Chapter XXII: Just a Game of Chess

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An unknown disturbing feeling ran through Xivaac's veins. Every ounce of his being told him that something was wrong. He looks around his throne room. Glancing around the room, all that can be seen is his guards below him. Just a large dark chamber with a few torches giving it a dim light. Xivaac looks over at the throne chair next to him to see his wife. Karleigh looks as though she has just felt the same thing as Xivaac. A look of shock embedded in her facial features.

The large wooden double doors leading into the throne room burst open. A man dressed in a red and black jester's outfit runs into the room, nearly sliding on the slick floor. His face is also covered in a blank mask, hiding all emotions. When the jester gets close to Dark Lord he slows to a speedy walk. Slowing to a stop, the jester bows before the Dark Lord and Mistress.

"I bring good and bad news Sire," the jester spits it out.

"Go on," Xivaac commands.

"You were right about them escaping the clutches of Sota. He was killed in the process, but that was expected I'm sure my Lord," The jester explains and stops to catch his breath, "The Bringers of Hope were unexpectedly saved and did not escape on their own demerit. Furthermore, Grimm met then in Wind Country. They walked straight to where you predicted they would. Grimm ambushed them.... but...."

"But nothing! Spit it out jester! Or I will let my wife kill you!" Xivaac roars, "Trust me, she's wanted to for some time now."

The jester looks up at the wicked smile on the Goddess's face and gulps with fear. He slaps himself across the face to focus on what he needs to tell them.

"Grimm was.... d-d-destroyed.... by a Cosmic Magic s-s-s-spell Sire," the jester says, almost choking on his own words.

Xivaac's eyes grow wide. There's no way that could be true. Grimm is a God, just like himself. If they were able to defeat a God, it was definitive proof of the Bringers of Hope's capabilities. Ultimate Magic is the only magic powerful enough to slay a deity. Parocaav was the only one with this power. She did not give that gift to any of her creations. Xivaac was like any other of Her creations, he was not deemed worthy of its might. Parocaav must really have been desperate before she sacrificed herself for these Bringers. Not only had she given them her powers, but she also allowed mere mortals to wield the most dangerous and mysterious Magic!

"I wouldn't worry about them Xivaac," Karleigh hisses, "They didn't stand a chance against me. Grimm must have shown a moment of weakness!"

"Perhaps. Grimm was like my brother. He was created a few moments before I was," Xivaac tells her, "Grimm is pure evil, even more so than you or I. He was weak compared to either of us though."

"He was just a pawn. Chess is all about strategy my dear husband. Like Crito, Grimm was no more than a pawn. You, my king are safe. I, the queen am running the show for you," Karleigh says with a smile, "We just need to stop playing pawns. Let's bring out the knight."

"Kraag fled from them before."

"No matter my Lord. He won't next be faces them. Kraag is not who I am referring to though."

"Oh? What do you have in mind my love?"

"The Troublesome Trio."

"The Delt triplets?! They wouldn't help us! They side with themselves only. The Delts bring chaos to anyone they encounter!"

"Precisely. The key word there is anyone. What if I told you I could arrange for them to cross paths?"

Xivaac stands up from his throne and storms out of the room. Ascending up the spiral staircase to his chambers he goes. None of this was according to 'his' plan. Karleigh is different somehow. Grimm is dead. The Troublesome Trio? Above anyone else in the world, Karleigh suggests them! The nerve! The gall of that woman!

Practically tripping over his own feet, Xivaac stumbles into his chambers. He slams the door shut while he scrambles to pull out an old book. Skimming through the pages, he stops when he finds the spell he is looking for. This will do he thinks to himself. Xivaac would not just sit by and watch his queen take over his rule. Even if it is done in secrecy, Xivaac will have things go according to his will.

He walks over to his window, looking out into the world. Sighing, he moves his right pale white hand out the window. A beam of light shoots out into the clouds, temporarily illuminating them. If Karleigh is to play a knight, he would play a rogue.

An overwhelming fear courses through Lord Xivaac's very being. A fear he thought was gone when Parocaav was subdued. He thought it was gone when she ended her ending her own life. The Bringers of Hope are much more powerful than he ever anticipated. It was almost as if they had both been made deities themselves. Parocaav would never upset the balance so much would she? Parocaav would go on and on for hours talking about the balance to her perfect design if you were to let her.

The door to Xivaac's chamber flings open, Karleigh looking at him with an evil little smile. She walks over to her husband, throwing her arms over him. Xivaac holds her and kisses his bride. Their love as strong as ever, even through the passage of time. The Dark Lord gazes into the emptiness of Karleigh's eyes. The solid black color reflecting Xivaac's face in them. He knew that all she did was for him. The Mistress of Evil is the only being alive that Xivaac feels he can fully entrust with anything.

"How could you arrange them crossing paths?" Xivaac asks, whispering in his wife's ear, then kissing down her neck.

"I have another pawn in play Xivaac. It will lead the triplets to them. Once the Bringers of Hope have finished up in Oro that is," Karleigh responds breathing heavily in between sentences, "They simply wouldn't be heading in the right direction for this little rendezvous if they don't speak to Joseff first."

"You always plan everything out, down to the smallest detail. You always seem to know exactly what will happen."

"You forget dear husband, I was a high priestess before we wed. I do still possess the ability of futuresight. Besides that, I have always been an excellent chess player."

Legend of Parocaav: The Quest for Redemption (First Draft)Where stories live. Discover now