Chapter LIII: Tundra, the Crystal Dragon

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Drayk rushes back over at the sight of the giant ice dragon. He could not allow Roku to fight them both on her own. In his mind, it is only right for her to face her father and not be responsible for the dragon as well. Tundra lets out an ear shattering roar as Drayk stands by Roku's side. Memories of book about the elemental guardians that he read fills his mind. Tundra is one of the most vicious and dangerous of them all.

"So, you do hold true power over Ice Magic," Drayk states in awe.

Without responding, Kraag only smiles with a look of determination set on his face. He would not allow the Bringers of Hope to win this time.

"You're mine!" Drayk shouts after the moment's silence as he charges at Tundra.

He ignites both hands with fire as he approaches the frozen creature. Tundra roars again and shoots an icy wind at him, preventing him from getting too close. Drayk raises a wall of fire in front of him and slowly advances towards the Crystal Dragon. Without a sword, he is restricted to magic. Alchemic circles race in his mind as he tries to think of another weapon he can spawn that would be effective against this frozen monster. Tundra swings its tail faster than Drayk can react and he gets flung back several dozen yards. He slams down onto his back hard, then bounces a few times before coming to a stop. As soon as Drayk looks up, the dragon strikes at him with its mighty claws at him. He is unable to react and gets slashed across the chest.

"Draaaaayk!!" Roku cries out turning to face him.

Kraag leaps in front of her and laughs, "I don't think so Riinah. We're not finished yet."

Kraag's right hand glistens with tiny ice crystals as he raises his arm upward. Ice begins to take form in the palm of his open hand and extends out into a pole. One of the ends forks out into three pointed ends. The trident crackles as it solidifies into its complete form. Kraag's eyes glow an icy blue as he slams the blunt end of his weapon onto the ground, laughing maniacally. Roku draws her swords, readying herself for an attack. Kraag shoots a few ice shards as he runs at her. She slices through them while not breaking eye contact with her father.

Sparks fly once the trident makes contact with Roku's twin blades. The ice cracks slightly from the impact, but repairs itself instantly. Roku's eyes are locked on Kraag. Anger and feelings of abandonment are overwhelming her. All of her focus is on killing this man with the scar. The man who killed Master Leon. The man who helped start this whole war in the first place. Roku knows in her heart he must be stopped for all the wrong he has done. She just wishes defeating him could undo everything that's happened because of him.

Roku pulls her weapon back and away from Kraag. She slashes at him with both blades, but he parries her attack quite easily, pushing her back. He strikes at her once more and she is barely able to block in time. Kraag wields his weapons with more speed than she has ever known. Roku continues to block his attacks, only getting scraped on her arm once from his trident. She yells out in anger while delivering multiple blows towards him. He spins his trident around, countering all of her efforts. Kraag laughs as he continues to block the blows from her blades.

An ear shattering roar echoes through the valley as Tundra whips its tail at Drayk. He leaps up into the air, dodging its massive and spikey tail. He bombards the dragon with fireballs from up above it. The fireballs melt holes through the crystal beast and it roars out again. Tundra stops and shakes its body and ice fills the holes, healing it. The dragon looks straight at Drayk and shoots a frosty mist at him. He casts up a flaming tornado, which blocks the mist from making contact with him.

His body aches from the hits the dragon was able to land on him before. Tundra is a very fast dragon and with it being able to regenerate its body, this would be no easy task. Drayk continues to dodge its tail and shoot fireballs at it while he tries to figure out a way to beat this monster. He has never really read anything about Tundra, or any of the elemental spirits for that matter. The only thing he can do right now is dodge and try to learn a weakness or vulnerability this Crystal Dragon may have. He has always been able to figure out weaknesses of his opponents in the past. It usually just takes time to figure it out. This dragon was unlike any opponent he has been up against though.

The sound of Roku crying out in pain makes him lose his focus. He glances over to see her fall the ground with a slash on her stomach. As soon as she starts to heal herself, Drayk gets slammed by Tundra's tail. This took him so much by surprise that it shocked him more than it hurt. Drayk bounces off a rock, hitting his head hard. His vision instantly blurs and everything goes black.


Drayk opens his eyes, not feeling any kind of pain. He looks around a small room with four windows on all the walls. Outside of the room appeared to be the cosmos themselves. Drayk jumps up and walks to one of the windows and gazes at the sight of space that has only ever been dreamed in fictional stories. Suddenly, he feels a presence in the room. A woman is sitting in a chair at desk. She is wearing a cloak and her face cannot be seen from under the shadows of the hood.

"Welcome Drayk," the woman speaks in an echoing whisper.

"What is this place? What happened?" Drayk asks.

"You're in battle against Kraag and the Crystal Dragon. This place does not have a name, for it does not truly exist."

"Why am I here? Who are you?"

"You need assistance in your endeavors to defeat Tundra, do you not?"

"Yes. Who are you?"

"Tundra, the Crystal Dragon, is immortal. It is the only one of the elemental guardians that cannot die. You can only stall it long enough for Riinah to destroy Kraag. Without his order, Tundra will return to its slumber."

"So there's nothing I can do? Who are you? Your voice sounds familiar to me for some reason. Do I know you?"


Drayk wakes up to Tundra staring him down. All of the pain rushes back to him and he aches all over. The dragon's cold glare sends a chill down his spine. A creature that could not be defeated. Somehow, Drayk doesn't quite believe her, but feels it might be wiser to listen to his vision. Before standing to his feet, he glances over to see Roku and Kraag still exchanging blows. Roku seems to have done some damage to the King of Ice since he was knocked unconscious.

Roku feels his stare and looks over at Drayk, smiling. A sense of confidence grows inside him as he smiles back. There has to be a way. No creature is immortal. The deities he has seen slain is more than enough to convince him of this. He looks back up at the Crystal Dragon while leaping into the air. A strong gust of wind spirals around Tundra and ignites into flames. The dragon is engulfed in a huge tornado of fire. Screeches and roars comes from amongst the flames.

Drayk moves him arms closer together until his hands make contact in front of him. As he does this, the tornado bends into a giant fireball and shrinks until it completely disappears. Not a trace of the Crystal Dragon remains. Drayk drops back to the ground and collapses. His eyes are now locked on Roku and Kraag once more.

Kraag drops to his knees and groans in pain. His trident drops to the ground as he jumps back several feet away from Roku. He glares at Drayk then makes eye contact with his daughter.

"You may have been able to destroy my dragon.... but I have enough power to defeat you bastard kids!" Kraag roars as a black aura encases him, "I have learned many things in my many years of life! Besides, working under the God of Darkness pays off. Prepare yourself Riinah. Here I come."

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