sota turns to face Roku and walks towards her. Staring into her yellow eyes he smiles. He reaches up and runs his fingers though her mangled red hair.

"Such lovely hair my dear. I would save it forever if I were permitted to take it from you. I unfortunately unable to do so per the Mistress of Evil's command," Sota chuckles with a sinister laugh, "I'll just have to wait till she finishes you. The Mistress of Evil won't devour your hair!"

This was the most psychopathic individual she had ever come across, even in the history books she has read. Life was but a toy for this man. Pain and suffering was his joy. Worst of all, she couldn't even see the face of this monstrous man.

"What do you want with us?" Drayk manages to ask.

"Karleigh said I get to kill you Drayk and while Roku watches too! Oh! So exciting! Wouldn't you say?" Sota teases him, "It is for me anyways. I'm going to leave you here another couple days though. You'll be more fun to torture then!"

Sota laughs maniacally as he walks out of the cell. Slamming the bar door shut, he walks away. The echo of his laugh fading away, then finally disappearing after the sound of a slamming door. Drayk is in the worst pain he has ever felt. A few of his ribs may even be broken. He can feel the blood dripping down his side to his waist.

Many hours later~

All is quiet except for the sound of rats scurrying around the jail floor. The stone was in cold against their skin, making them shiver. Both Drayk and Roku in excruciating pain. Left there to suffer. Thoughts of Sammi play over in Drayk's mind. He is stricken with guilt, sorrow, then feels as if they have failed the Goddess of Light.

Roku's mind wanders to her little home in the mountains, and to her master. He would be disappointed to know she was in this situation. Leon comes to her mind and she immediately feels like they let him down. He was the one who trained them. Who believed in them. Who opened their eyes to new ideals and a new way of seeing things.

Here they are though. Imprisoned. Not knowing of any way they could possibly escape. Magic is out of the question. No one even knows they're here. This couldn't be the end for them. A burning passion to continue rages inside of Drayk and Roku. They don't want to let things end. Before the few days are up, they will attempt to come up with a plan. The Bringers of Hope must prevail!

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