Chapter XL: The Icy Ruins

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Making their way down the hill, the Bringers are feeling quite confident they will be able to stand a chance here. Letting their guard down again was not an option. The Mistress of Evil fights on a foul level. They stop as they face the ruins up close. Froz was once carved from massive slabs of ice. Nowadays, the city is just a pile of shattered ice. The never-ending winter to keep the ice alive forever. This was a constant reminder of what was, and what could have been.

Roku grabs Drayk's hand and just stands there in silence. Drayk looks over at her to see her frozen with fear. She looks as if she had just seen a ghost. In a way she really was. Roku was staring into her newly revealed origin. The two of them continue to walk through the icy ruins until they reach the only remaining structure. The base level of the Ice Palace is still standing. The door is opened slightly and shaking in the winter winds.

Drayk and Roku walk into the remnants of the palace, trying their best to shut the door behind them. They look into the room and see Karleigh levitating in the middle of the foyer. An evil smirk spreads across her face. Her pure black eyes cold and unwelcoming.

"Hello once again, Bringers of Hope!" Karleigh hisses, "I made the mistake of not finishing you myself last time. I won't make that mistake again."

"We know what to expect now from you Karleigh!" Roku yells, "We won't lose again."

"Silence mortal!" Karleigh hisses in anger.

Roku bursts out in laughter as she draws her twin blades. A full smile cracks on the Mistress of Evil's face and she cackles in amusement. Karleigh places her hands pointing away from body and her nails grow into claws. Her body fades into a black cloud and passes over and changes back. As the Mistress of Evil does, she slashes at Roku's back. Roku screams out in pain while blood pours down her back.

Without giving her a chance to recover, Karleigh fades into a cloud once more. Over and over she dances around Roku in a cloud and slashing her body left and right. Roku cries out in agony. Tears fill her eyes and she drops to her knees, not letting go of her blades. Drayk unsheathes his scimitar. As sion as he does, Karleigh hisses at him.

"Stay out of this boy," Karleigh laughed, "I didn't get to play with Riinah during out last encounter."

Karleigh blasts the sword out of Drayk's hand and into the air. The scimitar shines light as it spins upward. Another blast is shot and hits the blade directly, cracking it. The sword hits the floor and shatters to pieces.

"Roku...." Roku says as she coughs up blood.

"What?" Karleigh asks, directing her attention toward Roku.

Underneath all the blood in her face, Roku musters up a smile. The yellow in her eyes shining bright. She slashes at Dark Goddess, cutting her down her left arm. A black liquid drains from the open wound.

"My name.... is Roku!" Roku roars as she slashes at the Goddess again.

Karleigh parries the slash with her claws while jumping out of the way. A small portal opens up next to Karleigh and she sticks her hand through it. A portal opens right in front of Roku and the Goddess's claws cut down the Bringer's face. Blood gushes from the fresh opening. Roku falls onto her back, grasping her face in pain.

Drayk's hands start sparking with blue electricity. He starts shooting lightning balls at the Mistress of Evil. Karleigh tries to swat them away and gets electrocuted in the process. Drayk calls forth a storm cloud right above Karleigh's head. Just as a bolt of lightning strikes, the Goddess turns into a black cloud. The cloud absorbs the lightning and shoots it as a beam at Drayk. There's no time to react and he gets shocked on contact. He looks over at Roku who is trying to heal herself.

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