Chapter VI: Bahemyth

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Out in a barren wasteland, stands a castle made of stone. It rises high above the world, up into the clouds. The ultimate fortress. Impenetrable. Ever lasting. The middle tower reigns over the rest of the structure. A light from the only window flicks on. A cloaked figure with its hood up walks into the room, stopping in the center. A pale white man with jet black hair and solid black eyes looks up the figure. The cloaked one bows before the pale man.

"Lord Xivaac, I am still unable to locate the two spoken of in Bless's prophecy," the figure spoke with a deep voice, and a hint of regret.

"Tsk tsk Grimm. You are the seeker of death, the reaper of souls," Xivaac laughed sarcastically, "How can you not locate them?"

Grimm pulls back his hood to reveal his skeletal face to the Dark Lord. His eye sockets hollow and blank.

"Forgive me my Lord. I have reason to believe that Leon may have them," Grimm began, "I could sense his presence briefly a while ag-"

"LEON IS STILL ALIVE!?" Xivaac interrupted quite infuriated, "I though he would become mortal and perish when that witch Parocaav fell."

"His immortality runs deeper than Lady Parocaav. He is a master of all Magics and of Alchemy Sire."


Xivaac stands up from his chair and walks over to the window. Peering out into the world He chuckles maniacally. His laughter carries all throughout the wasteland. His followers looking up towards the mighty castle. Xivaac's laughter draws forth storm clouds and it starts to pour ice cold rain.

"Find Bahemyth" Xivaac commands, "He is the only one that can enter the realm of the Forgotten Forest."

"Yes my Lord. I will seek the Wizard out," Grimm said obediently as he walked out of the room.

Later on, and on the other side of the planet~

A small building, no bigger than a shack hidden away in a canyon sits quietly. Grimm follows the trail to the wooden door. His boney hand knocks on the door loudly. The sound of locks unlocking can be heard on the other side of the door and it slowly opens. Before Grimm stands a man that looks ancient. He has a long grey beard that reaches the floor and the hair on his head almost just as long. In his left hand the old man holds a wooden staff with an hourglass at the top.

"It's been some time Reaper. What brings you to my lair?" The old man asks.

"I have been ordered here by Lord Xivaac. He is in need of your services Bahemyth," Grimm answers without hesitation.

"Please, come in."

Bahemyth moves out of the way to let Grimm through. He closes the door as Grimm enters. Inside the shack is an empty room with a spiral staircase leading down into the earth. They walk down the stairs leading to a massive labyrinth beneath the surface. Grimm doesn't say a word to the old man until they reach Bahemyth's chambers.

"Lord Xivaac needs access to the Forgotten Forest," Grimm says outright.

Bahemyth lets out a laugh, "What business does that old coot have with that realm?"

"We have reason to believe Leon is keeping the Bringers of Hope there. The Dark Lord does not want Leon training them. He feels threatened by the prophecy."

Bahemyth laughs so loud it echoes throughout the entire labyrinth. He walks over to a dusty old black felt chair and sits down. Looking up at Grimm with a smug look on face he laughs once more.

"He should be. I have seen them persnally. Drayk Kirkwood unleashed a hellbound lightning storm on some Elite Soldiers in the village of Kuma. Annihilated them all without breaking a sweat," Bahemyth told him, "once trained, he and the girl will have immense power."

"I know what he has done. I had to collect the souls of those soldiers and lead them to Shangri-La. You see all, you know all Father Time.... you are the only one with the power to enter Leon's forest realm."

"You know I am not sided with either cause. What happens to this world is none of my concern. I simply keep time!"

"Don't be ridiculous! We both know you do so much more than that. You didn't stop the Fall of Parocaav."

"I didn't help either Grimm. You watch your mouth you dog toy! Parocaav was your creator, as well as mine! You betrayed her, doesn't mean I will."

Grimm's eyes began to glow red, clearly visible even while his hood was up. A giant scythe appears in his hands. The long shaft of the weapon was solid black with the skull of a lizard at the end, the red blade extended from its mouth. Grimm slashes at Bahemyth, tearing his robes. Bahemyth jumps back to make sure he was not cut. He shakes his head at Grimm and twirls his staff around counterclockwise.

In that instant, time moved backwards briefly up to the point before Grimm drew his weapon. The cloth of Bahemyth's robe closes shut at the tear. Time resumes normally and Bahemyth bolts at Grimm, grabbing his arm and snapping it from his skeleton body.

"Try that again, I dare you Grimm!" Bahemyth hisses.

Grimm lets out a a shriek at the pain. He looks towards the Time Master, standing in complete silence.

"Forgive me Father Time," Grimm reluctantly apologizes.

Bahemyth is a being unlike any other. He is not living, nor is he dead. He simply exists. The Master of Time. He was created by Lady Parocaav to maintain the balance of time. Bahemyth's physical appearance only exists in this labyrinth, he is cursed with the inability to leave. A lot of anger is built up inside him. In his labyrinth, time has no effect. All the clocks are frozen and time seizes to be. Bahemyth is not in the past, present or future. And yet, He is in all three simultaneously.

"I will help, there is no need to threaten your own existence Reaper. For that little stunt you tried, when you leave my labyrinth... four days will have passed," Bahemyth laughed, "Tell Kraag to come to my lair, and to bring a few Elites that he wishes to invade the Forgotten Forest."

Grimm grabs his arm from Bahemyth and snaps it back into socket. A sigh lets out from him and he turns to leave. He stops for a moment, brushing his cloak off.

"Understood," Grimm states as he vanishes in a black cloud.

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