this can't be right

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Diana's ( pov )

After I ripped the cupcake apart I found the ring that Chris used to engage to me with. I looked around to see if I saw anyone looking at me and there was no-one there. I got up and went home. When I got home there was another note on the counter.

Let the games begin Diana. Just know that you're not the only one I'm stalking. So I need you to go over Chris's house and start a friendship or little Lucas gets hurt.

Diana: I don't even know who this is and they want to hurt my son. They must be kidding me. I didn't want my son to get hurt so I called Chris to tell him that I was coming over.

Chris's ( pov )

I bet she's coming over to apologize for leaving n and beg for me to take her back.

Carly: Chris I'm going out I'll be back

Chris: okay honey see you later

She went and Diana came half an hour after.

Diana: umm, hi. She said awkwardly

Chris: hey what's up

Diana: i don't know

Chris: * smirks * so what are you doing over here

Diana: just to talk

Chris: about what. I said sitting beside her

Diana: about how you are

Chris: I'm doing great now that you're here

Diana: * rolls eyes * ok. How are you and Carly

Chris: she's doing good. We are fine. How about you and fuck boy.

Diana: ugh. We are doing great.

I did what I did and grabbed her face and kissed her. I pinned her to the couch so that she couldn't move. She didn't kiss back so I was the only one kidding her. Then she kneed me where it hurts .

Diana: are you serious. Don't kiss me like that kiss Carly. Anyway here I found this. She said handing me the engagement ring.

Chris: where'd you get this?

Diana: ummm, I found it on my porch

Chris: i don't remember ever having it on me

Diana: well it was there

She looked like she was lying but I didn't say anything to her.

Chris: okay

Diana: anyways I have to go. Talk to you later.

Chris: bye D

Diana: bye. She said walking to the door.


Diana's (pov )

I was laying In my bath robe on my bed. I had just finished talking to the twins. They sound like their having fun. I missed them so much. I called Trevor and we had a long conversation it was basically about him telling me that he is on the ground crawling for no apparent reason. He's weird as hell but I love it.

☆ next day ☆

??? ( pov )

I love them. I really do but to get back revenge is what I want to do. And if it's to hurt the ones I barely even know I will. Because what they both did was terrible. There was a knock at my door and I answered it.

Chloe: i saw her go there when I left

???: thanks. So did you get it

Chloe: yes I went over to her house and I got trevors phone number

I took the number and called him.

Phone convo

Trevor: hello

???: is this Trevor

Trevor: speaking who is this

???: go and check your porch and take it as a gift from somebody you owe.

Trevor: okay I guess wai-*gco*

I cut him off by hanging up

Chloe: it's falling into action

???: don't jinx it. I said then driving off

Trevors (pov )

I went out on the porch and saw a picture with writing on the back.

Little Diana hasn't been the loyal girlfriend you thought she was. If you don't believe me turn it around and you'll see.
Somebody you owe

I turned it around to see Diana all kissed up on Chris. My heart started to race because I really loved her. Ugh. I put the picture and placed it in my pocket and went to take a shower because I needed and explanation for this.

Trevor: Paige I'm going to leave you with grandma ok

Paige: okay. When are we gonna see Diana again

Trevor: I don't know Angel.

Her face got sad and she went to her grandma's room. I don't live with my mother my mom is staying with me until she goes back to Mexico.

I drove off to Diana's house and her car was in the driveway so she's home. I knocked on the door and she came.

Diana: i was calling and I didn't get you

I pushed past her and went and sat on the couch.

Trevor: sit now

Diana: okay. She said sitting

Trevor: what the hell do you take me for

Diana: what are you talking about

Trevor: don't what are you talking about me. How can you cheat on me and act dumb.

Diana: you think I'm cheating on you. I would never.

Trevor: oh really. I took the picture out and handed it to her. Explain this then

Diana: where'd you get this

Trevor: oh so you were cheating on me.

Diana: it's not like that. I went over to his house to talk to him about leaving me and you alone and he kissed me and I tried to push him off and it didn't work so I kneed him.

Trevor: somehow I don't believe you

Diana: if you don't believe me call him. She said handing me her phone.

I called him for about five times then he picked up.

Chris: hey

Trevor: don't hey boy

Chris: who is this

Trevor: why are you all kissed up on my girl

Chris: oh look it's fuck boy. She was the one who kissed me.

I took the phone from my ears and put it on speaker.

Chris: she came over to ask how I was and Chloe so yeah. Before you come at me check her.

Diana: what do you mean. Check me nigga you kissed me

Trevor: I'm confused who came on to who

Diana: he did

Chris: no it was you

Trevor: okay you know what. Diana I'm leaving get this shit straight and when I get an answer call me otherwise don't. I said leaving

Diana: Trevor come back..... She called after me while I walked to my car.

Trevor: bye Diana

Diana: he came on to me and that's the truth.

That's all I heard she say before I drove off and left her crying. This is what you get for falling in love I guess.

love lies and betrayal sequel to my step brother chrisWhere stories live. Discover now