Chapter XLVIII: The Pyroreaper

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Memories of his mother fills Drayk's mind. His thoughts overflowing with lost memories. This woman can be found in his oldest of memories. She really was related to his mother. He can remember her being around was the only time he had ever heard his mother yell in his life.

"I thought your name sounded familiar," Drayk tells her with sarcasm in his voice.

"I have been waiting for you two to show up ever since I discovered you were chosen as the Bringers of Hope," Claire states, "I couldn't resist the urge to destroy my sister's son after all!"

"You're a sick woman!" Roku shouts.

"You don't know the half of it!" Claire laughs maniacally.

Claire's entire body combusts into flames. She shoots fire at them as she points her hands at the Bringers. A stream of fire sweeps by, but they easily dodge the flames. Laughing, Claire splits her flaming body in half. Two outlines are now standing in front of the Bringers. The flames disappear around the figures. Claire comes onto view, but her doppelganger is opposite of her. Instead of light hair, the clone's hair is jet black. Its skin is a pale white, almost as white as snow. There are no eyes to be found on its face. Just a cold blank face with a crooked smile.

It laughs out in a high pitch cackle in unison with Claire's laugh. Without further hesitation, Roku charges at the doppelganger with both swords ready to strike. She knows she has to act fast. Drayk cannot get involved just yet. She strikes at the doppelganger with such speed, her hands seemed to vanish. One blade severes its left arm, and the other carves its way into her stomach. It shrieks out as its arm hits the ground. The doppelganger jumps back a few feet, cupping the bloody stump.

It then bursts into flames and the fire forms a new arm. The fire flares away, leaving the doppelganger unscathed. A slight chuckle comes from the clone as it shoots fireballs at the Bringers of Hope. Drayk casts a wind to sweep the fireballs away from him and shoots a lightning bolt at the doppelganger. It gets thrown back several yards by the jolt and slams into the ground. The clone's body spasms on in the dirt from the shock. Drayk summons a storm cloud and bombards the doppelganger with multiple lightning bolts.

Dirt is thrown up, cloaking the area in a dusty haze. Once the dust settles, a pile of ashes remains where the doppelganger once laid. Drayk pants for a moment as he wipes sweat from his brow. A smile breaks on his face from the excitement to see the doppelganger incinerated. The Pyroreaper starts cackling in a high pitched tone. She engulfs herself in flames, producing another doppelganger. This one is identical to the one that was just destroyed.

"As long as I live, my doppelganger cannot be truly vanquished!" Claire laughs uncontrollably.

"Then we will just have to kill you!" Roku exclaims as she rushes at the Pyroreaper with her blades drawn.

Just before the blades strike her, Claire combusts once again. Roku's blades glide through the flames. After the swords have passed through, Claire materializes back to human form. She kicks Roku in the back, sending her flying onto her stomach. Claire lets out another laugh and cracks her knuckles. Not one blow has scratched the woman yet. She doesn't even appear to be tired, even after using so much magic. Her energy has not depleted in the slightest, at least not that the Bringers could tell.

"Stay out of my fight girl!" Claire yells out at her in anger, "This is between me and my sister's son!"

Roku gasps for air. The wind had been knocked right out of her. She raises her left hand and regenerates Drayk's energy. She smiles at him as she falls into unconsciousness. Drayk stretches his muscles without breaking eye contact with Lady Piro.

"You'll pay for that!" Drayk growls at her.

"You are definitely your father's son," Claire jokes.

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