Chapter XXV: Secretly Chosen

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A cool breeze blows in through a small window towards the top of a stone wall. Howling of wolves can be heard far off in the distance. The darkness of night shades the Fire countryside. The moon is shining bright, covering all the stars. Moisture in the air catches the moon's light forming a moonbow. Sounds of screeching bats flutter by the window. This sound amplifies enter the stone room. A teenage girl cringes at the noise. She opens her eyes and sits up to look around.

The only thing that can be seen is the bed the girl is sitting on. There appears to be nothing else in the room. Just stone walls and a window to her left. A vague outline of a door off to her right. She rubs her eyes trying to clear her vision. On the floor next to the bed sits a tray of food. Her stomach growls from her hunger. It feels like she hasn't eaten in weeks. Reaching down, she grabs the tray and starts to eat.

After her meal she decides there is not much else she can do till morning. The girl throws the covers over her head as she curls into a ball. Thoughts racing in her heard. Will she ever see her family again? Where is she? Some time goes by and she eventually drifts off back to sleep.

That next morning~

The girl rolls into her back and stretches. With her eyes still closed, she sits up to finish her stretch. Her eyes open to see what she had guessed. A small stone cell with a window too high to reach, even if she were to stand in the bed. A wooden door with iron hunches was off in front of her as she climbs off the bed. The tray is missing from the room. Must've been taken out after she had fallen back to sleep.

Just now deciding to look down, the girl notices she is wearing a plain white dress. No designs on it of any kind. She finds a shard of broken glass and uses it as a mirror. She stares into her own blue eyes, glad to see there were no marks. Her blonde hair looked like a mess. Almost as if she had been asleep for days on end. Then, what sounds like footsteps can he heard getting closer. Locks click and the door opens wide. Kraag stands at the door looking in at the girl.

"Who are you?!" The girl screams demanding to know, "Wait till my brother finds me!"

"Your brother thinks you are dead," Kraag laughs.

Memories of the attack on Kuma flash in the girl's mind. Watching the soldiers get blasted away, then the mages showed up. Images of fire all around her flash in her mind, then the memory goes away after watching the roof come down on town of her.

"He thinks.... I'm dead?" The girl asks with guilt and sorrow in her voice.

"Yes. Drayk thinks you're dead Sammi," Kraag tells her, "We made sure of that."

"Where am I?! What right do you have to keep me here?!" Sammi yells.

"My apologies Lady Samantha," Kraag says changing to a more soothing tone, "My name is Kraag DeVille. I am Commander General of the Elite Forces. You are not a prisoner. Xivaac has chosen you from the beginning."

"I was chosen.... by the Dark Lord? For what exactly?"

"That I cannot tell you right now. The Dark Lord has instructed me to get you used to being awake again. You've slept for about a week. Now that you're awake though, let me take you to your chambers. I will explain everything there."

Sammi isn't sure what to do. Taking her chances at fighting would be a bad idea. Her training in Fire Magic wasn't as successful as her brother's was. Fighting was not her thing. That was something she never understood about Drayk. He actually liked to fight. Sammi wasn't sure if she could even begin to trust this man. Not having much choice, she walked over to Kraag.

"Come my M'lady," Kraag said as he moves to let her out.

Sammi starts to walk after a brief hesitation. Thoughts of making a run for it end bad in her head so she decides it's best not to. Waiting outside in the corridor, Sammi waits patiently. Kraag walks out and starts to lead the way. This man felt so familiar to him. There should be no reason for that. Sammi knows she has never seen this man before. Various scenarios cross her mind, most of which don't look good for her.

These chambers must be in the roof Sammi jokes in her thoughts. They have been climbing for a few minutes now. Finally they reach the top and Kraag opens a door to a huge room. Sammi is shocked to see a room that mimicked her old bedroom in Kuma, only much bigger in square footage. Mixed feelings of joy and fear hit her.

"My.... bedroom?" Sammi says aloud by mistake.

"Yes Samantha. Replicated in every way. We figured it would feel more like home for you," Kraag explains to her, "I made a promise for when we got here."

Sammi stares at him with an inpatient look, "Well? I'm waiting."

"You were chosen by Lord Xivaac to become the most powerful futureseer. Soon you will be escorted to visit Bahemyth in his lair amongst time. There, he will bestow upon you the power to look far into the future."

"I'm not joining the Elite Forces!"

"You are not being forced to do anything. Soon, in time, you will see the purpose of our cause. Whether you join us matters not to me. I am just the messenger in this case."

"Why would the Dark Lord choose me to obtain such a gift?"

"That my dear, I cannot tell you. That will have to wait for another day."

Without saying another word, Kraag walks out of the room. The door lock clicks, and Sammi has once again been imprisoned. She walks over to the window on the far side of the room. Peering out into the world she can see how high up she is. There would be no way for her to escape from such a height and live. The only thing she can do now is think. Bahemyth. That name was like deja vu to her. This whole situation she found herself in was deja vu. No comfort came to her mind by this thought. Being chosen as a futureseer was a great honor no matter who it was offered from. Most mortals are not permitted to enter the labyrinth of Father Time. That was a great honor in itself.

"What would you do if you were in my shoes?" Sammi whispers to the lonely room.

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