Chapter LIX: Checkmate

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There is a silence amongst the Bringers of Hope and Lord Xivaac. The Dark Lord is just looking at them with a crooked smile on his face. Drayk is trying to prevent his rage from making him do anything haste. This was the moment he has been waiting for all this time. The chance to end his reign of tyranny once and for all. Roku on the other hand, is rather unsure of anything. Her mind is completely scrambled and she doesn't know what to feel. She only reminds herself of Master Leon. This quest was so important to him. In the depths of her heart, Roku knows she cannot let him down.

Xivaac finally speaks, breaking the silence, "You have played well, Bringers of Hope. Unfortunately for you however, your time has come to an end. Your delusion of this noble path will come crashing down."

"You're wrong Xivaac!" Roku shouts, "You won't win! We won't let you hurt this planet anymore!"

"You two really know nothing, do you?" Xivaac laughs, "Just ask Lady Samantha, or did you kill her too?"

"Enough you bastard!" Drayk roars, "Prepare yourself!"

Drayk draws out the Sword of Light from its sheath. The light of it shines bright, lighting up the whole room intensely for a brief moment. The sword glows as Xivaac's eyes widen. The sword he thought was lost with Lady Parocaav was now before him, against him once more. He stretches his arm muscles and laughs with a deep tone.

"Even with the sword, killing you both will only be a good warm up. You have no idea what you're up against kids," Xivaac says with a smile.

Xivaac stands with his body slightly twisted away from them, but his arms are held firm at mid torso. He closes his eyes and his body ignites into black flames. His eyes open as he turns his head to look straight into Roku's eyes. Her heart sinks. She has been stricken with fear, but it feels different than that. It was almost as if the very aura of the Dark Lord was such a pure darkness that it left her feeling at ease. Roku readies herself for a strike while drawing the twins. Xivaac vanishes in a puff of black smoke. Just as Xivaac returns to attack her, Drayk jumps in to block him.

"You'll have to do better than that!" Drayk yells.

"You want something else, yeah?" Xivaac laughs, "Suit yourself Bringer."

Xivaac stands tall and pops his neck to one side. He slowly lifts his head back up while closing his eyes. A black sphere of pure dark energy explodes out in all directions with incredible speed. The entire castle crumbles from the blast and the Bringers of Hope are slammed into the ground by the darkness. Once they hit, the darkness electrocutes them and explodes into flames. Xivaac comes floating down stopping several feet above the crater they are in. Drayk can feel pain in every part of his body, but he has not lost his grip on the blade made of light.

Roku quickly heals them both and jumps to her feet. She rushes towards him, slicing rapidly with her blades. Xivaac only uses one pointer finger to block all of her slashes. She had never seen anyone move as fast as him. He uses his other hand to punch her in the stomach. The wind is knocked out of her and she drops to her knees, gasping for air. Then, the Dark Lord elbows her in the back, dropping her to the ground.

"Foolish girl," Xivaac tells her, looking down at her, "No mortal weapon can harm me. You are dealing with a true god, child."

"Screw.... you," Roku manages to say as she heals her wounds again.

Drayk runs in to defend her from another strike, just as Xivaac shoots a ball of dark energy at her. He isn't quick enough, and Roku is struck, leaving her unconscious. It explodes on impact with her and sends her rolling several feet. Drayk swings the Sword of Light at the Dark Lord, slashing him across his chest. The cut glows bright and instantly scars his flesh. Black blood drips down to the ground. Xivaac returns the ground, covering his wound. His hand glows and the bleeding stops.

"Lucky strike," Xivaac states with a stern look on his face.

"We'll see," Drayk smiles.

Drayk charges at the God of Darkness once more, blade ready to draw more blood. Just before the Sword of Light makes contact, Xivaac summons a solid blade short sword. Black and white sparks fly from the impact between the two swords. They strike at one another over and over. The sparks around them look like mini fireworks exploding.

"You fight well, for a mortal," Xivaac tells him.

"You fight pretty good too. For an old man that is," Drayk jokes.

"You watch yourself."

Xivaac kicks Drayk in his stomach, pushing him back. His feet slide through the dirt, leaving a short skid mark. The power this man possesses is unlike any other Drayk has come across before. He knows that he cannot afford to prolong this fight. He will have to end it soon, if he is to defeat him at all. With Roku incapacitated, he won't be able to be fully recovered. Drayk heals his minor wounds with his magic. He immediately rushes in again, not giving the Dark Lord a chance to react.

Their blades clash together once again, sending sparks flying. Drayk looks into Xivaac's solid black eyes. They are so cold and unforgiving. After all that has happened, there's no way Drayk can give in now. This man must suffer for his actions. For the millennia of darkness and for making the people of Gaia fight for so long. Drayk's eyes glow blue and white as he pushes himself a few feet away from the God of Darkness. Small holes open up all around Xivaac. A never-ending bombardment of meteorites strike the Dark Lord.

"Checkmate," Drayk smirks.

He plunges the Sword of Light into Xivaac's chest and jumps back. Xivaac takes a few steps back, the blade still sticking out of his chest. His whole body glows white for a moment. The blade is absorbed into his body and the handle falls to the ground. The God of Darkness yells out in pain, light shooting out of his mouth and eyes.

Sammi comes running over, yelling, "Noooo!"

She stops right next to Drayk in time to see Xivaac turn into stone. It then crumbles down and disintegrates into dust. Sammi lets out a sigh and looks at Drayk. His eyes stop glowing and return to their normal yellow. Roku stands up and joins the two if them standing over the dusty remains of the God of Darkness.

"I was too late," Sammi sighs with regret in her tone.

"What do you mean?" Drayk asks her.

"I meant what I had said before," Sammi begins, then continues after a moment's pause, "I wanted to stop you from reviving the fallen goddess."

"Why?" Roku asks.

"Bringers of Hope... there is a greater evil than Lord Xivaac," Sammi explains, "Master Leon has told me of the threat that awaits at the end of your quest. I'll explain everything soon. We must get out of here."

"We must wait for Lady Parocaav to be brought back," Roku tells her.

"How could Master Leon not have told you?" Sammi wonders out loud.

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