Chapter XLIX: Submit to the Darkness

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"You have to let me see my brother!" Sammi yells as she bursts into Xivaac's chambers.

"All in good time Samantha," Xivaac says with a smile.

He walks past Sammi and closes the door to his room. His smile soon disappears as he walks over to the window overseeing his lands. Sammi slowly walks over to stand next to him. A look of sadness spread across her face. She has never felt so homesick before. It wasn't even that she hasn't seen her own home in weeks, it was the fact she has only laid eyes on her brother in futuresight visions. Not being able to see him has always made her feel uncomfortable and uneasy. Even with her new abilities, she can't help but feel lost and unsafe.

The darkness within her keeps trying to overcome her. Every day is a fight to remain her normal self. Her body keeps transforming into a dark witch, then back to normal as she desperately tries to cling to the light. Being away from Drayk makes it harder to prevent the darkness from consuming her and she can't help but feel that this is Lord Xivaac's intentions. He knows without Drayk, she will succumb to the darkness. Fear is all that Sammi feels. Fear of losing herself to darkness and an even greater fear of never seeing Drayk alive again. Thoughts of the talk with Leon's spirit haunt her very being. A warning of what is to come.

"Lord Xivaac," Sammi begins, but cannot find any words after that.

"Yes Samantha?" Xivaac inquires as he faces her.

His cold and shallow eyes, staring into her own. They felt like daggers piercing her mind as she makes eye contact with the Dark Lord. She can't help but break eye contact with him. She simply cannot look into his eyes without feeling the darkness coursing through her veins.

"You want me to submit to the darkness before you'll allow me to see him.... will you?" She manages to ask while looking at her feet.

Xivaac lets out the most evil laugh she has ever heard before he replies with a question of his own, "You know because of the futuresight, don't you?"

"No. Call it a hunch Xivaac."

"Well. I can't have you helping the Bringers of Hope after all I have done for you kid."

These words eat away at Sammi as anger fills her. This bastard wants her to turn against the light and embrace the darkness. Her eyes start to glow bright red and she tackles the Dark Lord through the open window. They both go spiraling down the side of the tower, towards the earth below. This has to stop here and now. Just before they hit the ground, Xivaac stops them in midair. He throws Sammi against the ground and she bounces off a few rocks before lands on her back.

Xivaac shrouds himself in a black aura and blasts her with pure dark energy. Sammi cries out in pain as she is thrown a several more feet away. She quickly jumps to her feet and shoots flames at the Dark Lord. He puts out his right hand and absorbs the fire onto oblivion. Sammi strikes again, this time with fireballs. Xivaac does nothing, allowing them to hit him. Not a mark has been left on him. Panic sets in and Sammi shoots molten rock up directly beneath him. A spinning vortex encases Xivaac. Once the magic dissipates, the Dark Lord is left levitating above the crater created from the molten rock. He appears to be completely unaffected and he lets out an evil laugh once more.

"Magic cannot hurt me dear girl!" Xivaac laughs out.

"You're a monster Xivaac! You must be stopped!" Sammi roars out in anger.

"You haven't a chance in Hell at beating me! You should stop now before you get yourself hurt."

Realizing her Fire Magic may not be enough, Sammi drops to her knees. Her eyes are locked onto the ground. She cannot even find the courage to look up at the God of Darkness. Thoughts of never seeing her brother overwhelm her and rage takes over again. She thinks back to the chimera and the time she spent in the Labyrinth of Time. Sammi stands back up on her feet and covers herself in a flaming aura. The air starts to get hot and dry all around. Particles in the air combust into little explosions as the air heats up.

Xivaac lets down his aura and points his left hand at Sammi. Her aura disappears and she is enveloped into a cloud of darkness. As the Dark Lord raises his left hand, Sammi lifts up off the ground. She cannot move, and her entire body is feeling constricted. All of her muscles start to ache as the darkness is absorbed into body. A pain she has never felt, and a new sense of fear consumes her. She can feel all her happy thoughts and memories being erased from her mind. Darkness and anger begin to take control.

Xivaac slowly lowers his hand, and Sammi floats back down to her feet. Her mother's robes are unchanged, but her skin is snow white. The color of her hair and eyes have changed to a solid black. Not a trace of light left within her. Her soul has been overcome by the darkness. Her heart becoming cold and bitter. She can feel a power like she has never known before. The Dark Lord has bestowed her with yet another gift. All happy thoughts of Drayk are no more and a hatred towards him consumes her.

"Are you going to behave now Lady Samantha?" Xivaac asks subtly.

"Yes, Lord Xivaac. I apologize for my previous actions. Do forgive me Sire," Sammi says in a monotone voice.

"Very well. You are forgiven. I expect you to act like a lady from this point forward, and don't you ever try to attack me again. Next time I will not be so forgiving."

"Yes, Lord Xivaac."

Xivaac begins to rise up into the air towards his chamber window. Sammi looks up and watches him disappear from sight. A slight evil smirk spreads across her face as she thinks of making an unexpected rendezvous with the Bringers of Hope. Excitement fills her while she imagines what it will be like to kill them and redeem herself in the Dark Lord's eyes. To show she is truly worthy of the gifts he has presented to her.

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