the mall

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Diana's (pov)

So we're going to the mall to buy things for our trip to Jamaica and there is hell in the house right now the twins were just fighting and I whooped their asses and I locked chris outside because he was trying to be smart. So I got ready wearing above.
The boys were wearing (above but that's not them) and Chris was wearing (above). When I unlocked the door chris was sitting on the stairs.

Diana: are you ready to come in and act like a man?

Chris: yeah

Diana: okay let's go.. BOYS COME ON ITS TIME TO GO!!

They came downstairs still wiping their eyes

Chris: let me guess you beat them

Diana: of course I told them that any day they fight I'll beat them.

Chris (pov)

I was laughing at the fact that diana beat the boys because she said that no matter what she would never hit them. She locked me outside because I told her that what she was going to wear was for the wrong year and she locked me out.

Chris: boys are you ok?

Luke: yes

Lucas: mmhm

Diana: I'm really sorry for beating you guys but I told you guys that the minute you guys start to fight is the day I will beat you so don't do it again.

Lucas: we won't mommy.

We pulled up to the mall and went to different stores.

Diana: babe what about this?

Chris: you really want me to answer?

Diana: why would I ask you?

Chris: ok it looks great.

Diana: see that's why I asked. She said kissing me.

She started to walk off when I slapped her butt and she jerked then winked at me.

Diana: boys did you find the shoes that you want.

Twins: no mommy.

Diana: okay we'll go to another store.

We went to kids footlocker and got them the shoes that they wanted. Then went to the food court.

Luke: oh food I'm dying

Diana: Luke calm down or you won't get any

Chris: say again Luke, OH FOOD IM DYING!!!. I said yelling.

Lucas: don't be such a pig daddy.

Diana: tell him again Lucas.

Lucas: DONT BE A PIG DADDY!!!. He said yelling.

Diana: haaa.

Chris: you know that you could have helped

Diana: naw they are daddies boys remember.

Chris: really?

Diana: mad ha or naw.

We went to this Japanese stand to get some food.

Diana: Sierra my god you work here now.

Sierra: yeah. *gasp* omg are these your kids.

Diana: yep, Sierra meet Luke and Lucas Argent.

Sierra: Hi nice to finally meet you guys. Lemme guess your chris. She said pointing to me.

Chris: mmhm nice to meet you Sierra.

Sierra: okay what can I get you guys?

Diana: four orders of orange chicken and white rice with orange juice, Pepsi, Gatorade and mountain dew.

Sierra: umm we don't have any mountain dew, we only have sierra mist.

Diana: oh what a coincidence, well sierra you better mist your ass in the back and get me a Mt. Dew.

Chris: damn

Sierra: lol I'll be back with the orders.

She came back with the food including the Mt. Dew.

Diana: thought that you you didn't have any Mt. Dew

Sierra: I thought so too.

Diana: okay bye see you later

Sierra: bye Luke , Lucas and Chris.

All: bye

Diana's (pov)

We sat down to eat and I saw chris looking on someone who was next to me.

Diana: what are you looking at?

Julia: he's looking at me

Diana: oh hell naw! What are you doing here?

Julia: I'm here looking for my babe.

Diana: well I know for a fact that he is not here maybe you could go to the bathroom and you'll find him.

Julia: look I didnt come here for you I came here for Chris.

Diana: what does she mean that she came here for you?

Chris: I don't know?

Julia: babe but you texted me earlier asking me to come here. She showed us the message.

Diana's ( mind): but this bitch don't got no sense the watsapp picture is out of date one and Chris doesn't double space when he types.

Diana: chris can I tell you something?

Chris: uh yeah

Diana: how dumb is she

Chris: very dumb I don't even know how she got to the mall.

Julia: what are you guys talking about?

Diana: bitch its the 21st century, chris can I see your phone?

Chris: yep.

Chris handed me his phone and I looked at his watsapp picture and looked at Julia's " fake Chris's watsapp pic" and they weren't the same.

Diana: see you have no sense and you are very lonely why the hell would try and tear me and Chris apart when I have his kids and we live together very happily. So go and get a life and leave us the heck alone.

After I said that she got up and left.

Chris: okay weird.

???: diana, I thought that was you, you look beautiful today.

Diana: omg what the fuck is today annoy the hell out of diana day!? What rojay what?

Rojay: just wanted to see how your doing?

Diana: well I'm good now bye.

Rojay: look I wanted to see if we could start over and be friends again.

Chris: ha that's very funny the answer is no you tried let me repeat tried to embarrass her why in the living hell would she start over and be friends again with you?

Rojay: look nigga I never asked for your asses opinion.

Diana: hold up don't be calling him that and he's right after you TRIED to embarrass me you really think that I want to be friends with you.

Rojay: it was a thought.

Chris: yeah a thought that is garbage, you've said enough now leave.

Diana: yeah sorry but no

After that was being said he sucked his teeth and left.

Diana: okay I ready to go who's with me.

We all left and went home. I just hope that the twins don't start to curse like I did.

Authors (pov)

Hey guys sorry for the late update but the new update with wattpad was giving me some issues so I'm going to try and update daily so sorry for letting you guys wait this long.

love lies and betrayal sequel to my step brother chrisWhere stories live. Discover now