Sorry but not Sorry

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Chris's ( pov )

How could she just move on like that. I still love her yet still she wanna do that. She got a next thing coming. I went over to her house and asked her raising my voice everytime she asked " what " next I know was that I kissed her with all the anger I had in me. I pushed her on the couch and crawled on top of her. I slid my hand up her shirt and she punched me in my face and I fell to the ground.

The hell

Chris: why would you do that??

Diana: I have a boyfriend you idiot

Chris: I don't care about your boyfriend I want you

Diana: you didn't think about that when you cheated on me with my best fucking friend. But I guess one girl isn't enough for the player.

Chris: you are so hardheaded

Diana: and so are you. How many times am i gonna tell you that I don't want you. Bye

Chris: you don't love me ???

Diana: no i don't I hate you

Well that hurts

I got up and left her house. I couldn't stay there anymore because I knew that I did her wrong. I'm sorry Diana I really am i said going home to Carly. ( smh )

Diana's ( pov )

Is he stupid or something? He must me on medication or some shit because he's crazy. Why would I love him when he did me wrong. God can't he listen or Carly is too busy having sex with him to actually clean his ear for him. I took a long hot shower and laid in bed. I looked at my phone that was on the nightstand and it had 4 missed calls and 25 messages. I unlocked it and it was Trevor. A smile spread across my face because I know that he really cares about me. He calls me one more time and I answered.

* phone convo *

Trevor: are you okay? Or were you sleeping?

Diana: no I left my phone in the bedroom

Trevor: oh ok. I was very worried

Diana: I'm fine papi

Trevor: okay, so what time do you want me to pick you up Friday

Diana: 8:30

Trevor: 8:30? So early

Diana: yes because that's when they said reservations were available.

Trevor: oh ok.

Diana: I'll talk to you later

Trevor: goodnight baby

Diana: good night

* phone convo ends *

I put my phone to charge and lay back in the bed and fell asleep.

I woke up and get dressed today I wasn't going anywhere. Just wanted hang with ma boys. I made some breakfast and they came running down the stairs.

Diana: one day you guys are gonna fall down the stairs

Luke: no we know how to run down the stairs

Lucas: yes mommy we are the boss of stairs

Diana: * laughs * okay honey waffles

We ate and then Chris came knocking at the door

Chris: did you really mean it

Diana: yes

Chris: really after all I did for you. You're gonna do this to me?

Diana: boys GO upstairs

They ran upstairs.

Diana: yes after all you did to me I'm gonna do this to you. You are so ungrateful can't believe someone could love you the way I did

Chris: don't you ever say that again

Diana: or else what

He grabbed my neck and pushed my up against the wall

Chris: I'm gonna beat your ass the way I did. He said tightening his grip

Diana: * cough * you couldn't do it if you tried * cough*

He slapped me in my face and I spit in his. There is no way that you are gonna beat me I'm tired of it.

He let me go and I fell to the ground. I went to the kitchen and got a knife.

Chris: * chuckles * you know that you love me. Now put the knife down

Diana: come any closer and I'll stab you.

He came closer and grabbed the knife and we fought with the knife and I sliced him in his face. He fell back and I dropped the knife. He came charging towards me and he pushed me into the wall.

Chris: you dirty bitch I'm gonna kill u

Diana: * laughs* your an idiot Chris. How many times am i gonna tell you that my love for you had died. You lead me on and pretended to love me when you didn't.

Chris: I'm sorry. He said calming down

Diana: no I'm sorry I came Into your life. I said walking to the door and opening it so that he could leave

Chris: I really am. He said walking out.

I went to the boys room and they were crying.

Diana: oh boys it's gonna be okay everything is going to be okay. Sorry that you guys had to witness that.

They ran into my arms and cried. I brought them downstairs and sat in the couch and watched finding nemo. Someone knocked on the door. I got up to answer it and it was Trevor.

Trevor: what happened

Diana: nothing why

Trevor: something happened Diana. Now tell me what happened

Diana: * sigh * I just got into a fight with Chris

Trevor: your ex Fiance. What was he doing here?

Diana: he came to ask me if I hated him and I said yes and he started yelling and I yelled he hit me so we began fighting. I just started crying

He pulled me into a tight hug and wiped away my tears and gently kissed me. I kissed him back and pulled away.

Trevor: can I come in?

I moved away so that he could come in. He came in and sat by the boys.

Lucas: where is Paige

Trevor: she's with her grandma

Luke: where do you work

Trevor: I work at a veterinarian clinic

Lucas: whats a vetnarin?

Trevor: * laughs * a veterinarian is a special doctor for animals.

The twins face lit up and they began asking a bunch of questions. Trevor spent 2 hours over and then he left. Let's say I had had rough day.

Authors ( pov )

@lavenderManlove here you go

love lies and betrayal sequel to my step brother chrisWhere stories live. Discover now