Chapter III: The Fall of Parocaav

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Drayk and Roku sit in the quiet front room of Leon's cottage. They sit in opposite chairs from one another. The smell of freshly brewed tea pours into the room from the kitchen. Leon walks out with a steaming teapot.

"So you really believe that we were chosen by Lady Parocaav?" Drayk asked still rather skeptical.

Leon stares at him, not saying a word. He pours himself a cup of tea, adding some cream and sugar. His spoon clinks against the glass mug and a smile spreads across his face. Leon takes a sip and offers the two a cup.

"No thank you Leon," Roku kindly refuses.

Drayk just shakes his head, still waiting for Leon's answer. Leon grabbed a book from under his seat. He flipped it open about half way through it. He began to read from it in a calm but smooth voice:

~It was a cool dark morning. The occasional gust of wind blows through the valley, making the tall grass dance around. Lady Parocaav appears from a blast of light. She looks around at the open, empty field. Not a soul in sight. Lady Parocaav walks toward the center of the field, where an alchemists circle lies. A puzzled look spreads across her face and you can feel the confusion in her eyes. She tries to step away from the circle when it begins to glow red. Beams of light shoot up from the edge of the circle and Parocaav gets pulled into it.

An ominous laughter echoes throughout the valley, dark clouds begin to spiral over Parocaav's head and then all is silent. The wind completely stops blowing, and the glowing lights fade away. Lady Parocaav falls to her knees, gasping for air. A cloaked figure appears in front of her. She looks past the hood and into the eyes of her captor.

"Grimm!" Lady Parocaav screamed, "What do you think you're doing?!"

Grimm pulls back his hood back to reveal his skeletal face. His eye sockets glowing bright red. He looks into Parocaav's yellow eyes and laughs.

"Time for a change! We're in charge now! With you trapped here, powerless, Kraag and I are free to bring back the Dark Lord from the prison you placed him in!" Grimm exclaimed.

"You fool! Do you not realize what you're doing? You will bring chaos to the world as we know it! If Xivaac is freed, then the balance I created you to maintain will be lost!"

Grimm let out a chuckle and just looked down at Lady Parocaav. The alchemic circle sparked as he walked into it. Grimm grabbed her by the hair and lifted her up. He pulls her in close to whisper into her ear, "I don't care M'lady. A new world order is long over due. With your power drained by the Dark Lord's followers, in the form of this alchemy circle, you will be helpless in keeping Xivaac sealed away. You will be only able to sit back and watch, as your precious planet and its inhabitants crumble away to nonexistence. You will watch as the Dark Lord becomes the world's primary deity."

Grimm pushes Lady Parocaav back down to the ground. A vortex opens over her head, and Lady Bless falls into the entrapment as well.

"She'll keep you company here. No sense in having her loose in the world of the living," Grimm laughed.

"Lady Parocaav! Are you hurt?" Lady Bless asked.

Lady Parocaav looked up at Grimm, and in disbelief, shrugs her shoulders, "I am not physically hurt. Just feeling betrayed. Grimm has been by my side since the beginning... and knowing the fate of the world... I'll never be alright again."

Lady Parocaav lays down in the grass, facing away from Grimm. Lady Bless looks in shock as Grimm vanishes from the valley, leaving them trapped in the alchemic circle.

"Lady Parocaav... if I may," Lady Bless began, seeing no response from her Mistress she continues, "Three days ago, I had a vision. There is a way for us to stop the evil tyrants from destroying all you created."

"Go on," Lady Parocaav said as she looked up at her disciple.

"Many years from now, two individuals will be born with incredible power. One born of Napte, the other born of Natre. They will be met and trained by the Grand Master Leon. He will prepare them for the fight of mankind."

"How will these children acquire such power?"

"Well, Ma'am... that's where you came into my vision. IlYears from now, when the world is in peril, you will choose the two children to be born with your great power. However, they will not be able to use it until they reach the age of 26."

Lady Parocaav sighs and looks down at the ground, "I will use the last of my own life force...?"

"Yes Ma'am.... when they receive your power, you will be the first deity to be considered dead. Your power will enter their souls, marking their eyes with your unique yellow color. If the Bringers of Hope are successful, you will be reborn, as the rest of the world will be reborn."

"If they are successful? You are my profit, my seer of what's to come. The Foreseer of all herself. You seem to not know of the outcome."

"No M'lady... For the first time, I am unable to see into the future. The new evil that will fill the world clouds my futuresight. I cannot say whether they will be successful."

"Well, then for the first time, I am uncertain that the balance can be kept. Hopefully, these two you foresee will be stronger than I hope."~

Leon closes the book gently, sets it down on the coffee table and sips his tea once more. Drayk and Roku look at one another. They stared into each others' eyes, seeing the golden yellow that were mentioned.

"So Lady Parocaav is no more?" Roku asks already knowing the answer.

"That's right my dear. The Goddess of Life has died, sacrificing her own life to give you two the power you need to fulfill the prophecy," Leon responded.

Drayk unable to speak, gets up and walks outside of the cottage. Roku gets up and follows him out.

"I don't know what to make of all this," Drayk said, trying to make it sound humorous.

Roku stood in front of Drayk, peering into his now yellow eyes, "We have to redeem Her Drayk. We can't let Her life end in vain."

"I know Roku."

"What was it like?"

"What do you mean?"

"Using a magic unknown to you, something you had no idea was possible."

"It only confirms what Leon has told us.... I know that doesn't answer your question, but that's how it feels now. When it happened, it felt so natural. It felt... familiar."

Leon walks out of the cottage to join the two. He doesn't say a word as he walks past them to the clearing. Roku starts to follow him, not even thinking about it. Drayk reluctantly follows as well.

"This is the Forgotten Forest. It can only be entered or left with Magic. It is a realm all in its own. You could say...." Leon paused, turning to face the Bringers of Hope, "where you will learn all that I can teach you. Better feel honored, no mortal man, or woman has ever set foot here. This realm was given to me by Lady Parocaav. This realm is what allows me to be immortal. Time moves much much faster here. The world will not age as much while you prepare for your quest."

"I want to learn all I can Leon," Drayk told him, "Not just of magic, but of Lady Parocaav and Lord Xivaac as well."

Leon gave the two a smirk, "All in good time. Tomorrow is your first day of training, so just get some rest."

Legend of Parocaav: The Quest for Redemption (First Draft)Where stories live. Discover now