Chapter X: Ultimate Magic

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Over two weeks passed now. Drayk and Roku are Both physically exhausted. Looking back, the stairs are no more than a tiny grey dot behind them. At least for some reason, they felt no hunger. It must just be since time stands still they thought to themselves at one point.

The light was finally getting closer. What they thought to be no more than a mere beam, turned out to be a huge column of light.

"I.... need to....take a break now... Drayk," Roku huffed and puffed.

Without even thinking about it, Drayk drops to the ground. Roku smiles and plops down, instantly laying down on her stomach.

"We've been walking for so long. I really hope we're almost there." Roku groans.

"I couldn't agree more!" Drayk agrees.

"So Leon won't even know how long this took us?"

"Not unless we tell him."

Without saying another word, Roku passes out in the nest she had made in the grass. Drayk looks down at her, he couldn't help but notice her beauty as slept. Thinking it was a good idea, he sprawled out on his back. He too, drifts off to sleep.

The next 'afternoon'~

Finally reaching the column, Roku lets out a 'yeep!' Drayk looks over at her with a thin smile. Heat radiates off the light as they draw nearer. It gets brighter, and brighter. They stop just a few feet away from it. The light flickers, momentarily getting brighter and dimming real low. Then, it explodes. What appears to be shards of crystals fall to the ground. A glowing golden orb pulsates before them. Beams of pure energy shoot into the Bringers of Hope, their whole bodies glowing with a golden aura. Drayk and Roku drop to the ground as the orb fades into them.

~Drayk and Roku are floating in sheer darkness. They cannot even see each other, but can sense one another's presence.

The whisper from before begins to speak, "Bringers of Hope.... I am Lady Parocaav.... Leon has taught you two very well.... I knew when the time was right.... one of you will have discovered the book that would lead you here.... Now that you are here.... I do not command as Lady.... I do not request as a Goddess.... I merely ask as a woman in need of help.... I ask you too redeem me...."

The darkness suddenly turned to pure white, Drayk and Roku still floating. They look around all around. They are finally able to see one another. Drayk is stricken with an intense pain in his core. Visions of the cosmos flash before him. Stars, planets, solar systems, entire galaxies. Images of meteors, comets and cosmic energy.

Roku finds herself suffering from a similar pain. Visions of nature, new life, creation and images of the working world. Then more pour into her. Health. Death. Shrangri-La. Parocaav's home realm. And for whatever reason, unknown to Roku. Some man with short and spikey grey hair and a black goatee with mustache. He had a scar going from just above his right eye all the way down to his left cheek bone, crossing through his right eye brow and over his nose.~

Drayk and Roku awoke where they fell in The Hidden Meadow. A new sense of power coursing through their veins. Drayk and seen cosmic power and its capabilities. Roku on the other hand, she had seen the inner workings of the Goddess of Life. They both stand up, unable to speak. All the fatigue and pain lifted from their bodies when Roku touches Drayk on the shoulder.

"I have no idea what I just did," Roku admits.

"I have no idea what this power I feel. It feels like when I first mastered Fire Magic. Almost like my body has learned something new," Drayk says in amazement.

"That's what I'm feeling! Great way of describing it Drayk!"

"I have knowledge I cannot even comprehend right now. My brain hurts from information overload."

"I saw the life of Lady Parocaav in an instant. Almost like Her life was flashing before my eyes! I saw... some man. I have no idea who he is. Everything else was life, death and creation. He doesn't fit."

"Aren't you an orphan Roku?"

Roku's face goes blank. A pale color washing away her normal pinkish color. Her freckles are still visible though. She is speechless. What if the Goddess was showing her what her father looked like. He looked so evil though. He couldn't be, could he?

Finally, after a moment, Roku finds a way to say, "You could very well be right about that.... I sure hope you're wrong though."

"Why would you say that?"

"Call it a 'hunch', as you would put it.... Wait! I used Health Magic just now didn't I?!"

Drayk stares at her with a smug look in his face. His eyes were riddled with sarcasm. Then it clicks in his mind too. They can use their magic again! He got really excited and spun Roku around with joy. It almost freaked her out to see Drayk show so much emotion at once. She couldn't blame him though. It has been a long and grueling walk without magic.

"What kind of power do you think we have gained?" Roku asks after a moment's silence.

"We experienced different visions, so I can imagine they differ from each other," Drayk says with a monotone voice, "let's find out."

Drayk takes in a deep breath, holding it for moment. Closing his eyes, he concentrates on what he had seen. A giant hole opens up high in the sky, so dark it couldn't be looked through. It flashed. A giant meteorite came crashing to the meadow through it. It shakes the whole realm, sending a sonic boom in all directions. The boom knocks Drayk and Roku onto their backs. The grass in the valley ripples like water on the ocean.

"Holy crap Drayk!" Roku yells.

Groaning a bit, Drayk agrees, "I was not expecting that!"

They get back up on their feet. The hole in the air closes into nothingness. Drayk looks over at where the rock had fallen. He couldn't believe his eyes. A crater the size of his entire village was just a few dozen yards away. The hot ground smoking as it cools from the impact.

"That was incredibly more powerful than that crossed magic meteor you made back in the Forgotten Forest!" Roku exclaims quite loudly.

"That was barely even trying.... I am not sure I wanna know what it would be like if I had given it my all," Drayk said in pure astonishment.

"Lemme try something!" Roku burst out saying, a certain excitement in her voice.

She walks over to the large crater Drayk had just made. A light airstream lifted her hair as she concentrated. Her body starts glowing a golden yellow color while she levitates off the meadow floor. Just as she got a few feet off the ground, the crater began to glow the same color as her. The crater slowly closes and fills back up, leveling itself with the rest of the valley. Grass shot out of the ground, back to the way it was before the crash. Roku lowers herself back down. She looks in amazement to see that the crater was no more. Turning to Drayk, a huge smile spread across her face from ear to ear. The power of Lady Parocaav she thought to herself. It was almost as if she had received the gift of Life.

The whisper appeared in their minds once more~

"Creation Magic.... dear Roku.... Cosmic Magic.... dear Drayk.... my tow Ultimate Magics are now yours.... use them wisely...."

The voice faded away in an echo, leaving the valley ghostly quiet. Drayk and Roku look at one another, a look of complete wonder etched into their facial expressions.

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