Chapter LVIII: The Sword of Light

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A burst of white light disturbs a peaceful meadow, rustling the tall grass. Once the light dissipates, the Bringers of Hope come into view. Drayk lays his unconscious sister down onto the soft ground, making a nest amongst the grass. He looks up and around the realm. This realm is nothing more than a small field floating high above the clouds. Looking down over the edge, nothing can be seen below. No rocks or trees can be seen either, just tall grass. In the center of the airborne island, is an opening of dirt with an intricately designed alchemic circle. In the middle of the circle, lies a cloak with the markings of Parocaav. A sword sticks out of the ground behind the cloak. Its blade appears to be made out of pure light energy with a golden handle.

"The Sword of Light," Drayk states in awe.

"How come I have a bad feeling about this realm?" Roku asks.

"Might be because this is where Lady Parocaav was betrayed by Grimm. She did spend many years trapped in that alchemic circle, only to finally give her own life to allow us to redeem her and this planet."

"I meant that it feels like there should be more here. Something more.... I don't know.... deadly?"

"Well, there will be the trouble of getting the sword. That circle would trap either of us the way it did the Goddess of Light."

"Because of the Ultimate Magics?"

"Yes. There is no way to escape that circle alive. Parocaav is proof of that."

"How about Wind Magic?"

"It's worth a try."

Roku summons forth a gusting wind. The wind blasts up against an invisible dome that encases the alchemic circle. Sparks fly from the impact, then shoots at Roku. She is electrocuted by the dome and she stops the winds.

"Hmm," Roku sighs with a shrug, "Can't we just erase the circle somehow?"

"It's carved into the Rocky ground, it's not drawn on. We'll have to figure out something though," Drayk simply says, "There has to be a way to retrieve Parocaav's sword."

"Hmm?" Roku wonders out loud.

She slowly approaches the circle, making sure not to get too close. Roku pulls the original twin blade out of its sheath. With a quick slash, she carves an arch that tears into the circle's design. The carved lines of the circle start to glow red and the invisible dome sparks with blue electricity. Suddenly, all of the light disappears. The floating island now has a calm feel to it.

"I wonder if that worked," Roku wonders.

"Only one way to find out," Drayk smiles.

Drayk walks over to the circle slowly. Once he is standing right in front of it, he turns to face Roku. He gives her a smile and steps one foot over the edge of the circle. There is no reaction so he continues to walk towards the Sword of Light. Drayk cautiously touches the sword. Still no reaction. He then pulls the Sword of Light from the ground and raises it high above his head. A strange and comfortable feeling overcomes him. No sword has ever felt so natural in his hand. He swings the blade above his head and an arch of light shoots from the blade into the sky.

"The Sword of Light," Drayk says with admiration, "Forged by Lady Parocaav herself using the power of the cosmos."

"A sword so powerful, it can destroy anything created by her," Roku adds.

"You ready to finally end this?"

"Yes! Let's!"

Drayk reaches down to his feet and grabs the solid gold sheath. He throws the strap over his shoulder and sheathes the Sword of Light. Once sheathed, the light cannot be seen. The Bringers of Hope walk over towards the portal. Roku looks at Sammi laying in the grass bed as Drayk picks her up. He holds his sister close as they vanish from the realm.

The three of them emerge from the other side, back in front of Ragnarok Pass. Roku takes a few steps and notices the smell of flowers filling the air. The wind is carrying the aroma over from a patch of various flowers up ahead in the valley. She takes a deep breath through her nose while closing her eyes. Once she opens them, she notices a castle far off in the distance. A single tower rises above the rest, and the window overseeing the valley is lit with a light.

"It's almost time," Roku states with pride, "Our quest is almost over."

"Indeed it is," Drayk agrees.

"What should we do with Sammi? We can't exactly take her with us."

"I think she'll be safe inside the pass."

"Let's set her up a resting area. Ooo! I'll write her a message so she doesn't worry if she awakens before we return!"

An hour later ~

With Sammi all nestled in and hidden safely within Ragnarok Pass, the Bringers of Hope set out once more. The time has come to end this once and for all. To restore light to the planet and redeem the fallen goddess.

"You nervous Drayk?" Roku asks as they walk towards the castle.

"A little bit," Drayk replies, "You?"

"More than a little."

"Xivaac's time has come to an end."

"How long do you think it will take to get there?"

"It's hard to tell. A couple of days or so."

For the next several hours, neither of them say another word to one another. Roku grows more and more nervous as they continue to get closer to the lair of the Dark Lord. Drayk's mind is focused solely on his sister. He can't help but think about why she would ever have accepted such a cursed power from Lord Xivaac. For that matter, he is baffled that Bahemyth would have anything to do with the God of Darkness. Father Time is suppose to be mutual and secluded from the war.

"Drayk?" Roku finally breaks the silence.

"Yes?" Drayk asks.

"I can't help but wonder who that woman was."

"You're still on that?"

"How is it not bothering you?!"

"I'm not sure. It's just not. Right now, I am focused on completing our quest. I want to end the war and stop all of this."

"What if.... never mind."

A couple days later ~

The tower stands tall above the Bringers' heads. The top of it cannot even be seen anymore. They are much too close. Roku's throat goes dry and her heart starts to pound. She takes a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. She knows that this is the end of it all. Peace will return to the planet of Gaia once more. Something that the planet has known less than war. The planet has suffered throughout its history. The two of them can finally change that though. They alone will redeem more than the fallen goddess, they will be redeeming the entire planet. They will give Gaia another chance.

"Ready?" Drayk asks with a soft tone.

"Yes," Roku simply responds.

The Bringers of Hope walk through the main wooden door leading into the castle. Not a single sign of life can be found. The castle is scarce of anybody. Only the feeling of darkness fills the air. A feeling that reminds them of where they are. The darkness lurks within every inch of the castle. The air feels almost thick and heavy as they approach a stairwell. Drayk and Roku look up the giant spiralling staircase. Seeing how far they travel up, until they can no longer be seen.

After awhile, the Bringers of Hope finally reach the top. Roku quickly removes their fatigue from their long walk up the stairs. They both take a deep breath before simultaneously bursting through the door to the Dark Lord's chambers. Xivaac is standing across the room with his arms crossed and a crooked smile on his pale white face.

"And so our game of chess reaches its end," Xivaac jokes, "Welcome to my home, Bringers of Hope."

Legend of Parocaav: The Quest for Redemption (First Draft)Where stories live. Discover now