Chapter XLI: In Check

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The entire tower to the Dark Lord's castle rattles and shakes. Xivaac is in his chambers slamming everything about. Rage and sorrow have stricken the God of Darkness. His whole body is trembling and he is glowing in a red aura. The darkness in his eyes seem to grow darker still. His eyes are so black they no longer reflect light. The Dark Lord stops all movement when his chamber door flings open. At the doorway, stands Kraag.

"Sire," Kraag begins, "I am sorry for your loss."

"Bring me the girl. Now!" Xivaac demands as his aura flares brighter.

Without saying a word, Kraag rushes out of the room and descends the stairs. After a moment, he reaches Sammi's chambers. He kicks the door open, startling Sammi. A look of terror and anger engraved in his eyes. Before she has a chance to ask, Kraag grabs her by the wrist and starts pulling her out of her room.

"What do you think you're doing!?" Sammi shouts while her hand ignites, making Kraag let go.

"You told Lord Xivaac that Karleigh would be victorious! You told him that he had nothing to worry!" Kraag yells excitedly.

"Are you accusing me of providing false information?"

"You're damn right I am! I bet you even tipped your brother off!"

"Now that's ridiculous!"

In her mind, Sammi knew she was bluffing. Lying through her teeth to prevent this from getting out of hand. Thoughts of her futuresight flash in her mind. Eventually, Kraag will strike at her. She focuses her thoughts and mind as Kraag yells at her. Sammi isn't even paying attention to his words. The only thing she can think about is preparing to defend herself.

"Are you even listening to me?!" Kraag asks, still yelling.

"I wasn't, no," Sammi smiled, "Sorry."

Kraag fills with anger and summons his halberd forth. His eyes glowing an icy blue. Sammi's hands burst into flames at his action. Fire and Ice. A battle as old as the first Mage Clans. The two clans have always been in dispute for many years. More than could be imagined. A quarrel even older that the fallen Great Master Leon was old.

Kraag swings his massive weapon at Sammi, but she smoothly avoids the blade. She reaches out and touches the blade as it goes by. An outline of her hand has been melted into the blade's icy edge. Kraag growls at her for doing this. It was like she was mocking him with her magic. Almost taunting him.

"I can't believe you'd strike a unarmed girl," Sammi teased, "I am so defenseless."

"Are you mocking me?" Kraag asks in a subtle voice.

She doesn't say a word, she just winks at him. Sammi lifts up her hands and the room fills with a hot haze. The heat intensifies very quickly, soon leaving the halberd nothing more than a metal pole over a puddle of water. Kraag throws the unarmed weapon to the floor in anger. He makes and throws ice shards at Sammi. Before they can reach her, they melt in midair.

"Ice was always weak," Sammi states in a monotone, "You are weak."

Her eyes start to glow a fiery red and the entire room combusts in an orange flame. Kraag flees the room, trying not to get too burned. This girl has mastered Fire Magic in a way he had never seen before. A fire so strong, he had only read about such power. The true power of magic has lost its potential as different Mage Clans have merged together over the centuries. A power that has been lost to this world.

To be able to wield such dramatic magic, your body takes a huge toll. Sammi doesn't appear to be affected in any way. She walks out of the inferno, everything in the room burnt to ashes. The entire building starts to catch fire. Sammi is calm in every way. A blank and threatening look in her eyes kind of startles Kraag. She can do more than just wield this magic. This girl has mastered it.

"Where did you find this strength?" Kraag inquires with worry in his tone.

Sammi smiles at him as her mother's robes turn back to its normal colors. She lets out a giggle and fixes her hair with her hands. The whole part of the castle starts to crumble from the fire. Sammi cracks her knuckles, then lifts her arms straight above her head. Molten rock shoots up through the ground throughout the entire castle. The ground shakes violently the stone structure starts to crumble and break free. Her power is escalating out of control. The power of fire getting hotter and even more destructive.

"Enough Samantha!" Xivaac roars as he cast his arms to sides.

Everything stops. All of the shaking buildings are now stationary. Even the fire has died down. Sammi instantly loses her focus as fear sets in. The thought of what he'd do to her was unbearable.

"I'm sorry Lord Xivaac," Sammi says immediately.

"I don't want you destroying my castle because of Kraag," Xivaac joked, then his tone grew serious, "He shouldn't have approached you the way he did."

Kraag looks around confused, then starts to say, "But Sire! You seemed s-"

"Silence General! This girl knows more than she lets on. We need her alive," Xivaac interrupts, "You've been holding out on me Sammi."

"Yes," Sammi simply responds.

"Where did you learn to control Fire Magic the way you do?" Xivaac asks with an intrigued look in his black eyes.

"I have slain the beast of the Labyrinth of Time," Sammi replies.

"You defeated the chimera?!" Kraag interjects.

"That's right. When it died, I somehow absorbed its power over Fire Magic," Sammi smiles.

"Very interesting. So it's true then," Xivaac laughs.

"What is Sire?" Kraags asks rather confused.

Xivaac looks straight at Sammi as he speaks, "Legends told of a Fire Mage who would one day defeat the chimera. Bahemyth housed the beast to help protect it, and to allow it to grow stronger before that were to happen. I believe he didn't object to Sammi's presence because he knows something more about this girl that we do not. Your mother was quite the Fire Mage as well. Her power was unlike any other. But you child, have been given the magic of a god. You see, the chimera was the very soul of Fire Magic."

The sound of Bahemyth's voice echoes in their heads, "You chose her to be your puppet Xivaac. I chose to accept that she will help in more ways you can imagine. I allowed her to enter my realm and destroy the chimera. I do not make mistakes. This girl is destined for more than being a vessel who can see into the future for you."

The voice disappears as soon as Bahemyth is done speaking. Xivaac looks straight into Sammi's eyes. They are back to their normal color and are quite tranquil to look into. This innocent young woman has power far greater than anticipated. Not only has his queen fallen in battle, but now this girl has power to fight his own.

"Check," Xivaac whispers to himself.

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