Chapter XV: The Town Amongst the Sand

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The sun is blazing down on Drayk and Roku, the desert seeming to go on forever. They do not have any food, and are growing more and more hungry. Water isn't a problem since they can produce water using magic. The thoughts of Kraag run through Roku's mind. She can't stop thinking about what he had told her. Could her name really be Riinah? She was orphaned and given the name Roku by Crito when he found her. Looking over at Drayk, she can't help but feel like she has to tell him. He appears to have something on his mind as well. He always get this look that she just cannot describe when he is thinking about whatever it is. He almost looks sad.

The heat is beginning to be unbearable. Drayk wipes some sweat from his forehead and looks straight into the sky. The sun is perfectly in the middle, it has reached its high point. Soon, it would begin its descention on the world to leave it darkness. He can't wait long. They have suffered enough. Drayk starts to wiggle his fingers, mimicking rain with them. A cloud the size of a small tent shades them. Water droplets start falling onto them, cooling them off.

"I just couldn't take it anymore," Drayk joked, "This heat is ridiculous."

"You're a Fire Mage," Roku laughed sticking her tongue out at him.

Rolling his eyes, Drayk says, "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Even us Fire Mages can't stand the relentless sun."

Roku smiles at him and uses her Wind Magic to lightly push the cloud above them, matching their walking speed. For a brief moment, everything seemed ok. That is, except for the growling they both felt in their stomachs. They had to find some food. Just then, it appeared that a town was beginning to take shape up ahead.

"A town!" Roku shouts excitedly.

"We have to be careful Roku. Remember, we are in Elite territory," Drayk reminds her.

Roku mocks him, "Yeah, yeah, yeah."

"I'm not kidding, if anyone in that town suspects us to be the Bringers of Hope.... it could be bad news."

"Drayk, if we make eye contact with anyone, it will give it away. There's nothing we could do."

Drayk relinquishes the storm cloud. He decides it would be best to not use anymore magic until they've passed through the upcoming town. He looks closer at the town, squinting his eyes. The buildings look as if they are made out of sand. This was not a Wind Clan town. It looks more like an Earth Mage village. Had they been going the wrong way this whole time? Leon had told them the first town they would encounter would be Nait, a large city made of brick and stone.

"I think we are headed in the wrong direction," Drayk says out loud.

"Shit! Seriously? Can we still go to this town and get some food? I'm starving!" Roku asks.

"I think it would be best, we can get directions to Oro as well."

An hour or so later~

Drayk and Roku have reached the town. All of the buildings are made completely out of sand, like giant sand castles. At the entrance to the town stood a sign. It has the Earth Mage crest on it. Considering it is in the height of the afternoon, the town appears to be quiet. Almost too quiet. They walk into the town, looking all around. The streets are deserted. No sign of anyone anywhere. It's almost like this is a ghost town.

"Let's split up and try to find someone," Drayk tells Roku after a moment, "We'll meet back here in a half hour."

"Sounds food Drayk. If I find food, I'll bring you some back," Roku agrees with a smile.

Drayk walks toward the left part of town and Roku continues walking straight ahead. This is so bizarre. The world may be at war, but towns don't get abandoned. They are either destroyed, taken over or are still thriving. Roku reaches what she believes to be the center of town. A small oasis is in a circle made of small stones. She walks over to it and splashes the water onto her face.

Legend of Parocaav: The Quest for Redemption (First Draft)Where stories live. Discover now