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1 month later

Diana's  ( pov )

Diana: Boys !! It's time to go you're gonna be late for school.

They came running around the corner in their uniform dragging their bags on the ground.

Diana: Come on you guys, let's go I'll take you out for ice cream later.

They jumped up and began to smile running outside to the car. I shook my head at them and grabbed my keys and took them to school.


Cassandra: Girl you won't believe who I seen

Diana: * stares at her *

Cassandra: Chris and some chick, she's hot as hell

Diana: Okay

Cassandra: You don't care ?

Diana: * rolls eyes *  I really don't cassie, he's not my problem anymore and I'm only tolerating him for the boys.

Cassandra: okayyy....

I'm not worried about Chris he can be with who he wants to plus, I'm no one important to him so let him be him.

My buzzer went off alerting me that I had a patient to tend to. I placed my phone in my pocket and went to room 251.


I just spent the past half an hour dealing with this mother who had 6 children and all of them had to get their hpv shot and they were all afraid of needles.

Cassandra: Hey love, Chris at the front desk for you.

I walked to the front office a little bit annoyed with the fact of seeing his face. When I got there he had this smile plastered over his face and this really pretty girl wrapping her hands around his waist.

Diana: what's up Chris ?

Chris: hey, umm Miracle wanted to meet you

I straight faced him. He really didn't come to my job just to show me his damn girlfriend.

Diana: oh ?

Miracle: Hi, it's nice to meet you * puts her hand out *

I stated at her hand then back to her face.

Miracle: oh, I'm also sorry for the way how I acted towards you on the phone, I was just making sure that he wasn't cheating on me

Diana: I do not care

Chris: what's wrong with you D ?

Diana: Look can we all have this conversation some other time because I'm pretty sure that she could've met me on the weekend when I'm not working.

Miracle: * mumbles * she need to lose that damn attitude

Diana: and you need to get out of my face

I rolled my eyes and turned on my heels and went to go and eat some lunch because I suddenly became hungry.

love lies and betrayal sequel to my step brother chrisWhere stories live. Discover now