Chapter XIV: Riinah

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The tallest tower of Lord Xivaac's castle had its light on, despite being in the middle of the night. It seems the Dark Lord is very fond of the nighttime. Xivaac paces around his chambers as if he was anticipating bad news. His chamber door bursts open, slamming up against the grey stone wall. He looks to see who would be bothering him at such an hour. Before him stands Kraag, bloody and panting.

"What the Hell happened to you?" Xivaac demands to know.

"I had a run in with the Bringers of Hope a few hours after slaying Leon Sire," Kraag reluctantly tells him.

"What?! You weren't able to stop Leon from training them?"

"Sorry my Lord.... with Grimm being delayed by Bahemyth.... by the time I got there it was too late."

"Do they possess great power?"

Kraag notices a certain tone of fear in Xivaac's voice. He tries not to look into his eerie black eyes. Looking straight down Kraag replies, "I wouldn't have returned looking the way I do if they didn't.... I definitely didn't do this to myself."

Xivaac glares at Kraag for his smartass remark. He shakes his head and walks toward his window, staring out into the world.

"I apologize Sire. They caught me off guard. The Bringers of Hope ambushed me and men after they had all gone to bed. They are incompetent with their swordplay, but they can use Red Magic," Kraag explains.

"This will not do. We should have stopped this before it had a chance to begin."

"There's something else Xivaac."

"What else could there possibly be Kraag?"

Kraag doesn't respond right away. The words just don't seem to want to come out. He walks over next to Xivaac at the window, peering out as well. Xivaac turns to face him, expecting him to answer his question.

"It's my long lost daughter," Kraag finally tells him.

"Riinah? Are you certain? You thought she was dead. Supposedly murdered by the Resistance when they ambushed your capital city of Froz."

"Her eyes may be yellow now, but I know my daughter's face. She is one of the Bringers. Parocaav truly is a twisted being Sir."

"No. We can use this. Her mother is still alive. Find her! We can use her to lure Riinah away from the other Bringer."

"I haven't seen my wife since we thought Riinah was lost Xivaac. She blamed me for her apparent death.... I wouldn't even know where to begin looking."

"Where are the Bringers of Hope heading now?"

"If they truly did complete their training.... they should be headed to Oro to seek out the rest of the prophecy. We've been driven out of Oro. There's no way for us to get in to that city."

"If they are headed there, I will make sure their trip is torturous. Tell Grimm I wish to speak with him."

"Yes my Lord."

Kraag starts to walk away, stopping in midstep. He opens his mouth to speak. Changing his mind, he continues to walk out of the room. Down the long flight of stairs Kraag walks. Images of his daughter keep popping into his head. Riinah looks so much like her mother. Synn. He hasn't thought about her in nearly ten years. She wanted nothing to do with him after that night. Even that was over twenty years ago now. Damn how time flies, especially when you are an immortal. It's a very easy thing to lose track of. Kraag's mind wanders back to that night, and his hometown of Froz....

~This day seemed to be unlike any other in the bustling city of Froz. It is a city that is not like any other on the planet. Being the capital city of the Ice Mages, it is always cold. The city is constructed of nothing but solid ice. It was made using the only material the ancient mages could use.

Legend of Parocaav: The Quest for Redemption (First Draft)Where stories live. Discover now