Chapter XLII: Encounter at the Border

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The grand foyer sits calm. No noise, except for the howling winds outside these walls. Drayk and Roku are standing over the remains of the Mistress of Evil. Nothing more than bones and a pile of ash are left of Karleigh.

"We did it.... We did it!!!" Roku exclaims.

"We really destroyed this Goddess?" Drayk asks surprised.

"We did! We actually beat Karleigh!"

"I bet Xivaac is going to be pissed when he finds out. We should keep our eyes peeled."

"You're such a worry wart Drayk!"

"I have my reasons. All from experience during my service in the Resistance."

Back outside, the winds are gusting. Snow still falling from the sky. This land still has no sign of a spring day. A bitter storm is still controlling this country. Drayk thinks back to the map from the inn. The border between Fire and Ice is a huge river, almost a half of a mile wide at its narrowest. Once they cross the river, they will be in Fire Country. Most of the Fire Country had been brainwashed into being Elite soldiers. Most of the other clans believe it is because they all have bad tempers, and this made them more susceptible to Xivaac's magic.

Almost a week later ~

The weather is slowing starting to clear. The clouds aren't directly overhead any longer. The air instantly becomes hot and humid. As they get closer to the border, the hotter it gets. The snow melts here and the air heats the moisture into the air. The Bringers of Hope stop at the top of a cliffside and look down. A giant river can be seen below.

"The River of Souls," Drayk spoke softly, "This river flows from the northern most city, to the southern most city. It passes through most of the countries on planet Gaia. It's said that this river carries the memories of the world in its waters."

"I bet this river could tell us a few stories about the original war between Fire and Ice!" Roku jokes, trying to be funny.

"This river really could. Story has it, that true Water Mages can see images of what happened near this river, like the Wind Mages can hear sound carried by the very winds themselves."

"There are no Water Mages left, are there?"

"Not that's been seen for centuries."

Looking out beyond the river, the Bringers can see the Land of Fire. The ground there is scarred with lava filled cracks. The only mountains in sight are all volcanoes, and active besides. The lands bare the scars of true loss. The Fire King was killed almost right away since he was seen as the biggest threat to the Elites. The Queen of Fire was abducted, then later murdered.

The rest of the Fire Clan merged with the Elites. They didn't want to get slaughtered out, so they joined Xivaac's side. Almost an entire nation's people converted to satanic beliefs that day. Tens of millions chose to turn their backs on the Goddess. Following the God of Darkness was worse than the fate they would have received otherwise. Drayk and Roku begin to climb down the cliffside, being as careful as possible.

Once they've reached the bottom, the two of them walk towards the river. The sound of rapidly running water overpowers all noise. The air is extremely hot and thick with moisture. All of the snow and water has made it rather humid at the river's edge. Just as the Bringers reach the shoreline of a calm pool, a whisper fills the air around them. The words are too soft to make out what the voice is saying. The whisper fades off towards the deep valley of Fire.

"Think we should follow it?" Roku asks, "I wonder if someone is trying to get our attention."

Before Drayk even has a chance to speak, the water splashes up from the deeper part of the river. A young woman lands right on the very edge of the river. This girl appears to be no older than seventeen years old. She is wearing a blue robe that Drayk has only seen in history books. A Water Mage's robe. Dark blue around the edges and a lighter blue inside. The wavy crest of the Water Clan etched into the shoulder pads. The color of her hair is as blue as the ocean's water. She looks at them with her big blue eyes with an expression of anger.

"Welcome, Bringers of Hope!" The woman calls out with a bow, "I'm not surprised you defeated Grimm or the Triplets, but kudos on slaying the Dark Queen."

"How do you know so much of our journey?" Drayk inquires.

The woman pops her neck as she tilts her head side to side, then replies, "I'm surprised daddy never brought me up! I'm your little half sister Riinah! My name is Merii."

"Half.... sister?" Roku wonders out loud, her mind spinning.

"That's right," Merii replies with a smile, "A few years after the attack on Froz, daddy met my mother. She is the Queen of Tides, or better known as the Aquatic Queen. She was killed by the Clan of Tides though when she turned her own people over to the Dark Lord. So I guess you can call me Lady Merii."

"Kraag took another wife?" Roku asks immediately.

"No. They never married. He always said his heart was tied to another," Merii replies with a serious tone to her voice, "He never got over losing you and Synn. You see, that's where we have a problem big sister."

"You're upset with Roku because of something she has no control over!?" Drayk snaps at the young lady.

"Yes, precisely," Merii simply tells him.

"You're insane!" Drayk yells.

"That may very well be true, but no matter," Merii laughs, "Riinah will die by my hand. Hear me big sister? I will kill you for preventing daddy from marrying mommy! Synn will receive the same fate if I ever have the pleasure of meeting the witch."

"You should be mad at Kraag!" Roku shouts, "He might be my father by blood, but he is not my father."

"I could never be mad at daddy. Besides, Lord Xivaac himself requested that we have a little encounter. The Dark Lord wished we meet," Merii explained, "Besides, I couldn't pass up this opportunity to meet you dear sister."

Roku reaches for her swords, but a mighty wave crashes up from the river, knocking Roku to the ground. Merii smiles and starts to laugh. She cracks her neck once more, then her knuckles. A giant pillar of water rises up behind Merii. It crashes down on Roku, splitting to avoid crushing Merii. The ground shakes and the water splashes all around. Roku is laid out in the wet dirt, feeling the wind just get knocked out of her.

"Now Now Riinah," Merii jokes, "You must play nice or I'm telling daddy."

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